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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. @ethan9482 sorry, actually this is a unraid forum and no qnap, syn forum, may leave a note at my github, but i have to say, i cant test nordvpn and not really interested in nordvpn, so cant tell if i can help, may rather look at ovpn forums with nordvpn if there are any specials needed in your ovpn config or any other specials, if you find something let me know and i take a look to implement it.
  2. those are the 2 majors for alot of services ...
  3. there are alot of proxies which needs modificated proxy settings, and as proxymanager uses just default not all is working ... i can say using letsencrypt all is working as it should.
  4. may really take a look at client, when u playback on this tv, does it still direct play or does plex transcode ? as soon transcode is involved hdr will be ... try some settings on your tv plex client, like allow/force direct play etc etc ...
  5. may before this is getting offending due missunderstandings .... and im not interested in stuff like this. last try, what is your "exact" dockername ? as described before ... even CaSe SeNsItIvE ... your respond is "docker not found", so my guess is yours is may called Avidemux or whatever ... so may give it a try with your personal dockername of avidemux ... about a script, i never said u have to add a script inside a docker, but BEFORE you start with a script u should test, and the easiest way would be directly in the shell from the docker, simple as this, click on the docker and then hit console then u are "inside" the docker and can simple use avidemux3_cli directly ... without docker exec .... if you dont know these things and differences u may rather start with basic tutorials here how to use docker commands, then you will see what i meant, as i dont know what your knowledge is etc ... its not a nice move to "lol" and point to things i didnt even mention. and basically u are asking for avidemux functions, not about if this docker itself works or not (what this forum is about), that was my point why i mentioned this is not a avidemux forum, also not a avidemux subforum and may the author will say at some point this is not his app, he made the docker around it, just to clarify ... and i tried to point you directions how u can achieve what u want, but also here, i always said its a sample how a script could use avidemux todo what u want, but its not YOUR script for YOUR usecase, was just trying to help. just copy/paste my command without understanding will sure lead in "no success" as we have different enviroments (pathes, etc ...) and diff usecases. long story short, check what i mentioned, read the manuals ... and its pretty easy to get what you want by simply drop your files into your folder and run all auto or do it as 1 time job manually by exec some script ... if you need help with a script, there are subforums here and im sure u get help therefore there. but also again, 1st i would try testing some avis from you manually if the result is what u want (remux and working). either in the end by docker exec <YOURDOCKERNAMEHERE> avidemux3_cli --load /YOUR/MOUNTED/PATH/yourfile.avi ............. --quit (and that would also be your user scripts script in the end ...) or inside the shell as described above cd /YOUR/MOUNTED/PATH/ avidemux3_cli --load ............. --quit
  6. ok, as you are running this command from the unraid shell and not inside the docker ... may start like this Linux 4.19.107-Unraid. Last login: Fri May 1 05:58:58 +0200 2020 on /dev/pts/3. root@AlsServer:~# docker exec avidemux avidemux3_cli --help ... .. . Command line possible arguments : --append, append video (one arg ) --audio-codec, set audio codec (copy|Lame|FDK_AAC|LavAC3|Opus|TwoLame|...) (one arg ) --avisynth-port, set avsproxy port accordingly (one arg ) --help, print this ( no arg ) --info, show information about loaded video and audio streams ( no arg ) --list-audio-languages, list all available audio langues ( no arg ) --load, load video or workbench (one arg ) --nogui, Run in silent mode ( no arg ) --output-format, set output format (MKV|MP4|ffTS|ffPS|AVI|RAW|...) (one arg ) --quit, exit avidemux ( no arg ) --slave, run as slave, master is on port arg (one arg ) --run, load and run a script (one arg ) --save, save video (one arg ) --save-jpg, save a jpeg (one arg ) --save-raw-audio, save audio as-is (one arg ) --save-uncompressed-audio, save uncompressed audio (one arg ) --set-audio-language, Set language of an active audio track {track_index} {language_short_name} (two args ) --var, set var (--var myvar=3) (one arg ) --video-codec, set video codec (Copy|x264|x265|xvid4|ffMpeg2|ffNvEnc|...) (one arg ) ********** Automation ended*********** ********************************* ********************************* End of program.. ********************************* ********************************* [save] 04:19:13-984 Saving prefs to /root/.avidemux6/config3.tmp [destroy] 04:19:13-984 Destroying preview [deleteAll] 04:19:13-984 [Editor] Deleting all videos [deleteAll] 04:19:13-984 [Editor] Deleting all videos Normal exit [uninstallSigHandler] 04:19:13-984 Removing signal handler [abortExitHandler] 04:19:13-984 already done, nothing to do 06:19:13 Call terminate!!! root@AlsServer:~# while avidemux is the dockername in docker exec <dockername> ... exact dockername case sensitive .... but to make it short, this is no avidemux help forum, this is the docker help forum from @Djoss, and may start with some basics to read how to either use docker exec (exec a app inside docker) or for testing manually use the console inside docker. Also, this was just a test sample for 1 file from cli, not to run through your folders and remux all ...
  7. ok, took a look at handbrake and also couldnt find a remux option .. weird but ok here a sample from cli to simple remux a file /storage/GAMES/Test # avidemux3_cli --load drop.avi --nogui --audio-codec copy --video-codec copy --output-format MKV --save drop.m kv --quit --load loads the file --nogui ... --audio/video-codec copy ... we dont want to transcode, just remux --output-format mkv ... if thats what u want --save --- new filename here
  8. when i followed u correctly, you are using handbrake usually which offers a GUI batch handling, why dont u stay at handbrake and remux there ? and my "code" was just a sample from a script how u could handle schedules processing and trigger batch processing automatically when files are lying in a "watch" folder unused ... also inotify is a option therefore, but u should 1st try the cmd from cli to see what u get, then u can reverse write the lines u need for processing automatically. the sample u see, is just looking in a folder, when it founds a .ts file and the file is unused (record finished) ir will get processed by avidemux to read. as soon the proper idx2 file is there it wont read it again, and leaves other files untouched ... that is triggered by scripts and scheduled tasks. u have a different workflow, u just want all files in a folder processed (remux from avi to mkv), that was the basic command sample i posted to batch ... 1st u have to look how the remux command would be etc ... i d simple test it by following the avidemux readme, im pretty sure its not that huge effort, u just should put in a routine like me if the files are processed (your ....mkv is there) that it doesnt proceed again.
  9. when i open a .ts stream, avidemux reads the file and creates a idx2 file to work with ... now, when i open avidemux to make my comcuts, its immediately here, so i dont have to wait ... takes only a few seconds, but what is done is done ... sample from my script which u could adjust ... runs as schedules task here every few minutes, u would have to add some lines for your usage of course, depends now what u exactly want todo ... and if it works like u want. this will only open the file and read it, not remux it as i need to edit them first #!/bin/bash startpath="/mnt/cache/Media/" ### main place where to look for searchpattern="*.ts" ### what type of files to look for extradelpattern=".idx2" ### extra delete type - sample, avidemux file cd $startpath find . -mindepth 2 -iname $searchpattern|sed "s|^\./||"|while read fname; do echo "$fname" sourcefile=$(basename "$fname") extrafile="$sourcefile$extradelpattern" filepath=$(dirname "$fname") cd "$startpath/$filepath" if ! [ -n "$(lsof "$sourcefile")" ]; then if ! [ -f "$extrafile" ]; then docker exec avidemux /usr/bin/avidemux3_cli --load /storage/"$fname" --quit > /dev/null echo "$sourcefile loading in avidemux ..." else echo "$extrafile already there..." fi else echo "$sourcefile in use ..." fi done
  10. actually i dont use batch processing to convert, only to "prepare" (create idx2 files ... in script from cmd line so i thought it should be easy as ... https://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php?id=tutorial:batch_processing
  11. may also take a look at avidemux i use it to remux my records after com cutting, from .ts to mkv, but should also work from avi to mkv ...
  12. meanwhile there is a nice option ... since 683 when i remember ...
  13. may a question, as im also using avidemux to cut my coms .... and its working perfectly. do i see it correct that u want to have also audio while playing back in avidemux ? cause i cut only by view when u try to get audio working, i guess this is not supported in the docker due there is no sound device ... afaik, and not supported by unraid due there are no drivers installed.
  14. i guess not too many, otherwise u would see alot more posts about it did u checked at your server if there are errors etc popping up ?
  15. u may should move to a different topic as this is not tvheadend related, fast link note, take a look which app is connecting to your iptv provider, your proxy (when i remember it uses ffmpeg, so it may connecting by itself) or really tvheadend is connected to your iptv provider.
  16. may take a look at extra parameters --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device /dev/net/tun --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 if this is there ...
  17. u have to look at the builds provided by this plugin, like u did now ... u where on unraid 683, u went now to 682 (dvb build), when there is a libreelec 680rc7 u can give it a try, but remember, then your server is on 680rc7 ... this plugin replaces the complete unraid build.
  18. @blu3wh0 thanks, i readed up a little in this links, i see now what u mean, the java-openjfx missing ... may worth a try, in filebot console apk add java-openjfx if that solves the command u run ... i cant replicate cause it seems my amc doesnt require this, or leave a note what u do to reproduce this error.
  19. @blu3wh0 actually idk what u mean, as u see in my script i use the jdk8 version which is working fine here, or is there a feature u need which is only available with latest jdk enviroment ?
  20. read some pages backwards, i was in the same trap but got it solved and posted a config picture with working move instead copy/del as move.
  21. i hope its fine to post this @Djoss here a script, adjust pathes ... will update the existing one to 491 for now until he finds time to update ... i guess he also wants to jump to new recommended jdk or run it manually from unraid shell, just replace variables and use real full pathes then . #!/bin/bash fbappdatapath="/mnt/user/appdata/FileBot" fbappdatasubpath=""/beta fbdockername="filebot" ########## ##### mkdir $fbappdatapath$fbappdatasubpath cd $fbappdatapath$fbappdatasubpath curl https://get.filebot.net/filebot/FileBot_4.9.1/FileBot_4.9.1-portable-jdk8.tar.xz --output FileBot_4.9.1-portable-jdk8.tar.xz tar -xvf FileBot_4.9.1-portable-jdk8.tar.xz sleep 1 docker exec $fbdockername cp -Rv /config"$fbappdatasubpath"/jar /opt/filebot/ sleep 2 docker restart $fbdockername exit it will not survive a docker run command, so when u change anything in configuration u need to redo, just as note ...
  22. the name of your disk is Samsung.... do a ls -la /mnt/disks/ ... there u see the name and path u need sample here root@AlsServer:~# ls -l /mnt/disks/ total 0 drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody users 0 Jan 25 23:16 drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody users 0 Feb 11 07:58 drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody users 0 Jan 22 14:52 drwxrwxrwx 10 nobody users 121 Mar 25 10:38 Samsung_SSD_950_PRO_512GB_S2GMNCAGB16552X/ drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody users 0 Apr 18 07:40 VUULTIMO4K_HARDDISK/ drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody users 0 Mar 22 22:29 VUULTIMO4K_ROOTFS/ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 18 23:00 _dropbox/ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 18 23:00 _freenet/ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 18 23:00 _gdrive/ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 18 23:00 _mega/ drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 18 23:00 _onedrive/ root@AlsServer:~#
  23. all the pathes are stored in the templates on your flash, so no, nothing todo extra ... just first restore appdata, then install dockers and also backup the rest from cache, vm's, ...
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