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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. may as tip as im in the same boat, i was testing around and in the end im using anydesk for this use case, pretty decent performance and copy, paste ... working. also chrome remote desktop is working behind checkpoint. sadly rdp or native vnc aint ... without IT support to open access.
  2. out of fun now i deleted all my dockers, also checked i have no orphaned docker images left ... this is my docker tap in advanced mode (show orphan images) its completely empty as expected, now i waited a while so docker size can update ... now, in docker tab checking container size as expected, now checking unraid, still says 30 % filled ... now taking a look at docker settings whatever these used 6.5 GB are ... they dont come from the dockers or pathes ... are there always kept "leftovers" when doing something new ... ? idk but like this its hard to understand if there is may something wrong or not ... scrub, prune, etc ... wont free up the space, so i ll redo my docker image now to get a "real" result in my terms, but this is what i wanted to point at, there is sometimes something wrong in the docker image which ends in wrong results or "costing" time due searching for docker setup errors.
  3. thanks alot, ok, i ll leave it running now a little due i just checked, my 1st cache drive is the same, so i d need to backup both, reformat, copy back.
  4. Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 476.96 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors Disk model: Samsung SSD 950 PRO 512GB Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes Disklabel type: dos Disk identifier: 0x7aff88bb Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type /dev/nvme0n1p1 64 1000215215 1000215152 477G 83 Linux Command (m for help): so, this is my current 2nd cache pool device i use, like u described its not the 1mb allignment so your suggestion would be, backup, format, copy back ?
  5. may a question, is there a way to check if the disks are already formatted in this way ? i switched now a nvme drive (VM's) to a 2nd cache pool drive, just assigned new pool, assigned the disk. now, all files keep there (no formatting question), all VM's working fine after adjusting new path to vdisk. so either i missunderstood (older formatted disks are not compatible with beta .25 and up) or my disks where already properly formatted ?
  6. Hi, seems i have a issue now when trying to move my VM's from UAD to a 2nd cache pool. my libvrt service fails to start after shutting down the VM system and trying to restart it. made a reboot now with the same result. any chance to "repair" or only solution, wipe the img file and redo VM's with existing vdisks and hope i match the settings ### EDIT, sorry, my fault, just saw i made a wrong path for default VM's ... logs and diags attached
  7. thanks true, wrong form, question should have been sata or pcie mode m2, but as @dlandon mentioned it doesnt matter.
  8. well, saying 4k does look about the same as 1080, 720 or even 480 ... and i also have old eyes its a mix of resolution AND bitrate, multi pass is also a better way to encode a video ... also u can play with vbr settings instead cbr. and also, your TV should be setup properly, most TV's i look at are at default settings with all kinda crap picture enhancements turned on, then yes, the difference aint big .. due wrong settings on TV. a good 1080p quality on a good setted up TV with a decent upscaler will almost look equal to 4k. But, encoding will always be a quality loss compared to the original ...
  9. hi, seems i have also some glitch with UAD since beta .25, logs are in that post attached, may it helps. everything running fine as note.
  10. g morning, after updating to .25 following in the buttom line Array Started•Warning: file_get_contents(/sys/block/ROOTFS/queue/rotational): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 635 all looking good (also UAD), just this error line came up logs attached alsserver-syslog-20200713-0429.zipalsserver-diagnostics-20200713-0631.zip
  11. @Energen thanks for the reply, about mappings im pretty confident was just a sample what could go wrong, just still wonder why there is such a difference ... due like this the container size value is pretty useless and senseless. i ll take a look deeper howto clear things up, thanks anyway
  12. Hi, lately i struggle a little with size of docker image some time ago i raised the size to 25 gigs to make sure im fine, but lately i pretty often see the size grows (warning 75 % utilization) and shrinks again, so my best bet is plex is the issue due its pretty sure then happening when a remote stream is playing and transcode is in progress. but what wonders me when i want to look where the issue is, when i check container size from docker tab i get as sample this result which shows me now 10.4 gigs in use, so i wonder why 10.4 GB from 25 should result in 71 % so to "search" for a error here (like wrong path etc) ... makes it a little complicated in my terms ... even in addition (Container + writeable) doesnt fit ... so, question is, to simple debug docker size, is there a alternative, better way ? or really still best bet to uninstall/reinstall docker by docker to see where it changes ? for any tipps, thanks ahead.
  13. thanks for the info, then a full copy and move is mandatory anyway, just so i plan time.
  14. after some days of testing i consider moving my UAD nvme drive where my vm's are located to setup as 2nd cache pool for VM usage. my question is out of interest about timeline, i ll backup my VM vdisks to array, as my UAD drive is already xfs formatted, will it be wiped out when i assign it as cache and i have to copy over my vdisks back or will the data keep there and i just rewrite my pathes in the VM xml's ? its just about time effort todo the move, for a note thanks ahead. and the cache will be a single drive "pool", so xfs should be fine when i read correctly.
  15. i assume now u are using plex as server ? if so, chromecast is a critical device and roku is also not really the best client afaik watching in chrome is always a transcode, so plex ? will transcode this stream then and when plex uses gpu utilization thats what u see. chromecast needs also a transcode, i would look in plex forums to get help with this device, same with roku ...
  16. i think u missunderstand something about buffering or no buffering and remuxing / transcoding. xteve does not transcode at all, without buffer it just parses a link to the client (i.e. plex server) which does the transcode if needed. with buffer ON (either xteve, ffmpeg, vlc) the stream is remuxed only to a standard .ts stream, no transcode in progress ... this remuxed stream is then parsed to the client (i.e. plex server) which does the transcode if needed. so, the transcode process if needed is done in your media server (plex, emby, ...) and not in xteve, which would be senseless anyway. in terms you want to achive a different approach by manually editing the ffmpeg or vlc command in xteve to transcode, then u could win something with a nvidia build ... but only then, and this is not supported in the current builds. sample usage would be to use vlc external connected to xteve and you want to transcode for bandwith lowering, but this is not supported with this docker. when using at home only, then u should look for direct stream anyway for best quality and 0 transcodings.
  17. @DaButterGamer this is probably what you looking for
  18. update xteve_zap, in case someone tried xteve_zap already, there was a failure in extras and needed a cronjob.sh mod. to updae, rename cronjob.sh like cron.backup, redownload xteve_zap, setup new cronjob.sh for zap extras.
  19. too bad, also may check this in your unraid ssh connection settings in guac
  20. works fine here in chrome, did u gave the rights when browser asked for ? 1st time connect ...
  21. @GigaGrim may take a look at your formats, there u sepcify how the output should be. and as note afaik, watch and output cant be the same folder, may ask in filebot forums if there is a way todo so or check filebot discord channel, author is active and helpful as note.
  22. @gtroyp like described, docker(s) = also multiply dockers can use 1 gpu simultan.
  23. RDP in browser and behind reverse proxy is just nice as it works everywhere ... without talking to IT why i need port x or y etc ... thats why i prefer guacamole meanwhile over all others, specially RDP due resizing is just insane good and a winner.
  24. @Taddeusz thanks alot, first impressions looking good, and i also prefer the server/frontend in 1 docker it was just a fast test from me due i wanted to know if this finally is solving my remoteapp issue, back to this one now.
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