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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. may again a general question, after playing around and asking here, its only to control via hdd temps, ok. Now, when i disabled now all fan controls in the plugin and uninstalled it, possible that the fans are still runing in the last state this plugin had ? and not using the default bios values ... Do i need to reboot the server to drop it for real ? or may missed something ?
  2. if the UAD devices are not in the dropdown list to exclude prolly not
  3. @Maginos Cont errors are pretty sure bad signal on this mux may try to scan again and cross test other channels on the same network, just to be sure its only this one channel ...
  4. both work, unraid buildin vnc and this docker is working on current rc release. if you have issues with your unraid vnc may open something in bug reports so you get help therefore. if you stuck in apple logo may try again from scratch by wiping all (also appdata) and follow the video, works nice besides the download issue for the wrong image (catalina, big sur)
  5. @b3rs3rk looking all good here the IMC Bus is always active as note, with or without transcodes, but also in igpu top .. so plugin works asexpected and i guess its normal for permanent activity
  6. appdata folder, remove file or edit it (remove entries), restart docker, sure thre is a trigger to force a rename again, just dont know it now, but filebot has a active dev who is helpful (forum, discord, ...)
  7. here from another one, i5 10600 ~# timeout -k .500 .400 intel_gpu_top -J -s 250 { "period": { "duration": 0.002041, "unit": "ms" }, "frequency": { "requested": 0.000000, "actual": 0.000000, "unit": "MHz" }, "interrupts": { "count": 0.000000, "unit": "irq/s" }, "rc6": { "value": 90.641842, "unit": "%" }, "power": { "value": 0.000000, "unit": "W" }, "imc-bandwidth": { "reads": 1943.794785, "writes": 0.000000, "unit": "MiB/s" }, "engines": { "Render/3D/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Blitter/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Video/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "VideoEnhance/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" } } }, { "period": { "duration": 250.121355, "unit": "ms" }, "frequency": { "requested": 0.000000, "actual": 0.000000, "unit": "MHz" }, "interrupts": { "count": 0.000000, "unit": "irq/s" }, "rc6": { "value": 100.000000, "unit": "%" }, "power": { "value": 0.000000, "unit": "W" }, "imc-bandwidth": { "reads": 1865.401382, "writes": 134.832255, "unit": "MiB/s" }, "engines": { "Render/3D/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Blitter/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "Video/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" }, "VideoEnhance/0": { "busy": 0.000000, "sema": 0.000000, "wait": 0.000000, "unit": "%" } } the one from a 9900 (my cpu without "k") is in my post from yesterday.
  8. a quick runthrough, all looking ok, but was only a quick check, thanks
  9. forget it, my fault, didnt save settings vendor intel ... sorry
  10. @b3rs3rk little review intel_igpu_top dashboard output from your cmd attached thanks for looking into it output.txt
  11. by default your config should lead all to https ... check your default conf file head server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name _; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }
  12. @hugenbdd plugin: updating: ca.mover.tuning.plg plugin: updating: ca.mover.tuning.plg Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting '-' or identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in Standard input code on line 11 plugin: run failed: /usr/bin/php retval: 255 when updating
  13. @spl147 thanks for the info about hdd temps only, and they are already adjusted in bios, no need for a splitter here due i can adjust them all seperate anyway, would be just nice to take control while running without rebooting to bios etc etc.
  14. may a question about the system fan plugin, after getting the fans to be recognized and adjustable question is do i see this right that the automatic control is only triggered for hdd temps ? my usecase is to control my fans due cpu temp but either i miss something ot its a hdd temp control base only ? for any tipps, thanks ahead
  15. you may should consider the art you ask for help, starting with help NOW ... we are here mostly for fun and a helping each other as users ... about your logs - click on the docker symbol, click LOG ... a window appear with the current running docker logs - about nextcloud nginx logs, take a look at your appdata folder, log, nginx ... these are startpoints where to look, as nextcloud usually is running behind a reverse proxy, thats why there was the question about the reverse proxy logs, but you should find them yourself, and thats about it from me to help with this kinda attitude.
  16. @steve1977 just install vodooHDA, no kext, no opencore needed, reboot and audio was here, but i tested only on HS due nvidia GPU.
  17. not a bug but may a general question about the SMART actions lately i wonder a little why there are these smart actions without activity ... and how long it takes to spindown .... as sample ... Dec 30 05:54:24 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdb Dec 30 05:54:42 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdd Dec 30 05:54:54 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdc Dec 30 08:23:59 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdc Dec 30 23:00:49 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdd <<- here i really had access to a file for 30 minutes --- spindown 7 hours later ... manually triggered by me today morning .... Dec 31 05:51:23 AlsServer emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdd --- now again spinup and still running while there should be no activity ... Dec 31 07:37:20 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdc Dec 31 07:37:35 AlsServer emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdb when i spin them down its all good until the next SMART Trigger coming ... is this meanwhile by purpose ? i know we need access to the drive to get SMART values, but extra spinning up the disks only therefore ? cant be done while the disk is active anyway ? when the disk would be really active due activity, lets say plex is accessing the file due playback, then triggering the spindown wont help as its immediately up again as plex needs the access, thats why i wonder why a manual spindown is always fine when i see no activity and the auto spindown sometimes just doesnt come, even better would be to avoid these spinups with no activity. i triggered now the diags in case of interest, and this also spinups the discs also due SMART but i see its by demand ... save system variables. + SMART reports alsserver-diagnostics-20201231-0807.zip
  18. may post your layout how you want to move, from -> to ... in the end its simple, from docker point of view we need to stay on the same "mountpoint" to really move, so i suggested to use /storage (docker point of view) as /mnt/user then u have a input/output which bot start with /storage/.... so we are for the docker point of view in the same mountpoint. leave a note where you struggle and pretty sure someone will give you a suggestion, also to check yourself there where some hints from @Djoss which poinzed me in the right direction.
  19. @Maginos when i understand your post, since today u didnt installed any dvb pluginand so no modded kernel with the drivers, in this case, the card cant be recognized in tvheadend dockers yet. as for 683 the "old" dvb plugin is not working anymore, you either wait until 69 final or try the rc ones with dvb driver plugin and installing the dvb module, thats the 1st step to get a card in dockers to work. about picture fails, its worth a try, check cables, check solid sockets, last but not least the signal strength as mentioned from @ich777
  20. same here, just made a small video, i guess its the 3 second refresh for r/w activity Bildschirmaufnahme 2020-12-28 07:52:30.mp4
  21. personal experience, there is nothing really good compared to rdp windows when using mac remote, but thats my personal experience ... vnc, speed well ... but scaling, audio, ... teamviewer, ok .... anydesk, ok .... splashtop, never tested, give it a try, something similar to rdp would be really nice
  22. @Voss sorry, but this is here the wrong topic for sure and ... when u setup seperate networks, vlans, whatever ... its hard to help from outside and im not a fan todo such things at home as its (personally) just complicating things and there is no (personal) benefit. simple port forwarding wont really help as its a broadcast from fritz u have to look for how to solve it, port 554 or 9983 are the satip server ports from tvheadend (as tvh can also serve satip, u see this when your network is fine and you run 2 tvh servers ... they will see each other as satip servers ...)..
  23. sadly same here, but all audio is working actually, volume adjust here by the monitor ... or in the players like kodi, embedded players, ... at least there is sound, if you find a better way, let us know, also would be happy to have it native incl. system volume control.
  24. great u found the bottleneck, now you just need to find a way through
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