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Everything posted by alturismo

  1. if you are properly behind a reverse proxy you should be using port 443 and not 1443 (thats the internal port for swag)
  2. @b3rs3rk may in case u get bored and do some sort of gpu stats plugin for the vm users, if they would run gpu-z in the background including logging, the idea may, tail the logfile for realtime data and put them to the dashboard just as idea little backdoor to the data needed for such a plugin.
  3. good, may as note, the writer of webgrab+ is also helpful, he is active in his forum in case you hang now with your setup
  4. may take another look at the page you posted above, its in the readme
  5. u should consider that this is really meant for 1 purpose, keep kodi's sync and have a updater kodi on a server without keeping a client awake, if you want todo so, setup a local kodi, setup media folders as network shares (pathes will be a hard time ...), etc etc ... and it works nice, but actually not really your usecase ... look for emby, plex, or even tiny media manager therefore just for watching your library ... like advised before here, easier for you now to hndle and even a better user experience for your case
  6. here a sample when emby stalls ... after 100 % fillrate in /tmp stream stops, cant continue, only stop and restart stream.
  7. emby falls back to /config/transcoding-temp .. plex yes, it will use /tmp
  8. after some tests also consider to test the apps how they behave when tmpfs gets full sample, plex has a management and is working in a 80 - 90 % windows when filling up emby on livetv filling to 100 % and stops/crashing the stream, only exit, restart works, wont continue even it tries to free up ... emby on local media also filled up to 100 % ... playback runs a little longer (due not a live stream) but also stalls after a while ... both emby tests with active throttle on transcode so, plex, good solution, emby, not (yet) prolly by emby design
  9. @ich777 in emby, ffmpeg transcode logs before and after restarting docker before -segment_list "/transcode/transcoding-temp/95499A.m3u8" after restarting docker -segment_list "/config/transcoding-temp/BDAC04.m3u8" of course the segmented files also come in there ...
  10. yes, but not really a solution when u need to run a script after docker run and restart, but im glad im not alone ... same goes for any docker like emby too it seems ... at least after tests here and i would say, this would also hit in when u just restart the server (which in the end restarts dockers too)
  11. yes, confirmed, as i use a script to fix hevc tone mapping for hw transcoding on plex which will end up restarting the docker, after a restart the permissions are messed ... chmod /transcode and its good again so it works when u dont restart the docker .... at least thats my current state and as plex also only needs a restart on updates its not the best choice (yet)
  12. i found the point more or less, i guess the restart (with existing /transcode) fails then to use it
  13. ok, well, here it falls back and writes then into /tmp/transcode inside docker which ends up in filling up docker image, nevermind, was just taking a look if it simply works (as i expected too) but fails here. ok, reverted and now it works ... dont ask me why
  14. may consider add :rw --mount type=tmpfs,destination=/transcoding:rw,tmpfs-size=4000000000 otherwise plex wont write into the mount (at least here ...)
  15. i updated few weeks ago my license and it worked like a charm, renamed the "old" one, placed the new one, restarted, done
  16. i guess this should rather be a point at emby's forum, did you asked there ?
  17. yep, da ich falsche docker config ausschließen konnte ... es war bei mir nach einem harten reboot, alles gestartet (VM's, Docker waren erreichbar, ...) aber auch kein https,ssh, smb mehr ... Lösung, wie du beschrieben hattest, docker service stop, dann wieder normaler zugriff ... Bei mir war etwas im plex docker abgeschossen hat sich heraus gestellt.
  18. dont bother with the wizard, your adapters are there so it looks all good when the tuners work.
  19. 2 posts upper yours, yes ... 1 gpu for docker(s), 1 gpu for each VM (so each vm needs its own gpu on passthrough and cant be assigned to dockers or another vm)
  20. i figured it meanwhile and rebooted, after trying with a sleep which ended up in a bad crash after wake, but i guess was too much sleep while running VM's and so on ...
  21. @Dimtar is iGPU hw transcoding still working for you ? if yes then may @ich777 rather can help why his plugin shouldnt work. if not, this plugin should also enable the hardware acc due the changes from 6.9 beta35 up, see here may take a look at your flash drive if the following exist for intel igpu like described in the changelog
  22. if the GPU is in use for a VM you cant "use" it in unraid OS or fetch data for gpustats, so i guess that wont happen.
  23. im using this feature since day 1 i believe and never had this issue, so nothing to report from me
  24. well, may try to play the scenario when you loose the settings and save the logs and open a report, as it doesnt seem to be a general issue (i maintain 4 servers with this option) and never had this and of course also sometime reboot (soft or hard) this hasnt been reported yet afaik.
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