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Everything posted by tjb_altf4

  1. Should be set to copy or link, move will break your torrents. If you want to move your finished downloads to a different directory, manage this in you torrent program (or in CP on downloader config IF not using blackhole method) and set the finished directory as the "From" "Folder where CP searches for movies." path in Renamer settings.
  2. What are you CHMOD settings under General in settings? Looks like permission errors to me.
  3. Artwork is not part of the mirror (unfortunately).
  4. Are you using zenstates option for unRAIDs boot loader? Sounds like a C6 sleep issue.
  5. "The researchers gave AMD less than 24 hours to look at the vulnerabilities and respond before publishing the report. Standard vulnerability disclosure calls for at least 90 days notice so companies have time to address flaws properly. Disclosing a vulnerability to the public without first giving a company enough time to fix it can be irresponsible, as it leaves the flaw open for attackers to exploit. Google's researchers gave Intel six months to fix issues related to Spectre and Meltdown." There may be merit to the finds, but they've lost some credibility there.
  6. Is anyone running a single card passthru setup also able to drop back to unRAID console once the VM shutdowns and releases the GPU? Curious if this is possible.
  7. It’s an issue with daapd, or at least the version currently available for this docker. Remote devices fetching album art while browsing are crashing the app. Detail in last couple of pages of this thread.
  8. Noticed today as I finished changing the mobo/chipset on my server, that there is a spot to enter drive warranty and purchased date info in SMART attribute area, thought this would be good for ease of record keeping and future reporting. (not sure if this is attached to device, or something handy unRAID has tacked on) However when it came to unassigned devices, these attributes seem to be shared across all UD devices. Although not by any means a high priority, it would be nice if this was simple/quick to resolve.
  9. Try TorrentPotato preset instead of customNZB if you are actually searching against a torrent site. My Radarr is setup this way, still used the jackett nzb link though FYI you should obscure your API key when posting on forums etc
  10. https://lime-technology.com/wp/unraid-by-country/ Not sure if these are live figures or not.
  11. Library itself can take time if it’s quite large, but once done, playback is very quick, same as connecting to any other iTunes library remotely.
  12. Check out Lidarr as an alternative, but it is still in early stages of development. I'm sticking with Headphones for now but running Lidarr on the side for testing.
  13. The computer discovery service has a dependency on SMB1 service, which is disabled. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bd0af6aa-51ec-477a-8c81-888a4e60bd94/master-browser-service-broken-after-creator-update?forum=win10itpronetworking From Windows support page: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4034314/smbv1-is-not-installed-windows-10-and-windows-server-version-1709 Probably explains why everything seems fine and then one day SMB stops working. In my case doing nothing accept adding my unraid server to the windows hosts file seems to have made Windows aware of the server and restoring full access.
  14. Reverted to latest build this afternoon, issues mentioned in my previous post have been resolved. Looking at github, the issue was resolved a few weeks ago
  15. It now needs the code to go first, otherwise still works, synced a new remote last weekend.
  16. I'd noticed in @gridrunner updated DelugeVPN video the template had changed a little (no STRICT_PORT_FORWARD option etc) compared to my install which I've had since February. Instead of guessing what had changed I cleaned house (but retained appdata) and reinstalled. PIA had updated its OpenVPN pack, so I updated that too. I was quite pleased to see the changes to the docker had boosted performance quite a bit (Up+Down) and seemed to be far better at connecting with peers. Thanks @binhex!
  17. +1 Seems to be an issue with the daapd read/writes to cache.db used for remote clients, though iTunes clients don't seem to be effected (doesn't use cache as a guess). Retune on android won't load the daapd library at all Having just paired a new remote/phone, the process has changed a little (not sure as of which build), pin/code now goes on first line FYI.
  18. My library has just over a 1000 artists with about 27K songs I'm also using a local Musicbrainz instance (docker) to keep speeds up, while my server has a decent amount of grunt, so the weakest link is my case is internet speed while fetching artist/album art.
  19. Check you're not running low on space in your cache drive, which would negatively affect performance. All those artist/album art files are cached in the appdata folder.
  20. Latest docker update seems to have resolved the issues, headphones is running pretty well now.
  21. My 2c, I wouldn't use HMA. They do store logs and they will send you infringement notices (speaking from experience), primarily when using US servers. I moved over from HMA to PIA over 5 years ago and never regretted the move.
  22. Apparently one of the CP devs has said a fix is coming, but I suspect its already too late for many... I got up and running fairly quickly with Radarr thanks to @gridrunner's helpful vid, just importing my sizable library is taking a while Lots of improvements over CP, yet to see any drawbacks, but not had any post-processing jobs yet (which CP did well).
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