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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please look at the README.md in my GitHub, I think ROUTE should fix it, it's really strange that it won't fix it in this scenario. Could it be possible that the IP from the VPN is blacklisted and that it doesn't work because of this?
  2. I think I'm not fully following but maybe you need to set up your local subnet in the container if you want outbound traffic to your local net:
  3. If possible please ask this question in the Photoprism Gitter or GitHub since this is a application specific question: https://app.gitter.im/#/room/#browseyourlife_community:gitter.im https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism/discussions
  4. No, because this is a message from SteamCMD and in that stage Icarus is not started yet. Go to: ...appdata/icarus/Icarus/Saved/Logs if this folder is empty the server won't even start and I assume it segfauls immediately when it tries to start which is a indication that your CPU is missing some kind of feature. It is the same as I think with V-Rising IIRC (but I'm really not sure if it was V-Rising), this game is only supported on newer CPUs because it needs some feature that CPUs from pre Skylake are missing. It could be, these old CPUs are missing a lot of extensions which are supported by newer CPUs. VMWare could also a limitation and I really can't tell if it's the issue here, as you can see from my previous post the container and the dedicated server is starting fine.
  5. This is caused because these are privileged containers, this is nothing to worry about in the default configuration btw. Unprivileged containers are on my to do list but this is something for way later...
  6. Sorry, but I can't reproduce this over here with a fresh installed container: What CPU are you using? I would strongly recommend that you upgrade to 6.12.4 btw... Please disable Privileged in the template immediately, this is a serious security risk! I really don't understand why everyone is so ruthless with this switch... This is really bad if it's enabled!
  7. As said, way out of my budget range. I think that not the card is the limiting factor here, even my i5-10600 is able to perform such tasks. Are you sure that the subtitles aren't the issue? Plex can't handle burned in subtitles well IIRC. I would recommend that you first head over to the Plex support thread and post what kind of media that you trying to transcode with all necessary information before you buy new hadware, the folks over there can most certainly help you, sorry but I'm not a Plex guy and this is more of an issue with Plex I think.
  8. They do get applied but htop inside the container is still able to see all the system resources but will not be able to use them: For example if you install something like stress and then stress the CPU, with more than two cores you will see that it only uses cores 0-1 on my system: I hope you see that I got two terminal windows, the window in the background is from the container where I started a stress test with 12 cores and the htop terminal window is also from within the container where you can see that only the first two cores are used (please ignore core 7 since it's doing most certainly something else). For RAM it is a bit more difficult to test but the limit is also applied. Hope that helps and makes sense.
  9. The second post in this thread is still up to date for the Nvidia driver. For Intel you just have to pass through the Device /dev/dri I would recommend that you ask this question for Intel again the Plex support thread, I really don‘t know if something isn‘t working but I don‘t think so. On my i5-10600 everything is working just fine with Emby and Jellyfin with Intel HW transcodig. This is a hit out of my price range… If you need lot of simultaneous transcodes this seems to be a good card but if you only have a maximum of 3 simultaneous transcodes look at a Nvidia T600 or even T1000 (if you only got one or two simultaneous transcodes a T400 will do the job also just fine).
  10. I will look into this ASAP (today or tomorrow). Do you already have a code snippet for me what needs to be changed? Please install the r8152 plugin, delete the files in /boot/config/plugins/r8152-driver/packages/6.1.49/ , place the two files that I've attached in there and reboot. r8152-20230714-6.1.49-Unraid-1.txz r8152-20230714-6.1.49-Unraid-1.txz.md5
  11. Please double check since the package will only work on this specific version.
  12. On what Unraid version are you, I'll compile a package for you to test, if everything is working maybe @jinlife is willing to include that device in his driver so that it is supported OOB.
  13. No. This line tells you that everything is alright.
  14. Yes, the sound.plugin is currently broken and I have not time currently to fix it. I will fix it but I can't give a timeframe on that...
  15. Sorry, my answer was not clear. You have to uninstall the sound-driver plugin, reboot and then reinstall radeon-top because it is causing issues currently, the plugin is not officially supported!
  16. Do you have the sound plugin installed? If yes, reboot and then try to install radeontop again.
  17. This is definitely strange, are you sure that there is nothing else wrong? Do you have any Diagnostics or better speaking a picture what message that it outputs?
  18. If this is the case then they are not available, correct. 😉 Do you need them? I had to recompile the drivers manually for this version and maybe forgot to upload them <- with that I mean that I definitely forgot it if they are not available. EDIT: The OpenSource driver is now available, please go again to the Nvidia Driver plugin page (if it doesn't list them yet, try again in about 15 minutes).
  19. This is well known and Nvidia breaks more an more cards with newer drivers and was discussed often times here. Sorry but I won't include that because I compile the driver packages as they are provided by Nvidia because I try to deliver the drivers as they are without any modifications. I don't know if you have seen it in the repository but only the legacy v470.xx drivers are supported and not the current drivers v5xx I'm also not entirely sure if this repository is still maintained because the last commit was about 9 months ago. Anyways, as said above, I won't include that modification because I deliver the drivers unmodified, hope that makes sense to you.
  20. Steck den Stick nochmal an und probier ob du evtl. nur den Ordner "config" nochmal runter kopieren kannst ohne Fehler. Parity tut dem nichts zur Sache wenn der Stick hinüber ist, welchen Stick verwendest du eigentlich, ich hoffe keinen USB3.0? Kauf dir evtl. so einen Stick: Klick (die sind super und halten ewig, du kannst ihn dir auch in kleiner kaufen aber ich würde mindesten 16GB empfehlen <- over provisioning). Wenn du dann den config Ordner gesichert hast bzw. von dem Inhalt den ich oben sehe dann lösche dort die Dateien: forcesync Trial.key (sind alte Dateien die du nicht mehr benötigst) Danach lädst du dir die neuste Version von Unraid hier: 6.12.4 (Source) Dann extrahierst du den Inhalt direkt in das Wurzelverzeichnis auf den neuen Stick (der mit FAT32 formatiert sein muss) der die Bezeichnung "UNRAID" haben muss und ersetzt alles vom config Ordner bzw. den config Ordner als ganzes am neuen Stick mit deiner Sicherung. Danach musst du noch rechte Maustaste auf "make_bootable.bat" auf dem Stick klicken und dort "Als Administrator ausführen" wählen (bitte beachte hier das nur der neue Stick an deinem PC sein darf) und dann folgst du den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm. Jetzt kannst du den Stick wieder am Server anschließen evtl. noch kurz ins BIOS gehen und sicherstellen das der neue Stick als erstes Bootmedium ausgewählt ist und dann sollte Unraid starten. Bitte beachte auch das dein Array dann nicht Automatisch startet weil deine Lizenz nicht mehr zu deinem neuen USB Stick passt, die Lizenz kannst du dann einfach erneuern rechts oben, folge dazu einfach den Anweisungen (sei dir bitte auch bewusst, die Lizenz kannst du nur einmal pro Jahr tauschen also besorge dir einen guten Stick bevor du das machst). Hinweis: Wenn du mit UEFI bootest dann musst du auf dem Stick den Ordnern "EFI-" in "EFI" umbenennen. Alternativ kannst du das auch alles mit dem USB Creator machen wobei du nach dem Erstellen des Sticks dann den config Ordner auf dem Stick ersetzen musst. Hoffe das hilft.
  21. Please double check in your BIOS that you've set your iGPU as the primary graphics adapter since most motherboards deactivate the iGPU when a dGPU is installed. For some motherboards you even have to connect a monitor or a HDMI dummy plug to the onboard graphics when a dGPU is installed. Keep in mind this has nothing to do with the GPU Statistics plugin or any other plugin, this is purely a hardware issue that you have to solve in your BIOS.
  22. A GT730 is only compatible with the legacy v470.xx drivers but besides that, did you solve your boot issue? Please next time use the support thread which is linked on the plugin page right at the Nvidia Driver.
  23. The gameserver thread, click on the Container icon and Support. Anyways, this is not a separated thread for FiveM and this seems to be an issue with your installation, as said above, I would strongly recommend that you post that error on the FiveM forums. txadmin is also running just fine and should not end itself automatically, this is the first time I hear that someone has such an issue.
  24. Wrong support thread. It seems that your database is corrupt or at least something is not working properly. I would recommend that you ask about that on the FiveM forums. It won't turn off on it's own usually, maybe this is related to your database error from above.
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