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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Without the Diagnostics I can't say anything. It is most likely the case that there is something else preventing the card from showing up. This is still the same driver...
  2. Please update the container itself and see if that fixes the issue.
  3. Thank you for the report, I will look into that and report back!
  4. What does the Plex transcoding log say, what variables habe you passed through in the Plex template? Did you do it like mentioned in the second post or did you use another variable, Extra Parameter?
  5. But this then seems more like a Plex issue than a driver issue. If the card is recognized on the plugin page it should be working. What input material are you trying to transcode? Do you use the Plex webclient to force a transcode, it is know that there is an issue and transcodig isn‘t working there. Also see this post and a few above:
  6. Can you be a bit more specific please? What do you mean with the home page title? Please post your Diagnostics.
  7. Because that is not the actual issue that you are facing here… What‘s most likely the case here is that the plugin couldn‘t communicate with GitHub for some reason (PiHole, AdGuard, Unifi switches, to many GitHub API requests,…) After the second reboot it seems that the driver was able to communicate with GitHub and the package was downloaded successful. Another reason could be that you didn‘t wait until the Plugin Update Helper wasn‘t finished and told you that it is safe now to reboot.
  8. Does it utilize any CPU or RAM if yes, how much? How long did you let it sit at this message? Is this a vanilla Forge installation?
  9. I will look into that, please give me a few days please.
  10. Yes, you can create a application password in Nextcloud and connect to it via WebDAV instead of Nextcloud in Enpass.
  11. This container was not designed to monitor other Docker containers.
  12. The Docker needs to answer ICMP requests so to speak simply try it without the port. No worries, didn‘t thought that it crashed.
  13. Did you set ICMP to a different port? This container only supports ICMP pings. I don't understand, what do you mean with that?
  14. Yes it is of course possible, but I would recommend that you wait a bit longer since the next RC release should be based on Kernel 6.3+ What are you trying to edit? That's not possible since the plugin downloads precompiled packages for every Unraid release. I see it the same way, but have you yet tried it, on Unraid nothing should harm your hardware.
  15. Hast du schon mal versucht testweise eine 2. VM aufzusetzen und dort zu testen ob du auch die gleichen Probleme hast? Was ist wenn du mal eine VM aufsetzt ohne eine durchgereichte GPU? Ruckelt dann auch alles?
  16. Seems to be correct. 896660 -beta public-test -betapassword "yesimadebackups" What does the log say? Did you enable valdiation in the template too? Was the dedicated server already installed on those servers?
  17. Aber genau hier liegt das Problem, wenn diese Meldung generiert wird dann wird eine Fehlerkorrektur vom Kernel ausgelöst und hier liegt das riesen Problem weil die Fehlerkorrektur sowieso vom PCIe Bus erledigt wird, das wiederum kann bei Geräten Probleme verursachen wie zB schlechte Performance, das Gerät fällt vom Bus usw. Meistens liegt es an der Firmware vom Motherboard und gewisser Hardwarekombinationen das dieser Fehler im Syslog auftaucht. Es geht hier nicht um den Fehler zu verstecken, dies ist wie gesagt eine valide Lösung für Beispielsweise TV Karten da die Karte dann nocht richtig funktioniert, das wird sich auch im Kernel nicht ändern.
  18. Wie ich dir schon mehrere male versucht habe zu erklären, das ist ein Bug im Kernel und tritt nur manchmal in Verbindung mit diversen Geräten auf. pci=noaer ist eine valide Lösung da diese Fehlermeldung das eigentliche Problem auslöst wo eingetlich keines ist.
  19. Sorry but I really can't help with mods, the dedicated server runs like it would do on bare metal. Are you sure that this isn't a client side only mod and that this server will work on a dedicated server? I would also recommend that you join @Spectral Force's Discord server for 7DtD help because he helps me out with it since I'm really not familiar with the game: https://discord.gg/VwwYA5h
  20. How long did you let the server run? It seems that it is still starting because of the high CPU usage, the first start from RUST can take very, very, very long (I think mine took about 10 minutes and remember this was after the download from the game finished). After the container or better speaking the server started something like that should show up (keep in mind I didn't forward the ports to the outside world, that's why you see the last message): As you can see the server shows up in the Steam Server browser just fine (even not forwarding the ports to the outside world) if you are adding it with YOURSERVERIP:28016 As for the CPU usage and has nothing to do with the container this it the dedicated RUST server, however that is pretty normal IIRC for RUST, on my i5-10600 it utilizes in idle almost 8% CPU.
  21. Yes. If you follow the instructions from the template you should be good to go. The manual way would be to stop the container, replace the old .jar file with the new one and finally start the container again. You can also set it to latest as mentioned, let it start and then set it back to custom again.
  22. Can you please test and try to disable VT-d in the BIOS, remove the i915.conf file (or move it to the root from your USB Boot device), reboot and see if that works? If not it's also fine but I'm very curious in your case if VT-d causes this.
  23. This card is supported, you can also check here: Click IIRC this card is also supported by the LibreELEC package but I would recommend that you use the TBS-OS package.
  24. Yes, but what game are we talking about? The message was always there at least that‘s the case for some games because this library isn‘t needed for dedicated servers.
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