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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please look at the first recommended post on top for more information.
  2. Don't get me wrong, but why can I host it on my Unraid machine and it is working just fine? I think there might be something wrong with your forwarding or the Hair Pin NAT. Have you yet tried to connect from outside your LAN if you can see the server? Again, I really can't tell what's going on but I really don't think that it has something to do with Unraid or the Container. This is most likely like in other cases a network issue of some kind. You can't compare that because it works very different than anything you've mentioned above since it connects through PlayFab and that can cause issues when Hair Pin NAT is not working properly. I can join the game just fine when using -crossplay even from my local network.
  3. I really can‘t help with -crossplay since I can‘t test it anywhere. I can set up a container as for others and you can test if you can connect to the crossplay container. Please be aware, if you are connecting from a Linux PC to a crossplay session it won‘t work from my experience.
  4. Did you reboot your server or was rhere anpower outage? Does you AdGuard container run on br0? If yes restart the Docker service one time.
  5. Please try to do two device mappings in the Handbrake and remove the old one template: /dev/dri/card1:/dev/dri/card0 /dev/dri/renderD129:/dev/dri/renderD128
  6. I've now tried it on my test server and it is working flawlessly (please ignore that no card is detected, I don't have one in that system currently): The Latest Versions indicator is empty because the latest Production/New Feature Branch and Open Source driver are simply not available for this old Unraid version because I stop compiling drivers for the previous version after a new Unraid version is released and start there fresh with the latest available Nvidia drivers for the current Unraid version. Hope that makes sense to you.
  7. Do you have a full screenshot? The static versions should be still there correct?
  8. No. Can you post diagnostics from that system? Do you have the exact error message? Does this user run a custom Kernel?
  9. I think it should be possible but I don't own the game and I've stopped creating containers that I don't personally own (supporting such containers is a nightmare).
  10. Please remove your Steam Account credentials, it has a reason why they are hidden in the "Show more..." section, the account credentials are only needed when they are not hidden away and marked with a red asterisk (*). If you enter the credentials like you did the server won't work most certainly, please do the following: Delete the container Delete the folder for DayZ that lives in your appdata directory Pull a fresh copy from the CA App and leave everything at default in the template Wait for it to download the game After the download finished open Steam Click on View -> Server Browser -> Favorites -> Add Server Enter your SERVERIP:27016 (of course replace SERVERIP with the IP from your server) and click on Add Click Refresh twice After you did that the server should show up, please keep in mind depending on your Internet connection the download on the first start from the game could take some time, you can check that by clicking the Container Icon on the Docker page and click Logs (note that you maybe don't see much at first and have to wait for a few minutes because the download only refreshes after a few minutes).
  11. Can you give me a bit more context on that? No matter what I try, even if my target is now offline for a day it still reconnects to it when it becomes available again.
  12. It seems like that the iGPU and the Nvidia GPU changed the order: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Mar 27 18:18 /sys/class/drm/card0/device/driver -> ../../../../bus/pci/drivers/nvidia lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Mar 27 18:16 /sys/class/drm/card1/device/driver -> ../../../bus/pci/drivers/i915 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Mar 27 18:18 /sys/class/drm/renderD128/device/driver -> ../../../../bus/pci/drivers/nvidia lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Mar 27 18:16 /sys/class/drm/renderD129/device/driver -> ../../../bus/pci/drivers/i915 How did you specify the device in the Handbrake Docker container?
  13. This mode is notorious to not work even if you change all the settings in the BIOS to the highest setting. This indicates that the above mentioned mode is not working and you can only use the next mode below.
  14. Did you change your game client to the beta branch? What is exactly not working, do you have at least a log or something like that?
  15. I don‘t think that anything else than the vanilla server will actually work to ensure crossplay is working. Have you yet tried to disable crossplay and connect to the server with a PC client and BepInEx installed and enabled? Please remember most mods are client side only and if you have some server mods installed the client needs them too or at least BepInEx installed. Please also keep in mind that modding is always up to the user and in general I can‘t give support for mods because I simply can‘t know how every mod is working.
  16. Please post your Diagnostics, without them I can't know what's going on.
  17. Oh, sorry now I get it... Steps four and five for the Docker container not the plugin, sorry for that... The Prometheus Docker container which is needed is simply the bridge between the Prometheus Node Exporter plugin and Grafana and has strictly speaking nothing to do with the plugin itself. Yes sure, I'll agree on that, but that's a thing that I can't change since this is not my Docker container, I often thought about removing these step including installing Grafana and only advice to install Grafan and Prometheus. These steps gave me some issues in the past because on some systems the Promehteus Docker continaer wouldn't work on some systems (which is out of my control). The plugin can't install a configuration file for a Docker container because first I don't like changing things which are not directly controlled by the plugin and second the plugin can't know where the configuration for your Prometheus Docker container is, there are simply too many variables (name, paths,...). Usually you don't have to restart the plugin itself because the config that you are changing is related to the Docker container not the plugin. Yes, it's actually exactly the same on my system but TBH, I've never noticed it because I've always ran it as a service: I've found already another report here on the forums but that's related to the Docker container: But please keep in mind that Unraid doesn't use the default md driver and instead it uses it's custom md driver for the Array. I think the issue is caused by that which is also mentioned in the bug report from the Docker container. Anyways, thank you for the report, I will look into that when I got a bit more spare time. For now you can, of course if you want to, disable the mdadm metrics entirely. Simply edit your "/boot/config/plugins/prometheus_node_exporter/settings.cfg" file so that it looks like this: start_parameters=--no-collector.mdadm Of course you have to restart your server because, as you've mentioned earlier, there is not restart function implemented in the plugin because this is more a niche use case to pass arguments to the plugin itself, however if you want to start it in the background as usual simply do that: echo "/usr/bin/prometheus_node_exporter --no-collector.mdadm" | at now of course you first have to kill the background exporter process first with something like that: kill $(pidof prometheus_node_exporter) or if you want to test the command first without starting it in the background: /usr/bin/prometheus_node_exporter --no-collector.mdadm Hope that helps for now!
  18. Why are you doing that by hand? What settings did you change? I installed the plugin and have no issue whatsoever and can connect to it just fine. The plugin is only meant to be installed and that's it. You can however run it with custom parameters but I think in your case something is wrong if you changed some settings, that's my best guess.
  19. Currently not because that‘s not how iSCSI should be used but I will take a look at it and report back to implent a Reconnect button. Please give me a few days.
  20. I will try that after the weekend and report back.
  21. ich777


    Bist du dir denn sicher das die auf ZFS basieren? Auf einem ZFS Pool müssen nicht alle Datasets zwingend ein ZFS filesystem sein, du kannst auch Subvolumes mit einem beliebigen Dateisystem machen. Ansonsten, wie schon oben geschrieben würde ich dir stärkstens empfehlen einen Issue auf GitHub auf zu machen von OpenZFS -> dort wird dir geholfen. EDIT: Außerdem, dir wird doch das Dataset /mnt/cache angezeigt, also alles was darunter ist, ist auch auf ZFS, dann sind eben deine Ordner Nextcloud usw kein eigenes Dataset, hier nochmal ein weiterführender Link zum lesen. EDIT2: Ist es evtl. möglich das du dich schon mit anderen tools gespielt hast wie ZFS Master usw? Normalerweise wird nur der Ursprüngliche mountpunkt angezeigt wenn du explizit keine Datasets erstellst.
  22. Have you yet tried to remove the Nvidia Driver plugin and see if you got crashes too without it installed (after removing, you have to reboot)? If you've done this already, I would strongly recommend that you are creating a post in the Gerneral Sub Forums here on the forums.
  23. Please check your BIOS. Are you sure that you've got Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR Support enabled in your BIOS?
  24. ich777


    Lies dir bitte mal durch was das überhaupt ist und macht: Klick Das listet dir alles auf und du hast nur einen Teil des listings oben gepostet, sicher das die nicht irgendwo dazwischen dabei sind und wenn du es so ausführst wie du dann listet es alles auf, nicht nur von einem ZFS Filesystem. Das ist kein klassisches `ls`, du spielst hier mit spezifischen ZFS Befehlen rum und du musst schon wirklich ein Expert sein wenn du alles verstehen willst weil ZFS wirklich kein einfaches Thema ist und wirklich umfangreich ist. Wenn du mit solchen Befehlen rum spielst dann lies dir vorher die Dokumentation dazu durch was es genau macht -> siehe Link oben. Wenn du wirklich ein Problem damit hast bzw. einen Bug gefunden hast und wirklich was nicht gelistet wird dann müstest du fast einen Issue im OpenZFS GitHub repository auf machen da ZFS auf Unraid eben darauf basiert.
  25. A little bit more information would be helpful. Where do you get that error? I can't reproduce that.
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