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Everything posted by ich777

  1. On what Unraid version are you? Please open up a console from the container and issue this command: rm -rf ${DATA_DIR}/SteamPrefill Restart the container and try to log in again. I've already contacted @tpill90 about that if he has yet seen such an error.
  2. Sieh dir mal diesen Post an: Du kannst auch die manuella Installationsmethode versuchen, die sollte immer funktionieren: Klick (bitte beachte das USB 2.0 Sticks empfholen werden) Sowas ist immer schwierig zu warten weil immer neue Hardware raus kommt und nicht immer alles verfügbar ist.
  3. Have you yet called: nvidia-smi from the terminal and tested if the values show up there? Keep in mind that if nvidia-smi doesn't show these values they won't display in the plugin either. nvidia-smi doesn't support showing all different values on all Nvidia cards and can get worse over time with newer driver versions and showing less values, but this is a common issue and nothing we can do about.
  4. This is something for the Jellyfin support thread if it is not working since this has nothing to do with the Intel GPU TOP Plugin. Make sure that you configure the iGPU also in Jellyfin at Playback and then force a transcode, simply watching something isn't enough because not all media need to be transcoded. You also didn't answer if you are using the official container or a third party one.
  5. Please look at the changelog (first post):
  6. Are you really sure that Jellyfin is configured properly so that transcoding is working? This is usually a indicator that transcoding is not working. Please post in the corresponding support thread from your Jellyfin container. BTW I would strongly recommend that you use the official Jellyfin container. From what I see the Intel GPU TOP plugin is working fine and doing it‘s job as it should.
  7. If you change the version or better speaking the GAME_ID, you have to set validation to true because the version that you‘ve set it to is older than the current version. That‘s why you get this message. Set validation to true, let the container start, wait for it to downgrade (look at the logs), after the download finished stop the container, disable validation and then start the container again.
  8. I really can't help with crossplay since I've only tested if it's working and it's indeed working. Maybe someone else can help with that or you can at least try if everything is working with crossplay since you always can go back to non crossplay.
  9. Did you set validation to "true"? Please turn off validation after the game has be downgraded because otherwise this will slow down the start process from the container and is not recommended at all to leave it at enabled.
  10. Because nothing is using the iGPU. Put some load on the iGPU and you will see that it won't show zero anymore.
  11. Erklär bitte mal dein Problem genau. Wenn du einen Container im br0 Modus hast werden alle Ports vom Container exposed und nur die Ports die der Nginx-Proxy-Manager im Container benutzt werden benutzt, in der Unraid GUI werden immer die Einträge die im Dockerfile als EXPOSED gekennzeichnet sind angezeigt (was nicht unbedingt stimmen muss). Warum lässt du denn deinen Container nicht im bridge Modus und änderst die Ports im Template das sie am Host auf 8080 und 4443 sind liegen und machst in deinem Router/Firewall ein NAT mit: LAN:8080 <-> WAN:80 LAN:4443 <-> WAN:443 Kommt aufs gleiche raus und du brauchst keine extra IP...
  12. Welche Fehlermeldung meinst du genau? Gibt es denn bei euch keine Verträger mit IPv4 vorzugsweise mit statischer IP? Du könntest auch einen Tunnel aufbauen mittels SSH und dann dort alles durch routen, hab da mal auch für meine persönliche Verwendung einen Container geschrieben der das Automatisch gemacht hat, aber Achtung das funktionierte bei mir nur mit TCP ports und nicht mit UDP ports, sollte aber auch möglich sein. Ich bin mir auch nicht mehr ganz sicher aber es gab einen User der das ganze mit einer VPS druch einem Tunnel und UDP in Verbindung mit einem V-Rising server realisiert hat wenn ich mich nicht irre, such hier im Deutschen Bereich mal nach "V-Rising", "VRising" oder "V Rising". Das Hauptproblem sind eben meistens die UDP Ports und das viele Dedizierten server IPv6 nicht so wirklich unterstützen, zumindest in Game und die Verbindung dann meistens nicht zustande kommt über IPv6 weil die implementierung im Spiel zu wünschen übrig lässt. EDIT: Hab den Thread gefunden (ich weiß aber leider nicht ob das dann noch weiter geführt wurde und ob wirklich alles funktioniert):
  13. Please keep in mind that modding is always up to the user. I've already built in ValheimPlus and BepInEx even if this is against my defaults because there was such high demand that I add this to the container. However you should be able to do this yourself if you enable BepInEx in the Docker template and add the mod manually.
  14. No, everything seems right on your side. The option "-crossplay" uses a proxy server which ultimately enables cross play between different platforms and AFAIK if you enable cross play then you won't be able to access to use the local IP to connect to your server, you have to use the in game server list to connect to it and direct connection won't work <- please also note that you have to forward your ports too for cross play in your firewall to work properly.
  15. What settings do you want to edit besides the already available options in the Docker template?
  16. It should be possible and also on my roadmap but that is something for way later because some changes need to be made to Unraid and also how things are working in terms for the plugin itself.
  17. No, you don't need to run anything, the Kernel Panic is displayed automatically. No, what do you want to see, you are seeing the entire syslog... Leave it as it is and it will display the Kernel Panic if one occurs. If you are not on the Dashboard very unlikely... Could be also the cause of the issue, back in the days Tdarr was notorious for crashing servers, that's why I recommend to use Unmanic.
  18. But this looks to me that you only have to do your mappings in the Docker template differently and then it should work because they all use Plex as the base app. I only assumed that it is working because some people reported that they successfully switched from the Linuxserver or Binhex container over to the official one.
  19. The console command is only meant for the client, not the server. AFAIK, cheat's don't work on dedicated servers (I think this is actually a good decision to not allow cheats on a dedicated server). EDIT: Please also look here.
  20. Interesting, this is the first time I hear about that, they are usually all intercompatible.
  21. I completely forgot that you have to execute this command so that the screen doesn't goes blank or better speaking to sleep: setterm --blank 0 You don't have to be logged in, just log in once, execute the command and maybe log out again (but you don't have to log out strictly speaking).
  22. This is caused because your server is crashing really hard and even the syslog server won't work anymore when the crash happens, have you yet tried to connect a monitor tho the GPU to see the console output. The only thing you can really do to capture whats happening is to connect a screen and wait for a crash to happen, after that take a picture from the output. Maybe it's related to MACVLAN, do you have Docker containers in br0 and Host Access enabled? Maybe try to switch to IPVLAN in the Docker settings (with Advanced View enabled). Usually that should be no issue. Yes I know, many people have such issues but mostly because of hardware incompatibility issues or a bad implementation in the BIOS. Maybe try to set the PCIe Gen to a fixed value instead of leaving it at Auto if you have the option for that.
  23. Not really, I can only think of a hardware compatibility issue... Other than that if you made sure that you are on the latest BIOS version, enabled Above 4G Decoding and Resizable BAR support I don't have any more recommendations besides booting in legacy mode (CSM). You can try to set the PCIe Gen to Gen2 or even Gen3 in the BIOS manually if that makes a difference (that won't affect performance in the case for this cards, at least not noticeable).
  24. Can you please share a screenshot form your template? Are you also stopping the container first, edit the files and then finally start the container again? Do you have a cache drive installed? To what is your appdata share set in terms of Use Cache? So basically ValheimPlus needs to be updated to support Valheim again, correct?
  25. Please put some load on it and see if you get some values in the GPU Statistics plugin. Yes that's of course true but that's not how I do the plugins because if I start to add this driver most certainly someone else want me to add another device id and so on... I would rather recommend that you create a PR in the source repository which my plugin is based on (what you've already did I think).
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