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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Where they not active before? Or do you mean that the service got activated again when you go to the Dashbaord? Did you click update so that the service was disabled? You actually don't have to stop the containers in the first place, this is done if you stop the service automatically.
  2. It is very rare that HBAs have temperature monitoring anyways. With the HBA was only a guess, probably try to not transcode for a few days and see if the issue also occurs, maybe uninstall the Nvidia Driver too. You can only do step by step troubleshooting.
  3. I can create a game server for you and you can look if you can connect. My suspicion is that your ISP or something else is blocking inbound traffic from PlayFab. I really don't have much other guesses, I even now tried it with a buddy playing on a Xbox and me playing on my PC without a problem.
  4. No, wait, that's not what this issue is for... There must besomething else going on on your system, can you provide a photo when the server is booting? No, the issue that you describe is completely different and is not related to this issue, you even can prevent the module from loading.
  5. Can you please provide your Diagnostics? You haven't even told what motherboard you've upgraded to. Why? How do you access your server? Many users including me are using the Unraid server with a Intel GPU without any issues.
  6. It won't be, at least for home use. Please keep me updated how things are going. Are you sure that the HBA is cooled well and not getting too hot?
  7. I think you are running tadarr or am I wrong? Back in the day tadarr was notorious for crashing server but I think they fixed that. Maybe try to boot into safe mode if possible and see if the server crashes there too. You can also try to uninstall the Nvidia Driver plugin and see if that helps (of course you have to reboot to fully install it).
  8. This won't affect the transcoding performance at all. This is just normal and you enable the module with that command usually. I can only assume that it has something to do because it's a QNAP machine. Usually you even don't have to enable the module because this is handled by Unraid. Can you set your primary graphics card in your BIOS? Have you yet tried if you get a output on your Nvidia card?
  9. Do you have any GeoBlocks in place? These messages are a bit strange since it says that it's connected but a few seconds afterwards the connection is lost and it tries to reconnect which never seems to work. @DIgitalOSH & @Biost0rm: have both of you yet tried to use another container? It seems rather strange that it is working fine for me (and you can also connect through your Xbox) but not for you. I can only think of an issue that the PlayFab server can't connect to your server? Have you done some NAT port mapping where the ports are different than 2456-2458 on your WAN (please keep in mind that the ports have to be the same on the WAN too)?
  10. Yes sorry, already changed that. Then you'll have to wait for the fix... Also see this answer here on GitHub: Click
  11. I can only think of something that's preventing the Playfab server connecting to your server, because that's the only thing I can imagine going wrong.
  12. Was someone else outside your network also able to connect? Do you maybe have some GeoBlocking rules in your Firewall in place?
  13. I would first try to remove the -crossplay option and look into if you can connect with your public IP. I think there is something wrong with the port forwarding.
  14. No, this is just the default startup message, it looks the same over here too. The last line is only a warning and you see at the first line below the Start Server line that it initialized successfully.
  15. Click on the container icon and select Logs. Why? The template mentions that the game ports are UDP otherwise it would be indicated that they are both TCP and UDP.
  16. Yes exactly, when you play over Playfab I have reports that it's not visible through the local network anymore, but that's not the case for me.
  17. I've also tested my Deck and I can find the game just fine and connect to it (please note that I'm in the Preview channel). You have to search by name. Are you sure that you password is at least 6 characters and you don't have any special characters in it? I can't help what's wrong in your case, everything is looking fine as far as I can tell.
  18. Thank you for explaining that for me, I would have not be able to explain it that easy like you did @primeval_god!
  19. No issue over here: Please try to connect the server is currently running, as you can see this is indeed a Dedicated Server and crossplay is enabled form the icons right next to the server. The password is: Docker EDIT: I've created another screenshot here where you can see that I can successful connect with my Steam Account through Playfab (crossplay), sorry I don't have any consoles:
  20. Give me a bit and I will look into that, I have reports of crossplay working just fine for my container.
  21. Das funktioniert auch so nicht wenn der Kernel komplett crashed, du müsstest einen Monitor ran machen der dauern an ist (wenn das System noch läuft) und dich dann einmal einloggen und diesen Befehl ausführen damit der Montior nicht in den Sleep Modus geht: setterm --blank 0 Dann siehst du wenn er crashed die Kernel Panic am Display, diese solltest du dann Abfotographieren und hier posten damit man dann sagen kann was es ist. Ich vermute aber auch bei dir stark MACVLAN, hast du denn Docker Container im br0 Modus bzw. ist in den Docker Settings MACVLAN oder IPVLAN aktiv mit der Advanced View an geschaltet? Falls du Container im br0 hast in verbindung mit MACVLAN, hast du eine Fritzbox?
  22. @SpiceyCadmium & @der8ertl: @tpill90 made me aware that you can circumvent this issue by logging in, deleting the config and then login again, so to speak the procedure would be: Type in 'su $USER' (case sensitive!) and press ENTER Type in 'cd ${DATA_DIR}/SteamPrefill' and press ENTER Type in './SteamPrefill select-apps' and press ENTER Enter your Steam credentials and follow the steps displayed Select the apps you want to prefill (you don't have to select any) Type in 'rm ${DATA_DIR}/SteamPrefill/Config/account.config' and press ENTER Type in './SteamPrefill select-apps' again and press ENTER Enter your Steam credentials again and exit the application Done Please keep in mind that this is just a temporary fix and should be fixed when Steam fixes the issue.
  23. I will look into that. Just a question: may I ask what do you want to accomplish with that, exact use case if possible. EDIT: I've now gone through the tutorial and saw that you need the vGPU unlock which ultimately violates the Nvidia EULA. Maybe post that in the Feature Request sub forums, I really don't want to support such things. Sorry
  24. Where does it say that things are already installed? It only says that the Kernel module is already enabled. You haven‘t still answered if you need to boot into GUI mode… Are you also sure that you are on the latest BIOS version and everything up to date? I see that you got a Nvidia card installed too in your server, maybe that causes issues in combination woth the iGPU. From the Diagnostics that you‘ve posted earlier I see that the Kernel module is available but not enabled.
  25. I really can't tell what's wrong there because the last update was about a month ago and I know two people with a 13700k and a 13900k where it is working correctly. This is a really strange behaviour... Is it possible that something is wrong because the render device is like in your screenshot /dev/dri/renderD129 (/dev/dri/card1) instead of /dev/dri/renderD128 (/dev/dri/card0)?
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