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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please do the following I've recommended here and see if the new instance is working: This won't mess up your existing container as long as you change the Container name and Data Dir path where the game files are, of course as said, you have to stop the not working container first.
  2. Please keep in mind that TBS seems EOL with the next few Unraid versions, see this post here:
  3. But no support for AV1 yet or am I wrong?
  4. I will look into this and report back. @rocklord2004 please update the container itself and see if it is now working for you. I attached a log from a successful start: CoreKeeper.log
  5. On what Unraid version are you? I can't reproduce your issues here, I've now connected to my Valheim+ container (it is also working with the new patch version) and to my default Valheim container (without Valheim+).
  6. If you do it like I've mentioned above (edit the name from the container and the Data Dir), it won't mess up the existing container. To save your world, you can also backup the "Backup" and/or the ".config" directory which lives in your main folder for Valheim in your appdata directory.
  7. No, it has a reason why it‘s not shown by default. Please try to pull another copy from the template from CA, change the name and the path to the game files and see if you can connect to that instance afterwards, of course you have to stop the current container before doing that.
  8. This is really strange, I really can't tell what's going on on your system... You should see something like this: ---Update Server--- Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/serverfiles/Steam/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1675223179 -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0) Update state (0x61) downloading, progress: 26.89 (130149427 / 483958864) Update state (0x81) verifying update, progress: 43.52 (210629021 / 483958864) Success! App '896660' fully installed. ---Prepare Server--- (this is actually my old Valheim server that I haven't updated yet) After the update I've connected to it and it seems to work fine. Can you post a screenshot from the template? Is the Data Path set to /mnt/cache/...? If yes, do you have a cache drive installed in your server? If yes to what is the appdata share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Yes, No, Prefer or Only?
  9. What patch, that was released just now? Maybe try to restart the container a few times in the next few hours and see if it picks up a update. Can you please post the Docker log from the container?
  10. This is a really bad constellation, please change your appdata share to use cache Only or Prefer. I hope you know that the setting Yes tries to move the data from the appdata share to the array entirely and on the other hand you are forcing it to stay on the appdata directory...
  11. I tried it now over here and it is working without a hitch, please note that I'm not using Valheim+ How long do you run the server? Is this a new installation?
  12. Please set validation in the template to 'true' (without quotes), let the container fully start and after that set it to 'false' or nothing in the template. Do you have any AdBlocking software or something like Unbound on your network? If yes, please restart them and after that set the validation to true.
  13. I have never done this but I can look into it next week. From a quick Google search I found this. At least from my understanding, you have to add this to the config from the LXC container: lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow = c 10:200 rwm lxc.mount.entry = /dev/net dev/net none bind,create=dir
  14. Exactly, this module is used for RTL8152/3/4/6 chipset like the in tree Kernel module. Please add this line to your go file and reboot: ethtool -s eth0 autoneg on advertise 0x80000000002f (please customize eth0 in the above to the corresponding adapter in your system, I think in your case it's eth2)
  15. Do you maybe have Valheim+ installed on the client (your local computer)? If so, please disable it too.
  16. Yes, please read the description feom the container. You have to restart the container because it is self maintaining and it updates itself on every start/restart.
  17. Please read the description from the container, the container is self maintaining and checks for updates on every start/restart.
  18. Eigentlich ist es kein Problem mehr, solange VA-API funktioniert nehmt das, es sollte eigentlich keinen Unterschied machen für Emby. Das Unterliegende Problem warum QuickSync ist ein wenig schwieriger zu Erklären aber wie gesagt sollte eigentlich keinen Unterschied machen. Habt ihr Probleme mit VA-API?
  19. I have now uploaded the plugin and it should appear in the next few hours in the CA App. Please note that this plugin currently only supports Unraid version 6.11.5+ and you will only see it if you are at least on that version. Here is the direct plugin link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/unraid-r8152-driver/master/unraid-r8152.plg ATTENTION: You have to reboot after you've installed the plugin because I really don't like messing with such critical drivers when the system is running, as a side note if you ever upgrade to a newer Unraid version you have to reboot again after the upgrade because the updated package is only pulled on reboot for the new Unraid Kernel version.
  20. Where is your destionation folder located in terms of filesystem?
  21. So is it now working? If yes I'm glad that it runs just fine and I don't have to install the dedicated server and the game on my local computer...
  22. I‘m on it, plugin is coming today with the OOT drivers, give me a few hours… 😉
  23. You can also go through my start script from the container what it does and port it over to your installation and it should hopefully start and run just fine. Completely understood. I used to also run everything in a VM, but now I have only two, one for compiling plugins for VM when a new Unraid version drops and one for testing that is basically never running. Currently there are 28 Docker containers (without game servers) and 3 LXC containers running to keep everything up and at my home... Please also let me know if it is working with a native installation.
  24. Thank you, from what I see it could be possible that the version from WINE (Debian based) which I use in the container is not compatible with CentOS, but that is just a vague guess... I think you are using some recent hardware and nothing too old? If you have a spare USB Flash Device lying around and maybe a old hard drive (or a external hard drive) are you willing to try Unraid? You basically install Unraid on the USB Flash device, boot it from the USB Flash Device, register a trail key (30 days + 2x 15 days extension), assign that one specific drive to Unraid, start the Array, format the one drive (everything else will be untouched on your existing system), go to the CA tab, search for V-Rising and install it? (Sorry but this should not sound like a sales pitch, I'm only really curious... )
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