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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please upgrade to 6.11.5 and you will see the correct driver in the plugin. You are still on 6.9.2 which is outdated anyways...
  2. I can't download the Diagnostics, can you maybe send them over via PM?
  3. Is this a HDMI capture device? Can you post a link to the product page please?
  4. Please post your Diagnostics.
  5. Yeah, there are pretty much all entries missing. Do you maybe have edited it manually at some point in the past? If so, all values must be in there like mentioned below. Do you know how to edit this file in the terminal? In your case it should look like this: first_installation=false driver_version=520.56.06 disable_xconfig=true update_check=false (I assume that you are booting into GUI mode with the Display attached to the Nvidia card, if not change the line disable_xconfig to: disable_xconfig=false)
  6. Can you also give me the output from: /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg I think the settings file is messed up but I'm not too sure, I really can't tell what's going on there the output from the other files are also fine and displaying the right version numbers.
  7. No, the shares are only available after you start the Array and plugins are installed much earlier in that process. If you need some help send me a PM and as said, I'm glad to help. The Open Source GPU module is not available because it has an issue where NVENC is not working with that module -> see this GitHub issue: Click I will start compiling packages for it when this bug is fixed because otherwise it would make no sense to publish such a package yet. Anyways, I would not recommend the package directly on Unraid because Unraid isn't a common purpose server, it should be built in a VM or even better in a Docker container like I do it. If you need something just send over a PM and I'm glad to help.
  8. Can you open up a terminal from Unraid, issue the following command and send me the output: cat /tmp/nvidia_* From your syslog I see nothing obvious which is preventing the plugin from how it should work, something seems to be wrong anyways on your system, I'm really curious what is wrong there. Have you yet tried to reboot and see if it's the same after a reboot?
  9. You already have installed driver version 520.56.06 from what I see from your Diagnostics. What happens when you try to set it to a static version instiead of latest?
  10. Please post your Diagnostics. Do you have any AdBlocking software in your local network running?
  11. Ich finde es eigentlich gar nicht so zum Brüllen... Du mountest doch in den container also sollte man auch /mnt verwenden. Es gibt so viele container die einfach irgendwo hin mounten zB in das root Verzeichnis / selbst was ich ehrlich gesagt für sehr unschön finde und /mnt ist einfach der standard Pfad für mich, klar /media würde vermutlich auch funktionieren aber meiner Ansicht nach nicht wirklich der Richtige Pfad.
  12. And this is where the fun begins, this is one reason why my plugin isn't designed for that because it is designed for a completely different use case. For the use in Docker container and not in VMs (vGPU). But wouldn't it be better to create your own plugin for this specific use case and also customize it for that? You have to understand if I implement this many support question will come in and I simply can't answer them because I don't have the hardware/time/money to even test this all and understand how this is all working. This is where the next issue begins, what is if you up- or downgrade your Unraid installation, this share or better speaking this location is not available on boot and the plugin installation will ultimately fail and you have to reinstall the plugin again. Correct me if I'm wrong but not all Quadro cards are supported or am I wrong about that. ...and it would in this case make also sense to customize the plugin in that way so that users can create their vGPUs from the plugin page itself. I have to say I find it interesting but I won't change the existing plugin to add vGPU support or the support for GRID cards (I looked up the GRID cards on the Nvidia driver download page and drivers for the K1, K2, K340 & K520 are available for public download but I don't know if that's the driver which is needed).
  13. Tesla and Quadro cards are already supported by the plugin. Sorry but this plugin is not designed for Datacenter GPUs. You can however fork it and create your own plugin for these cards and maybe publish it to the CA App as long as it doesn't violate the Nvidia EULA. This would be also beneficial to other users. I would be also glad to help if you need anything. From my perspective everything that is needed for the cards to work properly should be integrated into the plugin package itself and should not be added to NerdTools (by the way also check out un-get as an alternative for NerdTools ) otherwise this would be not really user friendly to install. I also include the Container Runtime and Nvidia Toolkit which is needed for the cards to work in Docker otherwise the driver alone would be pretty much useless...
  14. In general I accept PRs but only if it extends the plugin so that users can benefit from it. Can you explain a bit more in detail why?
  15. Please enable the Advanced View in the top right corner in the template, click on Edit at the variable and at Required where it says Yes change it to No. Have you yet tried to escape this special characters with \ like: Text\/nText
  16. Is it not possible to use the variable in the template? What happens if you leave it empty in the template and specify it in the server.cfg?
  17. Please set the appdata share in the share settings to use disk1 only. Maybe the file is written to another disk and that's why the container cant find or better speaking see the file? May I also ask why your appdata share is not on the Cache? Do you have no Cache installed in your server?
  18. Can you also post a screenshot from your Docker template please?
  19. It is always that file because every Dedicated Server works the same only the path differs slightly on each installation at the beginning (even on Bare Metal). This is only a tutorial on how to set up a dedicated server, simply copy over your config files and the save files, this should be it (remember to stop the container in the first place before doing that).
  20. To what is you appdata share set in terms of "Use Cache" in the Share settings?
  21. Then delete it with root permissions. Did you maybe create the file over SFTP or via Krusader? If you created the file please always do it over SMB if possible or you have to set the permissions correctly to UID 99 and GID 100. When the file is owned by root and only readable to root the container also can't read it.
  22. Please use the plaine Editor that comes with Windows. No. This only seems like a plain configuration error to me. You can go back to Windows for sure but the container is working just fine too and this would also be a hige waste of resources if you create a VM, at least from my perspective.
  23. Seems like you have an authorization error between your Target and Initiator. Please double check if you‘ve set up everything correctly. Over here I have no issue connection to a Target.
  24. What OS you are using? Editor would be best if you are using Windows.
  25. Ich vermute hier wie schon oben von @alturismo erwähnt die AMD Karte als übeltäter. Leider ist AMD noch nicht so weit mit den VMs wie Intel/Nvidia. Weder konnte mich AMD für den Betrieb der Grafikkarten sowie als Host Platform (CPU/Motherboard) bis jetzt überzeugen. Hast du vielleicht irgendwo die Möglichkeit dir eine Nvidia Karte zum Testen ein zu bauen?
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