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Everything posted by ich777

  1. What do the logs say? Try to separate it by a space instead of a comma.
  2. I would recommend that you ask @Squid if he can lock this post since he is the owner...
  3. I have answered somewhere else I think already. Until Intel ARK is fully supported under Linux a lot of work still needs to be done by Intel since, the drivers or better speaking the transcoding isn't anywhere near stable even on Windows. The next thing is that if you want to use it for example in Emby, Jellyfin or Plex the Intel Media Drivers need to be updated first and from what I know this will take still some time...
  4. Bitte Poste mal deine Diagnostics, wenn möglich auch nach einem crash wenn du noch auf die WebUI kommst, du kannst die auch vom Terminal aus erstellen lassen mit dem Befehl: diagnostics
  5. Thank you, fixed that. I'm assuming that it can be one or more like mentioned in the documentation, since it says "system(s)". I think the right way would be like you've already pointed out: --os windows,linux BTW that's a specific thing from prefill itself and you can try it at least, I've already reached out to the developer about that.
  6. No, there is nothing I can do about the speeds since it is mostly limited to the Docker bridge network speed or other limiting factors like you've already mentioned drive speeds. I have no issue in my setup reaching speeds about 800Mbit/s for a game that is already in the lancache in terms of prefill which is transferred from the cache (spinning HDD in my case). In your case what is your line speed? In my case I got 250Mbit/s which is exactly my Fiber connections speed. From my experience prefill is often not that fast as if you download from the cache to your physical computer.
  7. Hast du schon mal versucht mit: \\SERVERIP (SERVERIP natürlich durch die IP von deinem Server ersetzen wie zB: oder oder, je nachdem welche IP dein Server eben hat) statt dem Hostnamen auf deinen Server zu zugreifen?
  8. Das hättest du nicht machen müssen, im ersten Schritt solltest du mal versuchen dich mit dem Server direkt mit der LAN IP zu verbinden und da sollte der Router egal sein solange dein Server und dein lokaler PC im gleichen Subnetz sind. Es kann prinzipiell nur das sein weil wenn du nicht mal lokal drauf zugreifen kannst muss irgendwas an deinem Client (PC) falsch sein. Der Container läuft ja auch wie man oben sieht und du könntest dich verbinden aber warum das fehl schlägt kann ich dir echt nicht sagen. Hab auch zufälligerweise erst jemand im Support Thread vom container gehabt der den Container nutzt und er funktioniert, der hatte aber eine andere Frage wegen Mods.
  9. As far as I can tell you should have the option in your BIOS since even your Motherboard Manual mentions it. I also see a options that may be also relevant for you "Above 4GB MMIO BIOS Assignment" which should be also be Enabled. As said above I really don't know if this is a hardware compatibility issue in your case because many users have issues with GTX1600 series cards. You can also try and disable your onboard GPU and see if this makes a difference, other users said that the disabling the BMC did also help but these all things which I can't test because I don't have such an card or motherboard.
  10. Should be CSM or Legacy Boot somewhere in your BIOS. The iGPUs are a bit slower with transcoding in terms of FPS but they are pretty much capable of the same amount of transcodes as consumer Nvidia GPUs. I really don't know if it's an issue with the GTX1600 series cards since very many users have issues with this cards (not only on Unraid, Linux in general).
  11. Nothing obvious from the logs as far as I can see from the logs. Are you sure that it fell from the bus again? I still can see it and it should work.
  12. You can select particular games hut then you have to delete the parameter -recent from the template, by doing so it will only update the games that you‘ve selected. There is also a parameter for pulling all games, but I would recommend that you read trough the official GitHub Readme from Prefill for more information and what parameters are available (linked in the template).
  13. From what I see in your Diagnostics it should be able to download the driver just fine. Do you have any AdBlocking software on your network somewhere that maybe preven communication with GitHub? Do you have enough free space on your USB boot device (about 500MB)?
  14. Can you please post your Diagnostics? Do you boot Unraid in GUI mode? Do you have a iGPU too, if yes to what is the primary GPU set in the BIOS?
  15. Is you time and your timezone on the server set correctly? May I ask where you located in the world?
  16. Do you maybe have diagnostics from where you‘ve installed the 1060?
  17. This is not my goal to run it with staging, btw it is also running with the stable WINE version now but the script that is available online and I'm using in my testing now looks a lot different. Even the semi "official" one won't run correctly since they have a lot to fix from what I saw on their Discord server and I will wait until they get it a bit more stable. This is one of the reasons why I didn't release it, the release you where dealing with is really a early one and as said above I won't release it until it gets a lot stabler than what is available currently. You will also experience random crashes from the container in it's current form and even with the staging WINE build. EDIT: Simply forgot it to delete which it is now.
  18. Das Zielsystem wäre interessant, willst du auf einen Windows PC sichern oder Linux PC oder evlt. doch ein NAS oder gehst du wirklich aufs ganze und willst in die Cloud sichern? Wie ich gelesen hab sicherst du mittels urBackup, das würd ich bei der Rücksicherung auf jeden Fall ausschließen. Dann kommt noch die Frage wie groß ist denn dein appdata Ordner bzw. was von deinem Server willst du alles sichern? Würde hierfür vielleicht eine Externe Festplatte reichen die du nur für die Sicherung anschließt mittels USB? <- das kann man übrigens komplett automatisieren Genügt dir vielleicht eine Sicherung die auf eine andere Festplatte gemacht wird die in Unraid gemounted ist? Sollen die Backups inkrementell sein oder genügt dir ein Abbild von dem Zeitpunkt wann du das Backup startest? Alles wichtige Informationen die Fehlen.
  19. You have to reboot after installing the plugin for the first time.
  20. You don't need to patch the Kernel, this is what the plugin does. Or what do you mean exactly?
  21. As far as I can tell something seems wrong with the configuration with you lancache containers, the official containers indeed work fine for me and also for a lot of other people that I know. Glad that it is working now for you.
  22. No, it isn't I only use a combination of Unbound, AdGuard and Lancache-Monolithic I simply rewrite the URLs with the lancache Monolithic IP in my local network, in PiHole you would use something like DNSMASQ. But my set up is a little different from most people ones because I use everything in a LXC container on Unraid where the applications talk to each other in the container and have only one exposed IP which is used then on my local network as DNS <- this is also doable with Docker containers on Unraid itself, I really like over complicating things for me... Also when downloading from the lancache or also when filling the cache? If this is happening also while downloading from the cache then there must be something going on on your network... Didn't he say that he want to deprecate it or am I wrong about that? Which prefill? Did it work on your computer? Please keep in mind that this was only a guess and I really don't know what is going on over there. I only can tell you that I run my lancache from a spinning HDD from UD and it doesn't slow down the server at all, of course I have heavy I/O wait because my HDD is simply not fast enough for my 10Gbit/s connection but that is a common issue. Did @Josh.5 maybe use a different chunk size? But keep in mind that this is only the support thread for the prefill container which seems like to me isn't the issue here at all and it rather seems that there is something wrong with lancache itself.
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