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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please let me know if that solves your issue.
  2. The syslog after the install tells me that something went very wrong with the card in this system and the module crashes basically. But I'm not entirely sure what is causing this. The fact that you can see a display output tells not much if the card is properly working since the card is not fully initialized at this stage (BIOS & Terminal), you have to actually install the drivers for the card and put a 3D load on it to see if it's properly working. Anyways, even if the card is working in another system it is possible that some form of hardware compatibility issue is causing this (I don't know much about those Intel motherboards that you are using, I've only heard that there can happen some weird things with certain hardware). I would recommend that you try to install the card in another system (maybe Windows would be best), install the drivers, put some 3D load on it (Furmark, 3D Mark,...) and see if it is stable for about 10 minutes. If that is working in the other system please create another Unraid USB Boot device and boot this exact system with this USB Boot device (don't start the Array, just register for Trail), install the CA App and try to install the Nvidia driver there <- this will not change anything to the system which you test the card in, as long as you don't start the Array. I know this procedure is really tedious but with this you ensure that the hardware is working and if it's a hardware compatibility issue.
  3. Prefill don't need it's own IP strictly speaking. Did you set the "--dns=" parameter like mentioned in the description from the container? Do you need the lancache-dns at all or better speaking have you something like AdGuard or PiHole somewhere in your network? You can also use AdGuard, PiHole, Unbound or whatever as a DNS for lancache. May I ask where you are located in the world? Not exactly sure what NextDNS is but this sounds like a DNS issue in general in your network and would be best discussed on the lancache support Forums/Discord. This could also be caused because of an unstable connection to the Steam CDN itself which maybe not be obvious while downloading through the Steam Client itself. AFAIK many users get the message that it retries and it works after a short while again but that could be caused of many things. Even I get the message sometimes but in my case that happens really occasionally. Do you have the data for your lancache on your Array? If yes, I would not recommend doing that it that way, rather I would recommend that you use a disk outside from your Array, maybe a spinning HDD or even better a SSD or NVME mounted through Unassigned Devices. I could imagine that the prefill stresses your server too much and you maybe also get higher I/O Wait than usual when having the lancache on the Array.
  4. Sure thing, the more quality apps are in the CA App the more better...
  5. Thank you for the update really appreciate it. Glad to hear that everything is now working for you!
  6. In general they could be added but I only create the containers for easy use with Unraid and the applications themselves are written actually by someone else. I've also looked into Epic but at the time of writing there is no application that makes that an easy and simple process as it is as with Steam and Battle.net Xbox and Playstation are also not that easy from what I know and I haven't looked into it yet if it's even possible. The main issue is that there are not that many applications out there which are designed for such a specific use case which looks if a manifest from the game is already downloaded, if not download the game, if yes check which version was downloaded before and compare against the online version and eventually download the newer version if a new version is found of course.
  7. If this fails that bad something is wrong with the card, please check if it is connected to power and also maybe try to re-seat it in the PCIe slot. Please uninstall the plugin, reboot, pull the Diagnostics (without the plugin installed and after a reboot it will just work fine) and then install the plugin again and post your syslog in a text file if possible. Are you sure that the card is working?
  8. I have a lot of users with not working GTX1600 series cards... Why, I really don't know... For some they work and for some not, I have also multiple reports that they fall from the bus but mostly from users with AMD systems. I could however be a compatibility issue with the motherboard but there is too little information out there that I can tell that for sure, I only can tell that a lot of users with GTX1600 series cards have issues.
  9. Ehm, I remembered it somehow... Don't know if they track the releases somewhere.
  10. Shouldn't it be: As far as I can tell there was no exact version 1.19.50
  11. Probier das gleiche mal in deinem Unraid template. Der verwendet wahrscheinlich eine andere shell.
  12. I can also only recommend the following things like for the user from above: Search for BIOS updates, if a newer BIOS is available please update your BIOS Switch to Legacy Boot mode instead of UEFI Force the PCIe slot to Gen3 where the card is installed Do you use the Plex Web client for playing, I had back in the days multiple users which reported that the transcoding stops when switching too often between qualities, native clients in the meantime where working just fine. Anyways have you yet took a look at the Plex logs, sounds like that the transcoding process crashed.
  13. This is the error: Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: nvidia 0000:02:00.0: Unable to change power state from D3cold to D0, device inaccessible Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: nvidia 0000:02:00.0: vgaarb: changed VGA decodes: olddecodes=io+mem,decodes=none:owns=none Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA GPU 0000:02:00.0 Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: NVRM: (PCI ID: 10de:21c4) installed in this system has Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: NVRM: fallen off the bus and is not responding to commands. Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: nvidia: probe of 0000:02:00.0 failed with error -1 Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: NVRM: The NVIDIA probe routine failed for 1 device(s). Dec 21 19:07:25 brainserver kernel: NVRM: None of the NVIDIA devices were initialized. This seems more like an hardware incompatibility issue to me. If possible try this: Search for BIOS updates, if a newer BIOS is available please update your BIOS Switch to Legacy Boot mode instead of UEFI Force the PCIe slot to Gen3 where the card is installed May I ask why do you want to use a Nvidia GPU when you have the iGPU, the new Intel iGPUs are pretty much capable of the same amount of transcodes like your 1650 (depending on the source quality) and as a benefit you save a lot of power.
  14. Ja, hier ist einiges falsch. Was ist mit der Data Directory passiert? Bitte lass die so wie sie ist, du mountest die gerade auf den host auf /mnt/local, der Pfad sollte immer gleich bleiben und nicht geändert werden von dir, sprich entweder wie schon definiert: /mnt/cache/appdata/dirsyncpro oder wenn du wirklich willst /mnt/user/appdata/dirsyncpro Bitte lösch den Pfad aus REMOTE_DIR raus, du hast den über UD gemounted also musst du einen neuen Pfad im template anlegen ca so: Wenn du das gemacht hast findest du den Ordner im container unter /mnt/BELIEBIGERORDNERNAME
  15. Something went really wrong with your installation. Please do the following: Remove the plugin Execute this command from a Unraid terminal: rm -rf /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver Reboot your server Install the plugin from the CA App again and wait for the DONE button to appear, this can take a really long time depending on your internet connection (!!!don't close the pop up with the red X!!!) I would strongly recommend before doing that all that you first upgrade to Unraid 6.11.5, you are still on Unraid 6.9.2 and that version is really out of date and missing some important information for me to diagnose what went wrong from the Diagnostics. If it doesn't work after that please post the Diagnostics again.
  16. Please post your Diagnostics too.
  17. Exactly as @alturismo said, there is no way of doing that in my container. I would also recommend that you use the container from @binhex to achieve what you want to do.
  18. What do you mean exactly with the update command?
  19. Stell im Template bei Konsole mal von Shell auf Bash um. Das gehört alles bei Extra Parameter rein: -enable_prometheus -logtostderr -v=1 Dann sollte das ding laufen und du solltest mit SERVERIP:2112/metrics auf die Metrics kommen.
  20. Freut mich, aber ich würde dir wirklich empfehlen alles genau zu lesen was dir jemand schreibt und auch so zu machen bzw. zu probieren wenn du schon um Hilfe bittest, dann ist nicht alles so mühsam, nicht für dich und auch nicht für mich. Bitte benutz auch das Forum nicht als Chat, immer eine Frage nach der anderen. Die Frage mit der VM steht noch immer aus aber ich ignorier das einfach mal und beantworte die Frage: Solange du die iGPU nicht zur VM durchgereicht hast ist es egal ob die VM an oder aus ist.
  21. Sorry aber ich verstehe nicht was du hier schreibst, nicht mal annähernd. Du hast oben geschrieben: Auf das ich gefragt habe ob du die iGPU durchgereicht hast zur VM? Antwort steht aus. Dann habe ich noch geschrieben das du das machen sollst um einen transcode zu forcieren: Antwort steht aus. Nein.
  22. Ich glaube du solltest nochmal oben lesen was du genau machen sollst...
  23. Bitte beantworte die Frage, hast du die iGPU zur VM durchgereicht oder warum Fragst du ob die VM aus sein muss? Ich verstehe es gerade nicht. Hast du wie bereits oben zwei mal erwähnt einen transcode forciert oder gibst du einfach eine Datei wieder?
  24. Was für eine VM? Ich verstehe nicht... Reichst du deine iGPU zu einer VM durch? Nein, ist überhaupt nicht mühsam nur musst du auch das machen was hier geschrieben wird.
  25. Hast du gelesen wie du einen Transcode forcierst von meinem oben stehenden Kommentar? Du musst wenn du was wieder gibst auf das Zahnrad klicken, dann auf Qualität und dort musst du irgendwas auswählen das eine niedrigere Qualität ist als das Quellmaterial. Wenn du das machst, müsste der transcoder anspringen und dann solltest du einen ausschlage haben bei Graphics pipe. zB:
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