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Everything posted by ich777

  1. So everything is working now for you? What did you need to change, I haven't changed a single setting and it worked right OOB.
  2. Of course there is a check in place because otherwise it would download the file over and over again and would try to update the application over and over again, but if it displays this message something went wrong with the download. Have you tried to restart the container after it failed? If yes what happened then, or did you just extract the files?
  3. Prefill says that it detected LANCache and shows that it is downloading? You should also see some activity on the share where you actually downloading the game to from time to time (this is caused by Linux caching), also check your Cache, maybe the share is set to Yes and that's why you don't see anything on the Array. I would also recommend that you maybe put the cache folder on a device outside of your Array, maybe through UD since I don't think that you need a Parity protected game mirror. (This will maybe also speed up writes and reads)
  4. This is looking good and should fill you lancache. If nothing is on the array, check your cache too, maybe the share is set to use cache Yes.
  5. I will try this tomorrow again on my machine since it's getting a little late here, but I wasn't able to reproduce this on my machine.
  6. I would recommend that you set the cache to /mnt/user/lancache/cache since this is the default folder structure for lancache but it should not harm anything in your case.
  7. Why? It is more convenient to have a backup in place than not and from my opinion this is way more noob proof than asking.
  8. Then please use the workaround with virish like mentioned above, there is no other workaround or better speaking solution to this AFAIK.
  9. Please stop your prefill container before doing anything, if you are deleting stuff while a container is running is always bad... Those files are created when files are in use by another application and you delete them... I would recommend that you stop your LANCache Monolithic and LANCache DNS container, after that delete the contents from the cache and the logs folder including hidden files, then start both containers back again and after that start a scheduled prefill and attach to the access.log with tail like mentioned before. Please also post screenshots from your LANCache templates, to what is your appdata share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings?
  10. Maybe try to start over without changing anything and see if it's the same, you can change the servername and password too, you should be also able to re-import the savegame too.
  11. Okay, that's I think I hear for the first time. Where should this option appear? Do they start in the Plane again and see the intro again too? Have you changed any server settings so far (config files)? It seems like something is misconfigured, I've now tried it on my server and it works all OOB without changing any settings, restarted the container multiple times and I've always have my inventory populated with the things that I've had previously.
  12. What does the access.log say from your LANCache Monolithic container when the prefill is running and displaying that it is downloading?
  13. Wait, what cache directory, from Prefill? The prefill container fills your LANCache Monolithic container over night or whatever cron schedule you have set...
  14. What? Can you explain a little bit more what you've did? Never heard of such an issue because this data is also saved in the save file and tied to the unique ID from the user (SteamID) when connecting to the game. Yes that is okay, as long as your Cache is not filled up completely and data is copied to the Array.
  15. I don't usually force a sync or do a manual sync because it just works in my case and let cron do it's job. The logs are only written if a cron job is run or you force the sync on container start.
  16. No, the container updates itself always to the latest version, there is only on container in my Docker repo. Why, looking similar to me. You actually have to wait for a sync to start, maybe let the container run over night and let it do it's job and post your logs tomorrow.
  17. I really can't explain why this is happening on your system, I've also got the retrying errors sometimes but after it got the CDNs it starts pulling data and filling LANCache: ---Checking if UID: 99 matches user--- ---Checking if GID: 100 matches user--- ---Setting umask to 000--- ---Checking for optional scripts--- ---No optional script found, continuing--- ---Starting cron--- ---Taking ownership of data...--- ---Starting...--- ---BattleNetPrefill enabled!--- ---Version Check!--- ---BattleNetPrefill v1.4.2 up-to-date--- ---SteamPrefill enabled!--- ---Version Check!--- ---SteamPrefill v1.8.1 up-to-date--- ---Prepare Server--- Your global defined cron schedule is: 0 2 * * * ---Container fully started, waiting for next cron job to start!--- ==> /lancacheprefill/logs/battlenet_prefill.log <== ==> /lancacheprefill/logs/steam_prefill.log <== ==> /lancacheprefill/logs/battlenet_prefill.log <== [2022-11-30] Starting BattleNetPrefill [1:00:01 AM] Prefilling 5 products Detecting Lancache server... [1:00:02 AM] Detected Lancache server at level3.blizzard.com! [1:00:02 AM] Starting Diablo 3 Up to date! [1:00:02 AM] Starting Starcraft Remastered Up to date! [1:00:03 AM] Starting Starcraft 2 Up to date! [1:00:04 AM] Starting Warcraft 3: Reforged Up to date! [1:00:04 AM] Starting WoW Classic Up to date! [1:00:05 AM] Prefill complete! Prefilled 5 apps in 03.38 ==> /lancacheprefill/logs/steam_prefill.log <== [2022-11-30] Starting SteamPrefill [1:00:05 AM] Starting login! Connecting to Steam... Logging into Steam... [1:00:06 AM] Logged into Steam Saving Steam session... Retrieving owned apps... [1:00:06 AM] Steam session initialization complete! Retrieving latest App metadata... [1:00:08 AM] Starting Wreckfest Getting available CDN Servers... Getting available CDN Servers... Retrying 1 Getting available CDN Servers... Retrying 2 Getting available CDN Servers... Retrying 3 Fetching depot manifests... [1:00:12 AM] Downloading 26.91 GiB Detecting Lancache server... [1:00:12 AM] Detected Lancache server at lancache.steamcontent.com [] Downloading..: 0% Downloading..: 7% Downloading..: 15% Downloading..: 22% Downloading..: 25% Downloading..: 32% Downloading..: 39% Downloading..: 46% Downloading..: 50% Downloading..: 57% Downloading..: 64% Downloading..: 71% Downloading..: 75% Downloading..: 82% Downloading..: 89% Downloading..: 95% Downloading..: 96% Downloading..: 97% Downloading..: 98% Downloading..: 99% [1:07:04 AM] Finished in 06:51.83 - 561.36 Mbit/s [1:07:04 AM] Prefill complete! ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Prefilled 17 apps in 06:59.17 Updated │ Up To Date ━━━━━━━━━┿━━━━━━━━━━━━ 1 │ 16 Disconnecting [1:07:04 AM] Disconnected from Steam!
  18. Yes, this will only enable communication between br0 containers, the host and bridge containers. By default br0 container can not communicate with the host or other container networks. This would also be an issue if you for example set the DNS server from your Unraid box to the LANCache DNS IP, that won't work because the host and br0 can't communicate without Allow Host Access.
  19. The first thing that you should definitely turn of is validation! I've never experienced wipes of the whole world, but I will set up a container on my server and see if it also wipes the world. This was caused because the Cache was set to Yes on those systems and because it points to /mnt/cache/... instead of /mnt/user/... it couldn't find the save games after a restart from the container because the move moved them to a disk on the Array where the template isn't designed to support this.
  20. Do you have Allow Host Access on in the Docker settings? If yes, try to switch the container to bridge mode and set the DNS manually to the LAN Cache DNS container.
  21. This means basically that the steam server is not answering and that the file is not found in the LANCache because it shows MISS but it tries to download but somehow fails.
  22. This is really strange! It should work definitely if you set it to Please also make sure that you set a Upstream DNS with a variable with the Key: UPSTREAM_DNS and as the Value the upstream DNS of you choice, maybe It should by default use but maybe try another one. What IP did you assign to the prefill container? I can only think of an issue with prefill not respecting the --dns variable and therefore it can't find the lancache.
  23. No, this is not an issue at all. But if you set the --dns manually to LANCache-DNS it works or does it also fail? AFAIK it should display the IP from LANCache Monolithic so this seems correct to me. Have you set a valid upstream DNS server in your LANCache-DNS container? EDIT: What does the LANCache access.log when it's retrying? Maybe open up a container console and type in: tail -f /PATH/TO/access.log of course replace /PATH/TO with the path to the access.log within the LANCache Monolithic container.
  24. Please post a screenshot from your template. To what is your appdata share set in therms of Use Cache? "Only", "Yes", "No" or "Prefer"?
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