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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Also ich will hier nicht zu weit ausholen aber ein paar Fragen habe ich, es können dir hier auch sicher andere gute Tipps geben: Wo? Also ich habs auch hier schon geschrieben: Wenn du was willst das funktioniert in VMs dann musst du bei Intel bleiben zumindest bis Ryzen 5xxx series war es so, wie es sich mit den neuen verhält weiß ich (vermutlich keiner hier) nicht. Ich weiß Intel hat auch Nachteile mit den Lanes aber die Frage ist immer ob du alle Lanes brauchst. Vermutlich werden mich jetzt hier viele wegen dieser Aussage zu AMD in der Luft zerreißen aber ist einfach meine Bescheidene Meinung. Ich würde aber auch gerne wissen wie sich die neue Platform verhält, was die alles kann im echten Leben (pros und cons) und wenn du sie probieren willst bin ich an allem interessiert was du rausfindest... Für dein Vorhaben brauchst du aber auch mindestens zwei Grafikkarten oder du hast eine VM in der du die dGPU immer verwendest, die iGPU wird nämlich für die Konsole von Unraid benötigt und du könntest die dann auch zum transcoding in Emby oder Jellyfin verwenden (Plex weiß ich noch immer nicht ob die jetzt AMD transcoding schon unterstützen... ). OSX kann ich nicht wriklich weiterhelfen und ich bin prinzipiell dagegen sowas zu Virtualisieren da dies meistens mehr Probleme mit sich bringt auch besonders bei Updates. Wie du schon richtig schreibst, sollte kein Problem sein. Dann würd ich dir auf jeden Fall empfehlen nur eine dGPU für beide Systeme zu verwenden wenn das denn möglich ist und nicht beide gleichzeitig laufen sollen. Würd dir auch noch empfehlen das du unbedingt drauf achtest das dein Motherboard das du verwenden willst mehrere USB Chips verbaut hat damit du einen durchreichen kannst das du Geräte im Betrieb der VM einstöpseln und auch abstöpseln kannst und es dir das leben um einiges erleichtert, vergiss dabei aber nicht ein USB chip (Root Hub) muss dabei für den Host bleiben für den Unraid USB Stick. Ist zwar keine genaue Beratung von mir aber nur ein paar Ansätze die evtl. zu beachten sind. Hoffe das hilft auch schon mal ein wenig.
  2. But in general this has nothing to do with Unraid per se. This is more an issue with the Docker containers, the maintainers of these containers or better speaking the creators of the application itself have to make sure that transcoding is working with their application and the maintainers from the containers have to make sure that they ship everything that is needed that transcoding is working regardleds if it's AMD, Intel or Nvidia. That is already in place with the amdgpu Kernel module that ships with Unraid. BTW AFAIK the new 7000 series is based on the RDNA2 architecture and should be supported OOB from the Unraid side or better speaking the Linux Kernel with the above mentioned amdgpu driver. Do you know that there is already the RadeonTOP plugin in the CA App which actually has the ability to show the usage of an AMD GPU on the Dashboard in combination with the GPU Statistics plugin like it is already possible with Nvidia and Intel? I can only tell you that for example Emby and Jellyfin are both working fine with AMD GPUs regardless if we are talking about iGPUs or dGPUs, Plex on the other hand has some issues with HW transcoding but there are workarounds for this in place but this is something, as said above, that the container maintainer and the Plex team has to fix and make sure that they ship everything in the container what is needed to get AMD transcoding to work. However if you ever want to try HW transcoding on AMD you only have to pass through the device /dev/dri to the container (as a device and not a path) in the template and you should be good to go - this is basically the same as if you use a Intel iGPU for transcoding. At last I have to say something about that: I'm really not too sure about this... For the things you mention, maybe yes... But since AMD was or is simply a little behind in terms of virtualization, passthrough, C-States and not to forget about the CCX design (microstuttering in VMs) I would still recommend to use Intel chips if you want something that just works at least in terms for VMs. Don't get me wrong, I'm also curious how these new chips perform and it is/was clearly a benefit that their platform at least support ECC OOB (which Intel doesn't do on the consumer chips). I'm by far not an Intel fanboy because back in the days I was only on AMD because they delivered great price to performance and I'm always open to change my mind. That said nobody knows how well they perform for transcoding and how cut down these chips are in terms of transcoding support (simultaneous transcodes, codecs,...). I would recommend to wait until someone has such a chip on hand and post results for transcoding. If you are curious enough to buy such a chip and try it for yourself please let us all know how they perform in terms of transcoding.
  3. Please see the post one above yours.
  4. Schau mal hier vorbei wegen Empfehlung für USB Sticks: Generell würde ich empfehlen das du zu USB 2.0 Sticks greifst, die Geschwindigkeit zählt hier nicht so da eigentlich beim Boot davon gelesen wird und das den Boot nur ein wenig verlängert um ein paar Sekunden. Meine Empfehlung liegt noch immer bei dem hier: Klick
  5. I would recommend that you measure this with a real power meter and compare the results. This is as always, just a software sensor and this is something that is calculated and doesn't have to reflect the real power usage. As said above, to solve your issue after a reboot append this to your go file: nvidia-persistenced
  6. That's why I recommend to append this to the go file: nvidia-persistenced this will solve this. So there is no difference in power usage...? I thought there was a massive difference...
  7. Ja genau, wie @mgutt einfach neuen Stick machen (entweder mit dem Tool oder direkt von hier die zip Datei laden, auf den USB Stick entpacken und dann make_bootable.bat ausführen), den "config" Ordner von dem neu erstellen Stick löschen und den "config" Ordner von deinem Backup auf den neuen Stick packen. @maikki im "config" Ordner befindet sich auch dein Key und alle anderen nötigen Konfigurationen damit der Server wieder so booted wie er war.
  8. I think you missed the important part, you have to remove and create new entries for the corresponding ports from your config. In terms of ports there is no far away or not, you only have to make sure that they don't overlap. As long as each container has it's own ports you are good to go.
  9. This is not much different from running on bare metal since my containers update on server start and are highly customizable this should be no issue at all, but as said I'm not that familiar with 7DtD... Has @Spectral Force or someone from their Discord already replied?
  10. Thank you for the report. There is literally nothing I can do about that because this is the proprietary driver from Nvidia and you should report that on the Nvidia Forums. Another thing to keep in mind or at least before you report that if this is a measured value (with a power meter at the wall) or is this just something that the GPU Plugin gave back? I wouldn't always count on values which are reported by the software itself. Also good to know would be if you measured this with nvidia-persistenced on or off? In which power state was the card? Also another question that I have is, why reports the GPU Statistics plugin that your card is running at PCIe Gen 1 speeds when it is actually able to run at Gen 4 speeds? Keep also in mind that if you use the RTX3060Ti only for transcoding that is really not the most efficient card for that because there are much cheaper and more efficient cards out there for such tasks like the Nvidia T400 or T600 which also get the job just done fine and was affordable even at the GPU crisis and costed brand new about $ 120,- The T400 has a maximum TDP of 30W (and yes, this is the real TDP) and draws in idle about 1-3W (I think the T600 has a maximum TDP of around 40W if I'm not mistaken and there is also a T1000 which has a maximum TDP of around 50W)
  11. Please update the plugin, should now be fixed.
  12. I can compile this driver for 6.11.0 but are you really sure this is not also caused by the new Kernel and/or other things? Usually a driver revision change doesn't introduce such a huge wattage increase.
  13. No, I changed that a while back since it will combine both features because if someone wants to downgrade or change the version to something else one had to click Save and afterwards Download. To make it a bit more convenient you can now click Update & Download As said above I will look into the Update notification ASAP.
  14. You can open up an issue over here on the issue tracker for the Intel-GPU-Tools if you really want too.
  15. Select the Production Branch and click on Update & Download.
  16. I don't understand, what should that change exactly? Did you reinstall the driver at some point and or do you have a iGPU built in? Do you use GUI mode? You can however try to execute this command from the command line and reboot afterwards: sed -i "/disable_xconfig=/c\disable_xconfig=true" /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg (but this would be the last thing that I would try)
  17. Exact same issue over here, I will look into that and report back ASAP. Click Update & Download and it will update the selected version, on my machine this works just fine.
  18. The TBS drivers currently won't compile against Kernel 5.19, please downgrade to 6.10.3 and check back from time to time in this thread, I will post a update when I can compile them.
  19. When you don't know that why should it break something...? The installation from packages through the Nerd Pack where initiated by the user (in this case you). The packages installed through Nerd Pack are NOT needed to run Unraid itself and they are installed usually because a user needs to run some kind of custom script(s) or whatever. EDIT: It would be also good to share with us what packages are installed or at least your Diagnostics.
  20. ich777


    Only because the help section mentions it, it doesn't mean that it is also supported by the Kernel. Also don't forget that zramctl was included in Unraid but the module was missing, this was simply caused because zramctl is part of the util-linux package for Slackware and because Unraid strictly speaking doesn't use swap the module wasn't included Is this compression algorithm needed or is this your preferred one? Just asking to determine if it is really needed. A little more for you to read over here: Click and also over here: Click From my opinion lz4 should be the sweet spot in terms of speed and compression.
  21. ich777


    It is, can you try to use lz4 instead of zstd for testing purposes? EDIT: All compressions should work except for zstd, is it in your case needed?
  22. I will recompile it later that day, keep an eye on plugin updates, but if you don't see it after the update I think you are out of luck and have to wait a bit longer until it is supported.
  23. Nothing changed, as said above the main reason because it is working sometimes and sometimes not is most likely nvidia-persistenced which you trigger through the go file.
  24. No. Is this also true when you issue: intel_gpu_top from a Unraid console? Please also post a screenshot. I can recompile intel_gpu_top from the latest master branch later that day but I'm not sure if it will fix the issue.
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