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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Du benutzt ZHA oder? Dann schau mal hier vorbei: Klick Ich kann dir bestätigen das die funktionieren… Einwandfrei… Der gibt sich dann so zu erkennen in ZHA: Die müssen das doch dazu schreiben weil es auch eine WLAN Variante davon gibt und wie es so oft der Fall heutzutage ist liest keiner mehr und das dient meistens nur als absicherung… Noch dazu misst du auch beachten das Zigbee 3.0 ein standard ist und die das natürlich auch dazuschreiben weil die was verkaufen wollen und deine Nutzungsdaten haben wollen. Was glaubst du wieviele Ikea Tradfri oder auch den Ikea Symfonisk Drehknöpfe ich bei mir zu hause hab. 😅 Updates sollten übrigens über ZHA auch funktionieren, jedoch weiß ich nicht ob Aqara updates dort funktionieren was aber funktionieren sollte und wo du updates machen kannst sollte Zigbee2MQTT sein, ist mir persönlcih aber den Aufwand nicht wert und ich bin sehr zufrieden mit ZHA.
  2. No need to do that: This applies only if you have update Unraid before I've recompiled the driver packages for 6.11.0 stable.
  3. The reebot did that or any driver plugin (which has the plugin update helper built in) will update the plugin update helper when a plugin update is done, but AFAIK there wasn‘t any major plugin updates. Nothing to worry about, everything is now updated on your system.
  4. Please reinstall the GPU Statistics plugin and configure it again.
  5. No, not in any way. I think you haven‘t rebooted in a long time or am I wrong? The update helper was updated about 2 weeks ago because there was a bug in it. ZFS is already built for 6.11.0 stable and everything is working.
  6. Everything is now working again, to get up and running please see this post: @Gorosch, @Dave31337, @jvlarc, @musicking, @Lintux
  7. Recompiled the drivers and they are now just working fine (to get it working scroll down): Please do the following (this is only necessary if you upgraded before I recompiled the driver): Open up a Unraid terminal and execute: rm -f /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/5.19.9/* Close the terminal Go to the Nvidia-Driver Plugin page Click on the button "Update & Download" (please wait until the download finished and the Done button is displayed) Reboot Again, sorry for the inconvenience...
  8. This is my fail and you should report about it in the appropriate support thread...
  9. I'm currently spinning up my build VM and compiling the drivers again, currently drivers for 6.11.0 stable are not available...
  10. I'm currently on it, everything was working fine on the pre release from the stable which used the same Kernel version: I will keep you updated, give me half an hour or so...
  11. You have to use driver version 470.x
  12. Diagnostics? Diagnostics? I can only tell you that I've tested the drivers on my test machine and they are working just fine with my Nvidia T400
  13. The Diagnostics are always needed because otherwise I can't tell anything what's going on.
  14. @DavidNguyen everything seems fine, please try to upgrade to Unraid 6.11.0 that was released just now and if it doesn't work please send over new Diagnostics.
  15. Aber jetzt: Bitte entweder quoten oder @Kiwi01 mit @ erwähnen und dann drauf klicken das derjenige eine Benachrichtigung bekommt ca. so:
  16. If this is the Plex terminal everything seems fine. Please try the following: Delete the Plex container Create a new claim Go to your Docker page and click on Add Container at the bottom From the drop down select your Plex template (with this you ensure that the paths and everything is like before) Paste the new claim in your Plex template Click Apply Try to force a transcode BTW are you sure that you are forcing a transcode and this is not only the Audio (or the Subtitles) which get transcoded on the CPU? If the above isn't working I would recommend that you go to the Plex support thread and post there since this seems like a Plex issue (also post the Plex transcoding log).
  17. Ich glaube du solltest bei dem Thread mal vorbeisehen, ca. das gleiche und ein Video ist auch dabei.
  18. Someone already forked my repo and made it available here: Click I think that he update the checkmk agent if I'm not mistaken.
  19. Please post the output from: cat /etc/docker/daemon.json and also from: ls -la /dev/dri
  20. What happens when you issue: nvidia-smi from within the Console from the container? Your card seems to work just fine and the drivers are loaded correctly from what I see from your Diagnostics.
  21. The plugin itself installs just fine, but it's pulling LXC from GitHub Releases and uses the GitHub API. Now the plugin seems to be installed or am I wrong? I think it's like @jmztaylor said that you share one public IP where some users are making use of the GitHub API and exceed the rate limit.
  22. Hmmm, vielleicht kann dir jemand anderer weiter helfen, hast du schon mal versucht ohne die GPU durchzureichen die VM zu booten? @mgutt hast du vielleicht eine Idee?
  23. Please post your Diagnostics. Why are the NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES and the NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES twice in there?
  24. Aber Bare Metal funktioniert es wenn du bootest von der SSD oder?
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