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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Can you show me the Email configuration page from your container? Have you also seen this post from @alturismo: You have to restart the container once after a cron schedule was executed to view the logs, luckyBackup was not designed that the GUI is running when a cron job is executed but that happens basically in the container.
  2. Usually you run TVHeadend in combination with a bridge app to use it in Plex because Plex can be a little "special" when it comes to TV Tuners... Also the next time the Tuner drops out please also issue this command from and Unraid terminal and post the output with the Diagnostics here: ls -la /dev/dvb
  3. Simply click the underlined text where it says Diagnostics, there are instructions on how to do that. Please pull the Diagnostics after the card dropped from your system, this will help a lot I think. Hmmm, that is really strange. Usualy the Firmware doesn't need to be updated. The drivers are up to date if you are using the DVB Driver plugin and a recent Unraid version, I recommend at least Unraid 6.9.2 This plugin actually installs the driver.
  4. Ja, du hast doch oben geschrieben das du Erweiterte ACLs aktivieren musstest damit das funktioniert. Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das in Schulen bzw. Firmen auch so gelöst wird und das dort eher ActiveDirectory oder generell irgend etwas anderes als Unraid benutzt wird. Das kann Segen und Fluch zugleich sein... Spreche aus Erfahrung mit Windows Server... Ebenfalls Segen und Fluch. Ich persönlich, also nicht falsch verstehen, finde es viel einfacher von allem das in /mnt/user auf Unraid ist ein Backup zu erstellen bzw. Ausnahmen welche Ordner nicht inkludiert werden sollen, aber das ist Subjektiv und empfindet jeder anders. Bzw. benutz ich das anders und mach ein Backup von allem das in /mnt ist und hab dort Ausnahmen definiert.
  5. As said above, I've run a Docker Path and not the Docker Image on my ZFS Pool (/mnt/nvme), also maybe try to use a pool that has no special characters in it's path, only letters and numbers, maybe that's causing the issue. Here is my docker.cfg I would strongly recommend that you use: powerdown -r for a restart or: powerdown for a shutdown from your server but anyways this wouldn't changed much in your case that the server hung up. Only having one "test" Windows 11 VM image on my ZFS Pool, maybe it's also related how you set up the pool. I'm only running a mirror without anything special but with that parameters in the go file: I run it this since the first Unraid 6.10.0 RC series came out on my server without an issue so far, also have my Krusader container installed and it works without a hitch.
  6. Open up a Unraid terminal and navigate to the folder maybe something like: cd /mnt/user/appdata and then delete the folder with: rm -rf minecraft (be very careful with that command since it removes folders recursive and of course don't delete the wrong folder)
  7. Verstehe ich, aber Unraid kann das eben nicht. Dafür könntest du dir doch verschiedene Shares anlegen oder sehe ich das falsch? Für jeden User einen Share anlegen und nur dem entsprechendem User Lese-/Schreibrechte für den jeweiligen Share geben. Funktioniert auch so wie oben beschrieben nur eben mit einzelnen Shares. Dafür brauchst du auch keine Unterordner mehr und jeder User hat wirklich seinen eigenen Share, sieht auch nur seine Shares, mit dem Unterschied das es nicht in Unterordner unterteilt ist und auch den Vorteil hat das alles auch OOB funktioniert ohne das du irgendwas am Client umstellen musst, Thema Erweiterte ACLs. Nicht falsch oder in alten Mustern, sondern einfach umdenken.
  8. That should not be related to the DVB driver. The LibreELEC drivers are basically the in tree Kernel drivers and the in tree V4L with all the necessary firmware files so that the drivers can work. So the in tree Kernel drivers will or at least should be updated and working for a long time. I would report this directly to DigitalDevices themselves, the support email link should be somewhere on their homepage. Please also include the exact card that you own and Kernel version that you are using. If you know more please let me also know! If you need anything else feel free to contact me again.
  9. No, that's not possible. iSCSI is a technique to share a whole block device or a image as a block device. Also keep in mind that I think is also not easy possible with iSCSI since with iSCSI you should connect only one computer to one target and not multiple computers at once to one target because this can and definitely will cause file and filesystem corruption. If you share however a full disk to a computer keep in mind you can simply pull the disk out of your server and place it in your local computer and it will still work as local disk and vice versa.
  10. The lines are in there and listed that they repeated many many many many times... May I ask with what container are you using the cards? TVHeadend or Plex? If TVHeadend the container or the plugin? As said above, no issue here with such messages on my DigitalDevices Cine C/T V6.5, have to look into this, maybe try to select the LibreELEC driver, reboot and see if the same happens.
  11. @jnk22 oh, what I forgot to say is that you always can try the LibreELEC package since this will also work with DigitalDevices cards and is usually a fair bit behind the "proprietary" drivers.
  12. Can you please send me over your Diagnostics too? That is really unfortunate since I'm running 2x DigitalDevices Cine C/T V6.5 and they are working without a hitch on every Unraid version so far, including the RC versions. These are included in the latest build since I build them every time from source when a new Unraid version is released. Please post your Diagnostics so that I can investigate further.
  13. As said above, I have to look into it but it could take a while since I have a few other things that need my attention first, will report back when I know more.
  14. I have to look into this because as said above I really don't like Forge in general because the documentation still isn't the best and the servers always crashed at some point on me. Maybe try it first with the container from @binhex maybe it's more Forge friendly... @binhex please correct me on this if I'm wrong...
  15. @ozma64 is this maybe the solution to your issue: Click (You actually have to read the entire Github issue)
  16. As you can clearly see from this log, you need a more recent version, try it with the latest available version in the container. Post the log afterwards.
  17. You also have the logs in your main directory and you should be able to read it in one of the two directories: .../logs/latest.log .../masterLog.0 I really can't help with Forge. From what I know the container from @binhex should also be able to run forge if I'm not mistaken. Maybe you have more success with his container?
  18. @Waseh can you add a button to the plugin to enable the WebGUI from rclone with maybe a option to set the user, password, port if enabled? I think a lot of people will appreciate that. The basic command would be: rclone rcd --rc-web-gui --rc-addr --rc-user USER --rc-pass PASSWORD If you need any help feel free to contact me, currently I can't make a PR on your repo...
  19. ich777


    6.10.0 Stable ist auch nicht mehr so weit weg und ich kanns schon am Horizont sehen.
  20. Wir sprechen hier von SMB shares oder? Wenn ja ist das nicht möglich, du kannst nur Shares erstellen und die einem oder mehreren User(n) zuordnen mit entweder: keinem Zugriffsrecht Leserechten Lese-/Schreibrechten
  21. Go to the template, switch on the Advanced View on the top right corner in the template and at Extra Parameters remove "--restart=unless-stopped" then the container should display the full log and not loop the whole time.
  22. I think this was asked a few times before and from what I know Forge is not compatible with the newest Java version or am I wrong? You maybe have to set this to Java 11 I think like in this screenshot: I'm not too familiar with modding Minecraft anymore because I have barely time to play any game... Personally I've never liked Forge because it stopped randomly working and I couldn't figure out why... I think the crash is coming from a mod, are those mods server side mods or client side mods? Also if this crash is coming from modlauncher maybe try Java15 or Java16, don't know exactly which one is compatible.
  23. Container is now fixed, you have now multiple options of how scaling works. First of all update the container, you don't have to set such a high resolution in the container template itself, simply leave it at 1280x1024 and start the container as usual, after that, click on the little arrow on the left side, click on the gear icon and at the drop down select Remote Resizing: This will force noVNC to always resize it's size to the browser window size but please be aware that the resizing will work if you are connected to a RDP session but it will maybe not resize the RDP session window, this is dependent on the setting that you've set in Remmina itself and if the RDP server that you are connecting to supports this. Hope this helps.
  24. I think you only tried to implement ot in Plex or am I wrong? Can you try if it‘s working in TVHeadend and stays there? Plex can be a bit special when adding TV cards directly. Your Diagnostics would also be very helpful after the TV card dropped.
  25. No, I,ve talked only about the main window. Please give me a bit, will look into this. something semms wrong, maybe it‘s because of the resolution.
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