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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Bitte poste deine Diagnostics und vergiss nicht das du dir auf jeden Fall für diese Grafikkarte das AMD Vendor Reset Plugin installieren musst.
  2. Yes, but you iGPU isn't enabled from what I see in your Diagnostics file, the only graphics device that I see in your Diagnostics is your ASPEED onboard grapics device. Some motherboards need a connected Display or a HDMI Dummy plug connected to the iGPU in order to activate it, even if you set it to the Primary graphics output in the BIOS like on my motherboard it's the case, otherwise the iGPU won't work.
  3. I see the folder but the actual folders for the game content are not in there from what I see in your screenshot. Please also keep in mind the full path to the files in the container is: /serverdata/serverfiles I don‘t understand what TheForest and GarrysMod have to do with each other… You can run multiple instances from TheForest and/or GarrysMod and/or any other game server from me without interfering with each other, when configured right.
  4. Das stimmt so, du kannst aber beispielsweise new config machen und die disks wieder genau so zuorndnen wie sie waren und unter umständen auch das die Parity stimmt, das würd ich aber nicht empfehlen bzw wenn du es machst einen Parity check triggern.
  5. On what Unraid version are you? Was a Parity check triggered too? This will be only triggered if the shutdown was somehow unclean. Please always attach your Diagnostics if you experience such issues (pull the Diagnostics of corse after it happened and don't reboot in between). Do you had any SSH connections or some terminal windows with an active connection to Unraid open? Please go forward and try to upgrade to the latest RC version and see if the same happens. A scrub won't hurt your pool in any way.
  6. This is a very strange behavior… Can you please post your Diagnostigs before and after this happens? How do you use the card on Unraid (TVHeadend - if you ise TVHeadend do you use the container or the plugin, Plex,…)?
  7. What path are you using? where the files that you copied over from a Windows machine? Do you have already other games installed?
  8. I run Conan through WINE because there is only a Windows dedicated server. For 7DtD is a Linux dedicated server available. I can try to create a container for this game but you always have to keep in mind if there is only a Windows dedicated server available it may work or may not or even will work for a certain ammount of time and then the developers release a update of the game which break it if it runs through WINE. take for example Space Engineers it ran through WINE about 6 years ago but then the developers released an update which broke everything and the game wouldn‘t woutk anymore with WINE. Empyrion is also a game that won‘t run through WINE because these games where designed wothout Linux in mind. If you want me to try to create a container for your requested game you can always donate it to me and I will look into it, but because it‘s only available on Windows it may not work.
  9. What have you done so far (maybe I will answer tomorrow, getting a bit late here and I‘m really tired today ).
  10. Hast du evtl. irgendwelche Plugins/Anwendungen drauf die das möglicherweise auslösen?
  11. Ich glaub aber eher das irgend etwas anderes bei dir im argen liegt. Sind das die einzigen 2 Anwendungen die du im Terminal verwendest? Wie gesagt ich kann das überhaupt nicht nachstellen.
  12. Mit was verbindest du dich zum Server also SSH client? Ich kann das Problem nicht nachstellen zumal meine CPU auch Ein 10th gen ist und die pakete für die jeweiligen Unraid versionen alle gleich sind.
  13. From my perspective the right path is /mnt since not everyone has Unassigned Devices installed. Have you even read the ZFS support thread, there is also the /mnt path used as the mount path. @Tommy Isn‘t there a button to ignore that? Basically you can mount your ZFS volumes wherever you want but I would strongly recommend that you mount it in the /mnt directory. The last thing that you can do is uninstall Fix Common Problems of you can‘t ignore that warning or contact @Squid about that.
  14. Yes, this is a known issue, don’t know how to get rid of this bug as it appears at random times...
  15. Kannst du mal einen Screenshot davon machen, bin so wie @alturismo ein wenig verwirrt was du genau meinst?
  16. Why don't you change the mount point to /mnt/zfs? This would be the easiest method and you don't get this warning... Something like this should get you covered: zfs set mountpoint=/mnt/zfs yourpoolname (I would recommend to stop the Array in the first place and change all directories to the right location and after that start the Array again)
  17. Updated the container and added a version check at container start/restart. Please update the container and it will pull the latest version from Zandronum.
  18. Sure thing, but I don't play every game that I've made containers for... Will fix that, give me a bit and I will report back when it's updated.
  19. Got to your appdata directory (I recommend via SMB) and place the mods in the appropriate folder in your terraria-tmodloader directory. Please see here as above except for the directory: Click (the file is located in the main Terraria directory for the container named "serverconfig.txt" - don't forget to stop the container in the first place, edit the file and then start it again) Create a new world on your local PC that is named "world" (without quotes) and replace the files in the Worlds directory. You can of course create it with another world name but then you have to change the parameter "worldname" in the serverconfig.txt to the corresponding world name (case sensitive!).
  20. When transcoding a file or when the transcoding finished? Do you use Plex? Plex usually transcodes a few minutes from the file to buffer it and then throttles itself. Do you have nvidia-persistenced enabled? If not try to issue: nvidia-persistenced from a Unraid terminal (you will get no output but this means it's working) and then try to transcode a file again and see if it's the same. If that doesn't help you are maybe out of luck because the FAN speed/curve is set in the BIOS and there is nothing you can do about that. nvidia-persistenced should help hopefully. If you want this to persist between reboots simply add the command at the end of your go file.
  21. I've never experienced anything like that and I use my Thunderbird container quite frequently and even if it hangs because I open two instances from two different computers a restart from the container fixes everything. Which scaling mode are you using? Are you connecting maybe from more than one machine to the container at the same time with scaling set to remote, that can cause issues from what I know. From a technical standpoint you can't minimize everything...
  22. Please create a post in the Unassigned Devices support thread with that error message and also post that this is a device mountet through iSCSI, I think this message can be safely ignored if I‘m not wrong…
  23. These are all questions for the VM sub forums… TBH I really can‘t give much help for VMs because I really don‘t know much about it since I‘m running not a single VM with a GPU passed trough, the poeple over in the VMs sub forums have more knwledge about that.
  24. Please update the plugin and make sure that you are on version 2022.03.17 and reboot your server. Everything should now work as expected! Thank you for the report.
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