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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I really don't know what's causing this on your setup... I've now tried it on my server and it works flawlessly, here is the log after the first installation: ConanExiles.log and I also can browse it in the Steam Server Browser: Can you maybe share your Diagnostics, but I can't tell for sure if I can help you after you've shared them.
  2. The dedicated server is only available for Windows from what I see and I‘m not to sure if this game will even run on Linux through WINE. I also have stopped to create game servers for games that I‘ve personally don‘t own because giving support for those containers is a nightmare.
  3. This screen has nothing to do with how the container works. This is only the Docker run command. maybe something has hung up at the Docker service. The first line also gives you an Errors. Try to restart your server.
  4. Sieht auf den ersten Blick nicht verkehrt aus. Warum löscht du danach die Ordner und vor allem die lange Wartezeit danach bzw. warum überhaupt sleep? Die Befehle werden nacheinander ausgeführt und nicht parallel. exit 0 nicht exit o... brauchst du aber nicht zwingend. EDIT: Hier auch nochmal der Hilfetext von notify in Unraid nur falls du noch was hinzufügen oder anders machen willst:
  5. Bitte poste deinen Screnshot mal im RC3 Bug Reports -> Prereleases Unterforum und schreib dazu das 6.9.2 sauber startet.
  6. Was it running before or is this the first time you've installed it? Actually that's really odd because for @Draconicwraith it's working, at least the base game, don't know about the workshop content yet, but this could sometimes also break the game. What CPU are you running? Please turn off validation... I would recommend to start over again, delete the container, delete the folder forl conanexiles in your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App.
  7. Simply go to your appdata share and got to the folder for conanexiles and edit the files there (from your local file browser over SMB or even SFTP). Simply click on the container and select Edit there you should see this variable:
  8. Exactly, please look at the Docker template, there is a variable in there where it describes what to do.
  9. No. On what Unraid version are you? Can you please post the full output from this command when the container is stopped: docker container logs ConanExiles (maybe past everything in a text file and post it here because this log will be long) Do you have a Cache drive installed? If yes to what is the appdata share set in terms of Use Cache in the Share settings?
  10. Also if you install the AMD Vendor Reset plugin? From what I see you are booting in Legacy (CSM) mode, that should be the common way. What machine type do you use for the VM? The AMD Vendor Reset plugin is more a workaround to a real solution, it can happen that on certain VM reboots the card doesn't reset quiet right... Have you disabled Sleep and Hibernation in the Power settings from the VM? UDMA errors often caused by the SATA cables itself or like you've mentioned by a faulty connector, as long as they don't go up further. Maybe try to set the iGPU to the primary display in the BIOS and also pluging in a Monitor or a HDMI Dummy plug.
  11. That's basically it. It may be possible that your card isn't fully supported fully if you are on 6.9.2 For what do you want to use the card? Can you post your Diagnostics?
  12. As said above, the container does nothing to the files. I really can't tell why it's not working, I only remember that someone reported just a few weeks ago the same thing for the game Longvinter but it turns out that this only happens when the server is running while the files are changed. Btw, you don't have to chmod anything, the files should all be editable when the container is stopped.
  13. This is not the container, this is the dedicated server, the container does nothing to the game files... It should be the same on bare metal. The container does nothing else like on bare metal only automated.
  14. I think you are in the wrong wiki, this is the right one: https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Dedicated_servers
  15. About what container are we talking? GarrysMod or CSGO? I also run a CSGO server and I have no issue editing the server.cfg files or whatever... From what I know if there is a configuration error in the GerrysMod dedicated server the ini files are reset, what are you trying to modify?
  16. Have you stopped the container before editing the file? Have you turned on validation? If yes, turn it please off.
  17. Komisch ich hab bei ein paar nachgesehen, die sagen alle das es dauern online war ohne Ausfälle, wer weiß aber wie Vertrauenswürdig diese dinger sind... Sonst mal ein Skript einrichten das mit einer while schleife alle 5 minuten pingt und den output loggt, wäre interessant ob es evtl. an deinem provider liegt...
  18. This is the plugin version and not the ZFS version. Why not use the ZFS directory? Are you really sure this worked before? But this seems like a issue with GUI itself and should reported to the bug tracker for RC3.
  19. I really can't tell what's wrong on your system, I also don't see the task bar in the screenshot that you've posted above, at least it should show up: Can you try to remove the container, remove the folder for luckybackup from your appdata directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App. Is your appdata share set to Use Cache "Only" or "Prefer", you can find this in the Share settings. The usage looks completely normal:
  20. I can't reproduce this on my Server and my Test Server. Can you try to start over? How much CPU and RAM does the container use currently?
  21. Have you updated the container? Can you clear your browser cache?
  22. Also bei mir ist DuckDNS online. Hat dein Provider vielleicht ein Problem mit AWS?
  23. Updated the container already, please update the container to apply the update.
  24. I will update the container in the next few days so that the taskbar will be displayed and you can bring up the GUI again if you minimized it. Yes please. Maybe something else is preventing the GUI from coming up.
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