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Everything posted by ich777

  1. About what Prometheus plugin are we talking about here? Do you have a screenshot about the error?
  2. AV1 is the successor to the VP9 codec if I'm not mistaken. I really don't know when or if it ever will take off and get more popularity because so less devices supports this codec. I would recommend to not convert your whole media library, at least not yet, to this format because even if Jellyfin would support it the most devices out there doesn't support it either and that means that you have to transcode each indiviual file back to h264 or h265 and that is counterproductive because not much hardware supports encoding (even decoding -> only supported on RTX3000 series so far and no encoding on the RTX3000 series) and uses way more energy than if you have the files on h265 which most devices supports by now. Please keep also in mind that I'm not the developer from Jellyfin, if you got a feature request head over to the Jellyfin Github and create an issue there: Click
  3. Sure thing, open up the menu for VNC on the left side, click on the gear icon and at Scaling satet it to Remote. No, not in my containers. VNC was only designed to transmit a remote desktop or at least the screen from a remote desktop without sound.
  4. I aslo think so that there has to be some kind of difference but I'm not too sure what it is. I'm not to sure what it sends, the TVCards takes the stream that is sent in and hands it over to Jellyfin through TVHeadend (no tronscoding in TVHeadend either), so yes I think it's MPEG2 because this is a international standard. In my main server I use DigitalDevices DVB-C cards.
  5. No worries, no issue here. Just out of curiosity I've now tried it on my test server - Asrock J3710 - and I can't spot a difference there... I'm using it there also in combination with TVHeadend, a DVBSky DVB-C card and imported the channels to Jellyfin via xml TV.
  6. Don't get me wrong but you can use whatever container you want and if the official container uses less resources on your system I would recommend sticking to the official one if it does the job fine for you. As said above, I can spot barely a difference between my container and the official one, about 1% difference sometimes the official one higher and sometimes my container higher.
  7. This is a really bad idea to keep your Docker image on a SD card... Upgarde to 6.10.0-rc2 and try to use a directory instead of a docker image.
  8. Nope, not really... This is their automatic build system, nothing changed in terms of the application itself. I've now also tested it and can spot no difference... This has nothing to say about the VAAPI transcoding, this is only the Audio decoding that is done over the CPU.
  9. Where does it use less resources in terms of CPU or GPU? Please keep in mind I really can't imagine that the official one uses less resources than mine since I don't do amything different than the official one my contianer only has everything for AMD, Nvidia and HDR decoding on board. Keep in mind I don't do anything special or custom in my build, I even user their version from FFmpeg because I try to leave it as stock as possible... Are you really sure that this is maybe not caused by the stream and fluctuating bitrates?
  10. Hey @lnxd can you help over here? 😅
  11. Warte mal, jetzt seh ich es erst, kühlst du den RAM auch? 🙈 Will nur anmerken das dies nichts bringt und rein ästhetisch ist... 😉 Die Y adapter sind die drehbar? Würd dir empfehlen das du im Server nichts drehbares verbaust. Hab auch schon oft mit dem Gedelanken gespielt eine Wakü im Server zu verbauen. Sind alles acetal blöcke oder? Den Druck bringst mit einer auch leicht zusammen, die sind für sowas wie dein vorhaben ideal.
  12. If you are using this container with Intel not much I think, the official one should also work with VAAPI but I'm not to sure if the official one also supports if you have HDR content. This container supports AMD/Intel and Nvidia for HW transcoding. I'm not really the developer from Jellyfin, I've only made a container that has the necessary dependencies built in so that it works OOB with nearly all cards/iGPUs and included a description that should be self explaining if you want to use HW transcoding.
  13. Sure thing, send them over and I will test them but give me at least one or two days.
  14. DDC oder D5? Häng zur sicherheit noch eine 2. Pumpe rein in dein System... Wie steuerst du die Lüfter? Bin auch schon sehr gespannt... Das hatte ich früher auch aber nur ohne WS... EDIT: Noch was gefunden: Click
  15. Have you alsp added --runtime=nvidia to the Extra Parameters in the tempalte when you switch on Advanced View? I also would recommend that you head over to the container support thread. This seems like a container specific issue because the Nvidia Driver picks up your cards just fine.
  16. So it isn't working for you? Are you on 6.9.2? Some game servers create files or even lock files when they are running but the containers fix the permissions on most files when they are started anyways, that's a reason why I recommend to always stop the game server before editing files.
  17. You have to use VAAPI, this is nearpy the same as QuickSync and will work just fine. How long did you wait for the stream to start? On my instance, using TVHeadend in combination with Jellyfin with TVHeadend as xml TV source and not the plugin, sometimes it takes about 20 to 30 seconds that streams are starting in the browser and on devices that not support native playback from ts streams.
  18. Please post your Diagnostics so that I can go through the logs and also take a closer look why it fails.
  19. I'm not too familiar with PIA but I think something is wrong with the configuration as the error message suggests. For example if you take Privado, they deliver a single ovpn file that you rename, put in the openvpnclient folder and create the second file with the credentials, thats it. In your case something seems wrong with the configuration. Does PIA have a free tier or free month that I can try it on my own?
  20. Can you please post your Diagnostics? If I'm not mistaken this is a Alder Lake CPU. Are you on the lates RC from unRAID? Please keep in mind that this CPU or at least the iGPU or better speaking Alder Lake is not fully supported in unRAID/Linux and also can cause crashes from the Server itself.
  21. Are you sure that all game files for wreckfest are located on disk1? If not, you can try to change the game files location in the template to /mnt/user/... instead of /mnt/disk1/... Thats the only thing I can recommend... I've now tried it on my machine and it works without a hitch, I attached the log here: wreckfest.log Please also make sure that you are at least on unRAID 6.9.2
  22. Ich verstehe auch nicht warum der die Rechte ändern sollte und schon gar nicht verstehe ich warum der die Rechte außerhalb des Containers auf /mnt ändern sollte...
  23. But it worked before? To what is your appdata share set in therms of Use Cache in the Share settings? Can you post a screenshot from your template? Is it possible that your Mover moved the files from the Cache to the Array? I would recommend that you completely start over, delete the container, delete the folder for wreckfest that lives in your appdata directory and then pull a fresh copy from the CA App.
  24. You know if you install the plugin Intel-GPU-TOP you don't have to edit the go file because it enables it on boot and the plugin also enables you to install the GPU Statistics plugin so that you can see the status from your iGPU on your unRAID Dashboard.
  25. Nein, hast es doch selbst gelöst... 😅 Keine ahnung was bei dir am system falsch war, sei froh das jetzt alles funktioniert. 😉
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