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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I've now installed it again and I see no version number, if you need it here is the log: projectzomboid.log I can add of course add a note but back in the days when I've created this game servers this wasn't a think, maybe only for 7DtD, there is actually a note in. Have to update the description, but this will take some time.
  2. This should work fine too as long as it reports as OHCI device. One idea would be that you take a empty USB key install unRAID on it and boot from that one, (don't start the Array,) register trail, install the CA App, download the Firewire Driver plugin and pull the Diagnostics and post it here or issue 'lspci -v' from the terminal and see if the driver is loaded successfully.
  3. If someone else will have that issue I will revert back to the old version from the plugin, is that ok for you?
  4. This is definitely something for advanced users what you want to do, I only can help where to put the xml's but with everything else I really can't help since I'm not really into modding ARK. The templates (xml files) should be put in /boot/config/plugins/dockerMan/templates-user/ You can then install it on the Docker page with the Add Container button and selecting them from the drop down. For everything else you have to wait for @Cyd or read the documentation in his Github repo, this should get you covered.
  5. The second recommended post on top of this thread should get you covered. There is also the link to @Cyd's Github repository where you can find everything.
  6. 108600 is the GAME ID from the game itself: Click 380870 is the GAME ID from the dedicated server: Click Please read it again, don't use the same path, the steamcmd path is only for SteamCMD and the projectzomboid path is only for the dedicated server files: With a dedicated path to SteamCMD you can point multiple containers who are using SteamCMD to this folder while having only one instance on the host for multiple containers, on your setup I would do it something like this: File/Folder Mount Path docker/steamcmd /serverdata/steamcmd docker/zomboid /serverdata/serverfiles Have you set the variables UID and GID? If yes, to what have you set it? Seems like SteamCMD can't write to the folder. Make sure that the UID and GID exist on your NAS. The game was not downloaded from SteamCMD so it can't find the executable.
  7. Where did you get this? I've posted above the docker run command and in that it includes that the GAME_ID has to be set to 380870: (this line) You don't have to set this variable, see the Docker run command above. I think you are in the master branch on Github or on DockerHub (these are only examples). Please head over to Github and click on the branches like this and switch over to the projectzomboid branch: Here is also the direct link to the Github "projectzomboid" branch: Click
  8. Nein, du hast mich falsch verstanden, in den Container von denen du Drucken willst muss CUPS installiert sein, in jedem einzelnen, aber ich glaube die Maintainer werden das nicht einfach so hinzufügen. Selbst wenn sie es hinzufügen hast du noch viele Hürden zu nehmen damit das dann in einem Docker Container funktioniert und du nicht bei jedem Container Update den Durcker neu installieren willst. Was ich damit sagen will, es ist fast unmöglich das so hin zu bekommen. Darf ich Fragen ob du es nur für joplin benutzen willst oder wieviele Apps/Containter hast du die du so betreiben willst?
  9. I think this is only a typo or am I wrong? The latest tag won't work because the latest tag is only for CS:Source and CS:GO. Never tried it on such a NAS but at least it should work, as long it is x86_64 based.
  10. Ah, du hast mehr oder weniger Desktop Anwendungen über ein VNC Web GUI von denen du Drucken willst, richtig? Wenn ja wird es kompliziert da die ganzen Container CUPS (Durckerverwaltung) installiert haben müssen und dann müsstest du noch allerhöchstwahrscheinlich über das Netzwerk drucken was aber vermultich auch kompliziert wird weil du ja damit in einem Container arbeitest und der eigentlich vom Netzwerk (bis auf den noVNC Port) sowie vom rest des Hosts eigentlich isoliert ist. Wäre es nicht sinnvoller eine VM aufzusetzen und dann von dort aus Joplin zu starten und von dort aus zu drucken?
  11. Welche Docker container hast du denn die einen Drucker erfordern? Ich kenn nur den umgekehrten Weg, Drucker an unRAID anschließen damit man ihn von mehreren Computern über das Netzwerk nutzen kann.
  12. I think you are not running unRAID or am I wrong? If you are running unRAID, simply go to the CA App and search for "ProcjectZomboid". If you are not running unRAID this would be the docker run command: docker run --name ProjectZomboid -d \ -p 16262-16326:16262-16326 -p 16261:16261/udp -p 27015:27015 \ --env 'GAME_ID=380870' \ --env 'ADMIN_PWD=adminDocker' \ --env 'UID=99' \ --env 'GID=100' \ --volume /path/to/steamcmd:/serverdata/steamcmd \ --volume /path/to/projectzomboid:/serverdata/steamcmd \ ich777/steamcmd:projectzomboid Please change the values for ADMIN_PWD (this is basically the admin password), the volume mounts to a path that exist on your NAS and maybe the UID and GID to a matching user on your NAS (it should be also fine if you leave them at 99 and 100 if you don't want to edit any files).
  13. Ich verstehe die frage nicht ganz aber wäre evtl. das USBIP plugin was für dich?
  14. That's really strange, I've also tried it now and it doesn't work either, but I also have to say that it seems now I've messed up my Jellyfin installation because I can't tone map any more, will look into this.
  15. Yes, because the container sets the permissions on every start/restart. Do you have put in the Steam credentials? Please remove them if so -> see also first page from this thread. Only put the Steam credentials in the template when they are marked as required with the red asterisk (*). I would start over and do the following: Delete the container Delete the 'projectzomboid' folder in your appdata directory Pull a fresh copy from the CA App After that the container should successfully start and you should be able to connect. Tried it just now and here is the log output from the server: pjzomboid.log
  16. If you don't plan to activate the web panel you don't need those ports, at least I think so. If these are just for web administration you should be able to change them and don't need to delete and recreate them. No, why? You can join @Spectral Force's Discord for more information, he is helping me out with support for this game and I'm really thankful for that: Click I really can't help with that game because I don't own it and I did it on request.
  17. No issue here with a Nvidia T400. Do you chnaged any of the settings?
  18. As @alturismo said 11th gen will be not supported, also please see here:
  19. I think I don't understand because you've wrote "can cannot", do you mean "can connect" or do you mean "cannot connect". If you have troubles can you please post a log output from the container or anything helpful? Otherwise I can't help. Do you have a Cache driver installed? If yes make sure that the Use Cache setting at shares is set to "Only" or "Prefer".
  20. I have two TS3 Servers running and no issues whatsoever, please double check your port forwarding including the used protocol. Have you changed anything?
  21. But only for Minecraft or about which container are you talking about?
  22. I don't know since I don't own the game and I can't test it. As said above a few days before the container was reported as working. Maybe @morytox answers, you have to wait for him if he also has this message in the log.
  23. 😲 🙀 😭 @giganode was ist passiert? @Nobi sieh dir bitte die Antwort von @giganode einen Post oberhalb an.
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