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Everything posted by ich777

  1. You can, but keep in mind to use only the drivers up to the v470 series. This card is only capable of transcoding h264 and can't be used for h265 transcoding. Something like a Nvidia T400 will do the job better, more efficient and you can get them new for about $ 130,-
  2. Wenn du sagst das du nichts mehr am Hoster haben willst dann stell in Thunderbird einfach um auf POP3 und das die Nachrichten gleich vom Mail Server gelöscht werden, wenn das Senden noch über den Hoster passieren kann, wie du oben schreibst, dann richte doch einfach die Mailausgangsserver dort ein und zum lesen musst du dann zwingend auf den unRAID Server. Ich hab es momentan so eingestellt das Thunderbird mir 4 Adressen prüft und alle Nachrichten mit allen Anhängen runterlädt aber nicht löscht und die Nachrichten auch nicht löscht wenn sie am Mail Server gelöscht werden außer ich lösche die natürlich in Thunderbird dann sind sie weg, sozusagen ein lokales Backup und am Handy hab ich noch einen Account mit den wichtigsten Adressen eingerichtet und die verwende ich dann auch zum Senden von Nachrichten. Wenn du die Mails auch ansehen willst, zumindest am Handy ist das Wahrscheinlich nichts für dich bzw. könnte man das mit einer VPN und dem VNC Viewer realisieren, ist aber viel zu viel Aufwand in meinen Augen. EDIT: Mit den eigenen Mail Servern ist das immer so eine sache in meinen Augen, viel Aufwand zu konfigurieren und auch zum Warten auch aufwendig Spam, usw... (korrigiert mich wenn ich falsch liege bitte). Ich hätte zwar selbst auch eine Statische IP und könnte alles für einen Mail Server einrichten jedoch überlass ich das lieber meinem Hoster...
  3. The template or container has nothing to do with the release. My containers pull the update on every start/restart. Is your client on Experimental or on Early Access? You can do that yourself, just look at the answer above your post. Satisfactory is now also available in Early Access and by default it's pulling Early Access because that's the default.
  4. Das funktioniert nicht bei jedem container, müsste man beim maintainer nachfragen ob der Container das auch unterstützt und wo man die Datei hin mounten muss im container.
  5. Als Workaround könntest du der Datei nur Leserechte geben, somit kann sie nicht mehr geändert werden außer von root. Aber ich weiß nicht ob das dann wirklich zielführend ist bzw. ob root da nicht was macht beim update...
  6. Sieh dir mal meinen Thunderbird Docker container an.
  7. Welche Ordner liegen denn auf der Platte, liegt irgend ein System Ordner (appdata, domains, system) auf dieser disk? Hast du einen Cache Pool? Am besten siehst du das wenn du ganz rechts im Main Tab hier klickst:
  8. @SpencerJ can you help here? The option to buy the Basic license is greyed out, do you know what causes this? There are actually only 6 disk (3 Array and 3 Cache) assigned.
  9. @Arbadacarba please see the above answer from @CyrIng.
  10. @Torsten_UN kannst du nur zu testzwecken die zwei shares die du eingehängt hast auszuhängen? Soweit ich weiß zählen die auch zu verbundenen disks beim kauf von unRAID und unRAID zeigt dir nur die Lizenzen an die für deine Zwecke geeignet sind.
  11. It's actually a little more complicated but in really basic terms, yes. That would be really difficult to achieve when you hand it over to a VM. May I ask what kind of processor that you have? If it's a Intel one maybe the iGPU is a good choice. Yep, but that's really difficult to achieve on unRAID and would need further investigation (not the easy kind)...
  12. Will look into this. Don't know if @lnxd is using my containers currently but he was actually the reason why I created this... Will let you know what I've found out, give me a few days please, really busy currently.
  13. First of all I would recommend to post in the appropriate support thread for the Docker (don't know which one you are using) or the Plugin: This is only necessary if you don't want to restart your server after installing the driver. Many people have the same issue with Plex, some solved it by completely removing the container and reinstalling it again others switched to a container from another maintainer and some even fixed it by forcing an update, here is one example: (you will find more on the first few pages, I think something inside the container or in Plex is preventing the card from transcoding properly) From what I see in your Diagnostics the card is working fine. You know that you can use the iGPU from the CPU too for transcoding? The 11th Gen iGPUs should outperform the 1050Ti in simultaneous transcodes by far and in my opinion the transcoding is also better in terms of quality.
  14. Will nicht kleinlich sein aber das heißt "Perl". Hier auch eine kurze Beschreibung was Perl ist wenn es dich interessiert: Klick Ja, Perl muss installiert sein damit du überhaupt drauf klicken kannst und wie gesagt wenn er deine Hardware mal erkannt hat und du die Treiber geladen hast und auf Apply geklickt hast kannst du Perl wieder deinstallieren da es nur zum erkennen der Hardware benötigt wird. Nein, es gibt zB Grafana mit dem du auch alles vom Server monitoren kannst aber da musst du dich einlesen. Es gibt auch eine inoffizielle Android App für unRAID wenn ich mich nicht irre im Play Store, aber ob die das kann kann ich dir nicht sagen.
  15. Im Dashboard kannst du dir das alles anzeigen lassen.
  16. Das stimmt so nicht, Perl wird benötigt um deine Hardware zu erkennen und man kann Perl gefahrlos wieder löschen/deinstallieren nachdem man "Detect" geklickt hat.
  17. Because you need to a X environment to change the graphic clocks that is basically not existent on unRAID, even in GUI mode. What do you want to do exactly? Do you want to lower the clock for mining or do you simply want that the card enters P8 when it's idle? If you want to change it for mining I would recommend that you install HiveOS or something similar that is based on Linux and pass the card through. If you only want that the card enters P8 simply issue the command "nvidia-persistenced". Basically the same as described above, the Docker container has a X environment but the X environment needs to be located on the host because the Docker container doesn't have "exclusive" access to the card.
  18. From what I see this should not affect the functionality from the VM how it's configured on this system, since the GPU that is used in the VM is bound to VFIO so the Nvidia Plugin/Driver can't see it and should be ready for use in a VM. Everything fine from my side. May I ask if you need the GVT-g plugin if you are using it like that?
  19. Yes and no, you basically write direct to it like if you have it physically connected to machine. Yes, it can fluctuate a bit depending on what files (size, how many of them,...) you are transferring, how much the buffer is filled and so on... there are many, many variables. Exactly, there is no read cache and this is the read speed from the disk, the disk can only deliver the speed that it's capable of. Hope this explains most of your questions.
  20. This is basically the same if you turn of write caching in Linux so that everything is written instantaneous to the disk, always a bad thing. On the other hand also a risk if you have a power outage of data loss but actually never heard of serious issues with that... Yes, should be really close to the performance when the disk is connected directly to a SATA controller. No, I would leave as it is because the disk does what it's able to do and the overall write speed seems subjectively slower, because it drops down some times to 0MB/s, but overall it's basically the same and even a little faster. The buffer is located in RAM and it can happen that the speed is way higher than what the disk is actually capable of. If you copy for example with a speed of 400MB/s over iSCSI to a spinning disk that is usually capable of writing at 150MB/s the buffer fills slowly up and will shortly after you've started copying invoke writing the data from the RAM the disk, but the spinning disk can't keep up with these kind of speeds and when the RAM buffer is full you see these messages in the log and the speed drops down to 0MB/s. When this happens the write cache is written out to a disk to a certain threshold and when that threshold is reached the copy will continue on the Initiator (keep in mind the disk on the target is always at full tilt because it can't keep up with these kind of speeds). You can actually tune some values but it can turn worse very quickly if you turn on the wrong numbers, as it is it is really well tuned. In my case I can read/write with full speed to the Target using a block device (SATA SSD) about 540MB/s. Hope that makes sense to you.
  21. See the last paragraph of my previous answer.
  22. I think you are using a FileIO volume or am I wrong? This is pretty normal for a FileIO volume when WriteBack is enabled (but please don't disable it because this will give you much worse performance). Usually I always recommend to use a whole block device (hard disk) because such errors are very uncommon to appear on real disks. But I also understand that using a whole disk is not always possible. No, it's not bad usually this is mainly caused because the write buffer runns full and the disk can't keep up writing the data to the disk, also keep in mind that using a image always causes some overhead.
  23. Is the Initiator still working, so to speak the client side or does it freeze? Does this happen all the time or only on heavy writes? Usually this means that the Initiator sends too much data to the Target who can't handle it in time.
  24. I would recommend to create a Bug Report here: Click My plugin does basically the same as when you create the amdgpu.conf file but more direct, I don't think that is related to the plugin itself and more a hardware/configuration issue. Please create a post on the Bug Report sub forums.
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