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Everything posted by ich777

  1. About which plugin are we talking about? This is actually a thread for multiple plugins. Please also share your Diagnostics. Du you run your server with GUI mode activated?
  2. Everything is working fine after: Enter the server IP Creating a Game Join the Game Attached a few screenshots, as you also can see I'm on the latest Experimental build from Satisfactorio:
  3. What Dummy Device did you buy? There are different models out there, some even transmit EDID and I think that's such a device that you actually need for your card to get it working or at least to keep it working.
  4. That's manly for PCIe cards who need larger address space. The think you want to change is aperture size, if you can't change it or if it's not there you can't get the other modes to work.
  5. Sadly enough no... This is because most motherboard manufacturers haven't implemented the aperture size or better speaking they haven't enabled so that a user can change the aperture size for the iGPU. You can go to your BIOS and see what options you got for the iGPU.
  6. That is such a message when the VM try to allocate memory when no VRAM is available. On Github there are many issues open with similar errors but no real solution to this. The main issue is that are only 256/512MB available and this is by today standards really not that much.
  7. Please read the full log, it is actually loaded a little below (please always post the full log output, this makes troubleshooting much easier). You don't have to chmod anything because the container does this on it's own on every start. Also please turn off the validation because it can cause more issues that it solves currently. Have you changed a config or something else? Have to look into this after I got home from work but it always worked flawlessly. Also someone mentioned that the server now also works in early access and experimental is not needed anymore on the client side, but that's also a thing I have to look into. EDIT: see here:
  8. Is anything running in the VM in the background that uses the iGPU? This is a common issue when more VRAM is used than allocated in the GVT-g mode because it tries to allocate memory where no memory is available.
  9. What mode are you using for the VM? Does only the VM crash or the entire systen?
  10. Some games need the real path not the path from the FUSE filesystem because they won't work if you use /mnt/user, that's why I use these paths in my templates and I would recommend that in your case you use the path /mnt/cache_protected Hope that makes sense.
  11. Exactly, in templates where these vatiables are missing you have to manually add them, see here (second post):
  12. The server should update itself, there is no other app id for the dedicated server. You have to change the branch on the client side.
  13. I don't think so, I have to look this up. Actually the command to download the games are using already force_install_dir. I think this is caused by the version check where SteamCMD starts to check it's own version without any command. Nothing to be worried about I think. Also, always post the full log please (as a text file of possible) because I don't see from this one line at which point this occours. EDIT: I think you are talking about this: Loading Steam API...OK Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK Waiting for client config...OK Waiting for user info...OK Please use force_install_dir before logon! Success! App '232330' already up to date. I don't think this will harm anything since it is working just fine and the command that I run includes everything, looks something like this: steamcmd.sh \ +login anonymous \ +force_install_dir ${SERVER_DIR} \ +app_update ${GAME_ID} validate \ +quit As you can see the command is there, I think it is not happy because it is wrapped in one command but that is also the recommended way on how to do it.
  14. Yes, through Unassigned Devices, but you have to first go to Settings -> Unassigned Devices and Enable "Destructive Mode". After that you can format the partition/disk on the Main tab from unRAID.
  15. Grad gefunden, kannst von hier nehmen: Klick cd ~ wget https://johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/releases/ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz tar -xvf ffmpeg-release-amd64-static.tar.xz cd ffmpeg-release-amd64-static Wenn du das in einem unRAID terminal ausführst wird FFMPEG static runter geladen in dein root home Verzeichnis und du kannst dann damit machen was immer du willst.
  16. Also ich könnte evtl. eine version mit static libraries bauen die keine alle Abhängigkeiten hat wenn du interesse hast... aber das müsste ich mir ansehen, bin mir nicht mehr ganz sicher ob ich das so schnell hin bekomme...
  17. Then I would recommend sticking with XFS.
  18. ich777


    Für was brauchst du den bzw. was willst du damit bezwecken? Bitte führe einen genauen Use Case an sonst wird dir hier keine beantworten können ob es realisierbar ist oder nicht. unRAID, wie der Name schon sagt, ist kein konventionelles RAID system. Welche Geschwindigkeiten willst du erreichen?
  19. Gibt's das nicht im NerdPack? Wäre es nicht für dich einfacher es direkt auf unRAID zu verwenden, brauchst du HW unterstützung von zB Intel oder Nvidia?
  20. Use XFS, Ext4 or whatever fits your needs best. If you want to read it on Windows I think there is some paid software out there so you can actually read an write to it on Windows if you really need it.
  21. That depends on your motherboard but I don't think so. At least you can swap the cards back if something isn't working anymore.
  22. But the file gets transferred from what I see...? This is a limitation of Windows file systems because they don't support all feature sets as a Linux filesystem. Please go to the synchronization options and tick the boxes where it says that the Destination is on a NTFS or FAT filesystem.
  23. I'm not entirely sure that I'm responsible for that that your container updates that often because the last stable was built 2 months (translated from: "2 Monate") and 18 days (translated from: " 18Tage") ago and no update was pushed since then (as you can see from the screenshot): As said above I'm also using the container and I have no issue if I click on (what is basically the same when an update happens) or when I bring up the context menu and click on . Maybe there is some configuration error in your template? Can you post screenshots from your template? Never experienced a problem wiping anything. That's not true, you can also use @binhex or @linuxserver.io container, they both support Nvidia transcoding, I can tell for sure because I've tried both with NVENC and they work fine. I already changed the instructions as said above, again thank you for the suggestion, you have to remove the entire entry with the marked button in the screenshot (the red asterisk was done on purpose): I don't have any problems with Nextcloud or any other container that I run on my Server, regardless if it is from @binhex, @linuxserver.io or anybody else. Maybe there is some configuration issue in your templates that causes your configuration is wiped after an update, maybe even the shares in combination with the "Use Cache" setting is set in a different way that it is not intended how it should be. I turned off all RGB because I don't need RGB in my closet...
  24. May I ask if you got some kind of AdBlocker like AdGuard or PiHole somewhere installed in your network? The error message indicates usually that the server can't download the server archive. Can you try to download this file in your network where the server is: Click If that doesn't work, the issue is somewhere on your network. I've now tried it on my Server and I can't reproduce this, here are the logs: tModLoader.log You can also try the following but I don't think that will change anything if you can't download the above linked file: Stop the container Go to the terraria-tmodloader folder in your appdata directory Delete the file: 'terraria-server-1.4.3.zip' (maybe it has another version number) Delete the file: 'tmodloader_0.11.8.5' (maybe this has also another version number) Start the container
  25. Thank you for the report, can you also post a plugin that you want to use or at least a link to the plugin?
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