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Everything posted by ich777

  1. If you want to test if it is working after an update or at least simulate a update from the container do the following: Go to the Docker page in unRAID Turn on Advanced View on the upper right corner At the container click on Don't forget to turn of Advanced View again on the Docker page because that produces actually a load on your server even if no one is logged in. I would actually recommend to create an issue on the official Jellyin Github page because I'm not a developer from Jellyfin itself and that is out of my control: Click
  2. This is a warning that can be ignored and the server is running fine from what I see. Can you query it from the Steam Server browser when you add it to the favorites with: YOURSERVERIP:2457
  3. Have you clicked on "Show more..." at the bottom? If you don't have the button you can simply create it like this: I've also pushed another update, it should now be enough for you if you don't have the variable in the template to simply force a update like described above.
  4. That's actually possible, have to look into where I got the script to activate this... EDIT: Found it... Click You have to save the script somewhere on your server and with the container path: "/opt/scripts/user.sh" and as host path the path where the script is and the name from the script. Edit the script (for example if you want to use it for Sonarr the file path would be: ${DATA_DIR}/Sonarr/UI/index.html and add those variables to your container template: Key: "APP_NAME" | Value: "sonarr" Key: "DOCKER_MODS" | Value: "ghcr.io/gilbn/theme.park:${APP_NAME}" Key: "TP_DOMAIN" | Value: "theme-park.dev" Key: "TP_THEME" | Value: "organizr-dark" Key: "TP_ADDON" | Value: "sonarr-4k-logo" If you need any further help let me know.
  5. @Koen & @Putz.Jimmy container is now updated, please do the following: Stop the container On the Docker page switch on Advanced View and press: Click on the container icon and select "Edit" Scroll down to the bottom and click on "Show more settings..." Change the Runtime Name to "jre17" like in the screenshot: Press "Apply" If necessary start the container agian
  6. The container pulls the update just fine but give me a little bit, you need to be on Java 17 and the container isn't ready for Java 17, will update it and report back.
  7. Yes, that won't work on a dedicated server, also not if you enter the Session ID, on a local hosted game for sure, this will work just fine. Then there is something wrong with the port forwarding, can they see the game through the Steam Server browser if they enter: YOURPUBLICIP:7777
  8. You don't need a Session ID, your friends should be able to join via the Server Manager like you see in the screenshot below by typing in your public IP address or your host name if you have one set up for your public IP: I don't think it is possible to join via a the Session ID, they need to join from within the Server Manager.
  9. I really don't recommend to proxy a game server and this can cause more problems than it solves. I think most game servers regardless if they are from @binhex or from me are running as non root and or more or less secure, more or less because nothing is 100% safe nowadays...
  10. Do you need vridging on the 10gbit adapter? If not try to turn it off, but to be honest I don't think it will make a difference. I don't recommend setting it to 9000 even for 10gbit adapters because manufacturers have tuned their drivers pretty well and even on my Mellanox cards I reach the full 10gbit speeds with the default MTU from 1500. Have you also set the MTU to 9000 on the Windows machine?
  11. Are these different IP address ranges? This is very strange, if you connect through the 1Gbit it is working? I also had a setup similar like this but never experienced an issue like you have now. Yes and no, it listens on all interfaces and should make no difference. How did you connect exactly? Did you enter the IP from the 10Gbit NIC in your server? Please also post a picture from the overview from the iSCSI plugin where the configuration is visible.
  12. Never open ports that have actually no use, that's actually a real security risk and is something I would never recommend. That should be more than enough since the container is also only able to use these ports on your local network and no other ports because it's isolated, if it works from your LAN it should also work from your WAN if you've forwarded all the ports with the corresponding protocol. Keep in mind that some ISPs block certain ports and maybe this is causing the issue. Are your friends who want to join your server on the same game version as the server (Early Access/Experimental)?
  13. ich777


    Danke für dein Verständnis.
  14. Why would you do that? Simply forward the ports that are in the template and please don't forward both TCP and UDP when only one of them is needed, a few game servers are out there that detect if you've opened for example TCP/UDP and only UDP is needed and they actually won't let you connect to the dedicated server because this is a security risk... Then it might have something to do with the port forward if it works internally but not externally. Have you changed some ports or did you NAT them for example from 7777 internal -> 7778 external, if you did this, it won't work either.
  15. Do you have other services set up that are available from the internet? Have you changed anything in the template? What error did they get when someone is trying to connect from outside and how did they try to connect (IP, domain name)? Have you double checked if the port forwardings and the corresponding protocol is selected (TCP/UDP)? You are connecting with your internal LAN IP I think, or am I wrong?
  16. Genau, ich würd das auf "Bevorzugt" (wenn du es auf Deutsch hast) lassen. Omg, das hätte ich nicht sagen sollen... Naja wenn du keine Redundanz hast aufpassen und Backups machem mit CA Backup. Vielleicht gibts die woche nochmal einen Deal und du kannst dir eine 2. holen, könntest dir im Verbund auch eine 970 EVO Plus holen.
  17. Naja, würd ich so nicht sagen, die halten einfach ewig in der config und verkehrt ist es nie eine gut SSD für den Cache zu nutzen. Außerdem wenn der Server viele Daten direkt am Cache hin und her schiebst ist die extra Geschwindigkeit schon super, vergiss auch nicht das appdata Verzeichnis oder den schnelleren Container start wenn du dein Docker Image oder den Docker Pfad am Cache hast...
  18. Das ist ganz normal in meinen Containern ist weder vi oder nano enthalten. Ich bzw. eigentlich so ziemlich alle die Docker Container zur Verfügung stellen versuche nur das nötigste mit in den Container zu packen, man kann das aber immer nachinstallieren je nach Distribution mit den dementsprechenden Befehlen (apt-get, apk, pacman,...)
  19. Wenn du 1Gbit/s LAN hast ist dies völlig normal und du solltest Geschwindigeiten von bis zu 125MB/s sehen. 1Gbit/s sind ca 125MB/s. Bitte mach dies nicht, bei 1Gbit/s LAN ist das unnötig und bringt dir nicht wirklich Vorteile bzw. eigentlich nur Nachteile. Selbst bei 10Gbit/s LAN ist das meist nicht nötig da die Hersteller die Treiber meistens wirkich gut auch für einen MTU von 1500 getuned haben das du mit dem Standard MTU auch die vollge Geschwindigkeit erreichen solltest. Prinzipell wäre es bei 10Gbit/s LAN ist das dann schon sinnvoller, hab ich aber auch nicht da ich mit meinen Mellanox Karten die vollen 10Gbit/s (1GB/s = 1250MB/s) erreiche.
  20. Wait you transcode first on your PC or am I wrong? From my understanding you don't need to enable NVENC on the main machine where you actually capture the screen because you are "streaming" the raw footage over the NDI plugin, correct me if I'm wrong please... Also keep in mind that the low usage can be also caused because the card only has to encode the stream and not like it's the case on Plex where it has to decode/encode it again.
  21. I really can't help here since I'm not too familiar with OBS, but I can't think of a driver issue when everything is working just fine in Plex and other containers. Seems like this is related to OBS and not NVENC.
  22. I don't know if they got it stable now because I switched over to Grafana and Prometheus... Yes, this seems to be known to the company from what I found on my research back then when I created the template. On my servers I never experienced anything like that, but you will find a few posts that the 2.x image is crashing the host in this thread.
  23. Can you give me a bit more insight how you do everything because I'm really not too familiar with SGX and how it works, maybe hook me up with a short PM how you build everything and I will look into it what's possible if that's ok for you.
  24. This seems completely okay to me. Side note, you can also type in "watch nivida-smi" this will update nvidia-smi every two seconds, to end it press CTRL+C No, I thought maybe you run 2 or even 3 Plex transcodes and try to use it for a 4th transcode for OBS (by default only 3 simultaneous transcodes are allowed on consumer/prosumer cards). I really can't help, from what I see OBS is using your card and should work just fine. The difference in usage from OBS and Plex is caused because you started transcoding a 4K file am I right? A 1080p file is really not that hard to transcode, even for the P400. I only can think of a problem with OBS that it transcodes not like you want it to, the card should be capable of 1080p/60 without a sweat.
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