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Everything posted by ich777

  1. No. Are you talking about Intel SGX? If yes, this is a out of tree driver I think, wouldn't it be possible to create a plugin for this, if yes, I can liik into this if you want to.
  2. Yes, because 2.x versions are notorious for crashing the servers. Simply change the repository from: checkmk/check-mk-raw to: checkmk/check-mk-raw:2.0.0-latest But don't say I've warned you when your server crashes... I Think the maintainer has also a reason to tag 1.5.x as latest and not 2.x
  3. Schon mal probiert den server lämger vom Stron zu trennen und dann versuchen ihn wieder an zu schalten?
  4. Please use the official support thread for container specific issues (click on the container icon and select "Support"), i saw this only by accident.
  5. Maybe the second recommended post can help from @Cyd, or @Cyd himself is maybe able to help...
  6. There is already a template in the CA App for Satisfactory: Or what do you mean exactly?
  7. Do the following: Stop the container Go to: \appdata\valheim\.config\unity3d\IronGate\Valheim Open the file "adminlist.txt" Add your Steam 64 ID to the file and save it Start the container again If you don't know your Steam 64 ID go to https://www.steamidfinder.com/ and type in your Steam user name, this should give you all the different Steam IDs.
  8. Set Validate to "true" in the template and the container will validate the game files on every start/restart from the container. Don't forget to unset this value after it grabbed the update, otherwise it will always validate the files that will actually slow down the start and also can cause issues when you let it always set to "true"
  9. ich777


    Depends. Das ist immer Auslgungssache und deswegen erhältst du auch hier Aussagen die nicht ganz deinen Anforderungen entsprechen. unRAID ≠ PrimoCache unRAID war von Tom bzw. von den Machern nie für solche Sachen vorgesehen da es Ursprünglich für einen ganz anderen Anforderungszweck gemacht wurde (Medien Vault mit "speziellem" RAID für erweiterbarkeit und flexibiltät). Ich meine es stimmt unRAID ist mit der Zeit um einiges an Funktionen gewachsen aber für einen lese Cache sehe ich echt keinen Anwendungszweck so wie es die meisten verwenden und da unRAID auch die Möglichkeit multipler Cache Pools bietet. Wie @mgutt schon erwähnt hatte Lösungen wie sie Synology bietet mit diesem Read Cache, verheizen jede SSD da der Algorythmus nicht wirklich "optimiert" sind sag ich jetzt hier mal ohne einen Krieg zu beginnen... (Kollege von mir hat damit schon seine erste 1TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus durch und der macht echt nicht viel...) Nein, kann ich mit Sicherheit sagen. Genau das ist eben das schwierige einen Algorythmus zu schreiben der die Dateien wieder zurück in den Cache kopiert und dabei nicht den Cache übermäßig beansprucht. Theoretisch könnte man sowas schon machen aber dann ist eben das schwierige der algorythmus, wie lange behältst du es im Cache, wieviele Lesezugriffe behalten das File für n Tage auf dem Cache, benutzt du einen Datenbank im hintergrund um das alles zu monitoren, willst du auch noch eine Begrenzung des Caches bevor er vollläuft und noch ca. 20 andere Dinge die mir auf die schnelle einfallen. Mir ist klar das du sowas nicht selber schreiben bzw. machen willst also vergiss den Absatz wieder, will nur die Schwierigkeit(en) damit aufzeigen.
  10. @Squid do you have a clue what's going on here (first post on this page)? I tried it on my test server with Docker disabled and it installed just fine.
  11. You could also ask on the official support thread for the container.
  12. Please use the official support thread for this. It is not possible that there are two files in the folder with the exact same name, maybe the name is spelled differently or it has a space in it or something like this. @luckyy has written a good guide about the basics from Valheim over on the support thread:
  13. Please keep me updated and also send a picture from what you've enabled, this will help definitely help others if it is working for you.
  14. It iw only possoble that it uses the dGPU or doesn't use it, something in between is not possible. What card are you using? In your screenshot I see the Recording tab, what does the Streaming tab look like. Do you simulaneus use Plex, or better speaking is Plex transcoding in the background? Have you turned on trottling in the Plex settings for transcoding? This is just a normal behavior if yes, try to turn it off, force a transcode and see what happens. I'm really not to sure what's the issue here because I'm not too familiar with OBS. I don't think that this is related to the driver, you can try to set up Jellyfin and use the dGPU there. Depending on the card and transcoding settings the load will be between 5- 15% usually. Maybe this is something related to OBS or the streaming Platform that you are streaming to or a setting in OBS? With this container you have two OBS instances to manage at the same time or am I wrong, maybe it is also related to the plugin for OBS, but that's only guess.
  15. In the CA App should be a donate button and also here in the first post.
  16. Please see here: Click Just append this to the GAME_PARAMS in the template. That it looks something like this kf-bioticslab Port=7787 QueryPort=27016 Also don't forget to delete the existing port entries and add new ones with the corresponding port number and the right protocol.
  17. First your server enables the TPU after the plugin installation is finished: Nov 26 19:40:25 server kernel: apex 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002) A little while after that your server does this: Nov 26 19:41:00 server kernel: vfio-pci 0000:01:00.0: vfio_ecap_init: hiding ecap 0x1e@0x110 It seems like you've bound it to your NicehashOS too and that's why it's bound again to VFIO... -device vfio-pci,host=0000:01:00.0,id=hostdev0,bus=pci.4,addr=0x0 \ I think something is really miss configured that always binds the card to VFIO: 01:00.0 System peripheral [0880]: Global Unichip Corp. Coral Edge TPU [1ac1:089a] Subsystem: Global Unichip Corp. Coral Edge TPU [1ac1:089a] Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci Kernel modules: apex You can always check which modules are loaded from a unRAID terminal with the following command: lspci -k
  18. Please see this post: But also keep in mind there are now two versions out there, one for the experimental branch and one for the early access branch. So it is not strictly necessary to add this, you only have to add this if you want to pull the experimental branch.
  19. First of all it is still bound to VFIO as you can see from the Kernel driver in use: 01:00.0 System peripheral [0880]: Global Unichip Corp. Coral Edge TPU [1ac1:089a] Subsystem: Global Unichip Corp. Coral Edge TPU [1ac1:089a] Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci Kernel modules: apex That's mainly caused because you have a file named "vfio-pci - Kopie.cfg" in your /boot/config directory with this content: BIND=0000:01:00.0|10de:11c0 0000:01:00.1|10de:0e0b I would strongly recommend to remove both vifo files from the /boot/config directory and reboot. After that it should work just fine, if you changed the mapping in the template already like:
  20. Nein, aber du kannst es auf einen share legen damit es gespeichert bleibt und persistent ist und es nach /usr/bin linken (wahlweise auch mit Befehl im go file) und dann kannst du ffmpeg direkt über das Terminal oder von einem skript aufrufen.
  21. No, please read the official support thread. Again, please read the official support thread. Please read the official support thread, this violates the EULA and also the Forum rules and posts about that will be removed and could lead to a take down from the plugin itself. I close this thread now, if you got any further questions please use the official support thread.
  22. Please reboot your server (with the Coral Driver plugin installed) and after it rebooted pull the Diagnostics and post them here. You've also mapped the TPU wrong, you have it mapped as Path but instead you have to mount it as Device.
  23. Is the TPU detected by the plugin? Please also post a picture from the Coral Driver plugin in addition to your template configuration.
  24. Naja, ich würd dir SSH/SFTP empfehlen, ist zwar ein wenig langsamer aber dafür zuverlässiger als SMB meiner Meinung nach und du musst es nicht mittels Unassigned Devices konfigurieren.
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