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Everything posted by ich777

  1. No, nothing else. I really can't help here since this a game server that I did on request and I actually don't own the game, if you report it as broken I will deprecate it. Have you looked into the Docker logs if the master server is actually able to connect to your server?
  2. Please post your Diagnostics for further help with that. That said, the Quadro P5000 (Pascal based) and RTX4000 (Turing based) should be different and maybe there is an error in the driver but there is nothing I can do about that. I don't want to start a war about this here, but in my opinion the Intel iGPUs do a way better job in terms of quality than NVENC (especially when transcoding something like Ski races or Formula 1 where the camera or better speaking the scenery moves quickly). Also the Intel iGPU is very power efficient since it consumes way less power than a dGPU. But keep in mind the Turing cards have a "newer" or better speaking improved NVENC that should do in terms of quality a similar job like the Intel iGPUs. Haven't got my hands on a card with the new NVENC yet, since my Nvidia T400 has also the "old" Pascal based NVENC. But in terms of simultaneous transcodes your P5000 (most users have a P2000) will outperform the Intel iGPU: Click But that always depends on the input and output, for example see this thread: If you are interested here is also a overview for the feature set from each Intel iGPU: Click
  3. Yes, this would also cause issues. You can theoretically connect multiple Initiators (Clients) to one Target (Server) but if you do this is is very likely that you cause data corruption and even filesystem corruption. Usually you will do that with network shares.
  4. I have to downgrade my test system to test this on 6.9.2, will report back, give me a few days please.
  5. That seems like a issue with the Motherboard/BIOS that something is not properly implemented. Have you turned on RBAR and/or above 4G Decoding in the BIOS? I think I don't have to ask but anyways... Are you on the latest BIOS version? Yes, Nvidia "supports" this now "officially": Click I would also recommend to upgrade to RC2 since I'm on it since day one and have no problems whatsoever and I will also drop the Kernel Helper since you can add nearly everything with plugins. Please keep in mind the Vendor Reset Patch is just a workaround and will/can fail after n number of reboots from the VM. Maybe try to boot into UEFI mode because then allocation of the memory regions and talking to the hardware works a little different than with CSM.
  6. I think you don't installed the Intel GPU TOP plugin. But from what I see you don't installed the Intel GPU TOP plugin, at least it's not listed in the Diagnostics and the Kernel module is also not loaded. The Intel GPU TOP plugin should probe against the device: 4c8b and should activate your iGPU without any file or modification. Please install the Intel GPU TOP plugin and then do: ls -la /dev/dri If you get an error from that command please post your Diagnostics again.
  7. iSCSI is only good for one connected computer, do not connect multiple computers, this can cause file and even filesystem corruption! I think the best way to do what you want is to create a share and map a network drive on the local computers. If you only want that you have write access you can create multiple accounts, one for read/write access and the others read only.
  8. Kannst du bitte mal Versuchen ob es mit Windows das gleiche ist? Macinabox bin ich nicht wirklich der Profi aber ich hab das schon mal gehört, könnte damit zusammenängen das OSX evtl. die Hardware nicht bzw. anders als Windows oder Linux reseted. @giganode hast du vielleicht hier eine Idee? Nein, das hat nichts mit dem Kernel-Helper zu tuhen, der Support Thread vom AMD Vendor Reset Plugin ist ein Sammelthread und hat eigentlich nichts mit dem mehr zu tuhen, ich muss den Thread bei Gelegenheit mal aufteilen. Bitte vergiss auch nicht das es unter Umständen vorkommt das sich unRAID trotz des Vendor Reset Plugins aufhängen kann, solange die Hersteller der Karten keinen richtigen Patch releasen sind das alles nur Workarounds um die User experience besser zu machen.
  9. Open up a terminal from the contaiber and type in: nvidia-smi What type of format are you trying to convert? You know that the 750Ti isn't capable of transcoding h265?
  10. I will try to reflash my card (Mellanox Connect X3) and will see if the same happens to me and report back. Where you able to flash this exact card in the past or did you flashed other cards? Do you use this command: 'mstflint -d 01:00.0 -i *.bin burn' with the asterisk or do you specify the full filename? EDIT: Flash went fine without any error: mstflint -d 01:00.0 -i fw-ConnectX3-rel-2_42_5000-MCX311A-XCA_Ax-FlexBoot-3.4.752.bin burn Current FW version on flash: 2.42.5000 New FW version: 2.42.5000 Note: The new FW version is the same as the current FW version on flash. Do you want to continue ? (y/n) [n] : y Burn process will not be failsafe. No checks will be performed. ALL flash, including the Invariant Sector will be overwritten. If this process fails, computer may remain in an inoperable state. Do you want to continue ? (y/n) [n] : y Burning FS2 FW image without signatures - OK Restoring signature - OK Also removed the boot ROM after that: mstflint -d 01:00.0 --allow_rom_change drom -I- Preparing to remove ROM ... Removing ROM image - OK Restoring signature - OK
  11. Please share your Diagnostics. Have you mounted it as Path or as Device, these are two different things and it has to be mounted as Path. Do you have a dedicated GPU installed, the Diagnostics would also show that... EDIT: Please start over, delete the file i915.conf in your /boot/config/modprobe.d/ directory, uninstall the Intel GPU TOP plugin, undo the changes to your syslinux.conf, restart your server, after that install the Intel GPU TOP plugin again and then pull your Diagnostics please.
  12. Bitte ab in den Deutschen Bereich damit und mich markieren wie im folgenden Beispiel und nochmal auf meinen Nicknamen klicken, hier gibt es nur Support auf Englisch:
  13. Yes but you have to get an icon that is 144x144 png and is square, don't quote me on that because noVNC uses usually different files for different sizes of the icon but at least you can try. How you integrate the icon in the container is your thing, if you put it in the appdata directory from the container or if you mount it like the script above is your thing, in this example I will also mount it to /opt/scripts/icon.png The full script would then look something like: #!/bin/bash # Patch noVNC title name sed -i '/ document.title =/c\ document.title = "Your title goes here";' /usr/share/novnc/app/ui.js # Patch noVNC title icon rm /usr/share/novnc/app/images/icons/* cp /opt/scripts/icon.png /usr/share/novnc/app/images/icons/novnc-144x144.png Hope that helps
  14. You have a Kernel Panic in your logs, I think it's caused when opening the plugin page (the plugin page calls nvidia-smi once to get everything necessary). Is it possible that you try the card in a different system? If yes, please also install the drivers and hit it with a 3D load if possible. Does the card get enough power? From your Diagnostics file it looks like that you are booting with UEFI, can you try to boot with Legacy Mode please?
  15. Yes I know, this is most of the time a real pain... What you can also do is to try and enable: Had a user with a AMD system which has had also a weird issue, and when enabling Downstream it all began to work. Oh I forgot do you boot in UEFI or Legacy? I would strongly recommend to boot with Legacy Mode and if you are already booting with Legacy Mode, try UEFI instead.
  16. Never intended it to be used that way, but it is possible but not that easy. In how many container do you want to change the title? You have to create for each container that you want to switch the name to something else a script directly on unRAID and map it in the container, the script should look like something like this: #!/bin/bash sed -i '/ document.title =/c\ document.title = "Your title goes here";' /usr/share/novnc/app/ui.js (replace "Your title goes here" with something you will recognize but please don't use any special characters this could break it... change only the text in between the double quotes!) Save the script for example in /mnt/appdata/scripts/SCRIPTNAME.sh Then mount the script inside the container with the following paths: Host path: /mnt/appdata/scripts/SCRIPTNAME.sh <- this is the path that where you've saved your script Container path: /opt/scripts/user.sh <- this has to be always the same (please keep in mind you can't select a file from the dropdown, you have to write it in the template) Click on apply and you should be good to go, don't forget to force a refresh from the page (a simple refresh will not do the job) and the title should be changed. Hope that's not too much work, but at least you can change it. If you need any further help, I'm always somewhere around.
  17. But don't forget to unset this value again because otherwise it will always download and reinstall the application on container start/restart.
  18. May I ask why don't you use the iGPU for transcoding, in terms of quality it is a different world to NVENC (Pascal) and I think in terms of the parallel streams it is almost the same if I'm not mistaken. Can you try to switch over from Q35 to i440fx and see if this makes a difference? I also would recommend that you don't use a BIOS file for the Nvidia cards because Nvidia now "officially" "supports" consumer cards in VMs. I've had the same behavior on the box from my little son, it almost took two minutes to even see a output on the screen and the VM actually started, but I've also heard that on some systems the VM doesn't start regardless of how long they wait.
  19. Are you running unRAID with virtualization? Only asking because of the explanation here: Click But I think you are flashing a 4th gen card (or is this a 5th gen card)?
  20. This is just normal that these ports are not answering. They aren't using standard protocols and doesn't answer to normal (http) query requests. From your pfSense config I can see that the Beacon Port uses TCP but it uses actually UDP. Do you try to connect from your LAN to the server over your public IP or do you try it from outside? Can you see the server in the Steam Server Browser?
  21. What do you mean with forward you mean translate them into another port? If you are talking about translating it to another port then I explained it here why this won't work with some game servers: Keep in mind the Minecraft container from me or from @binhex or from anybody else will also work if you translate them into another port because Minecraft has only a game port and not relies on such mechanisms with a query port, but this is not the case for this container. You need to also create the forward rules for the query port and the beacon port, because these ports work all hand in hand.
  22. Why did you install this plugin if you want to pass through your GPU to a VM (-> see first post bold text below the headline). If you have two GPUs in your system and you want to pass one through to the VM and use one for Docker bind the one that you want to use in VMs to VFIO, that should do the trick. Please post your Diagnostics for further help.
  23. Container fixed, please force an update from the container and it should now work properly.
  24. Container is now fixed, please force an update from the container itself and enable FORCE_UPDATE, here is a little bit from my log: [worker] > [email protected] start:worker /csmm-7dtd/CSMM [worker] > node worker/worker.js [app] CSMM version: 1.27.0 [app] No Discord client ID and/or client secret given in dotenv. Discarding Discord passport configuration [worker] No Discord client ID and/or client secret given in dotenv. Discarding Discord passport configuration
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