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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Hier kann vermutlich @alturismo helfen. Beschreib dein Problem aber bitte mal genau oder was du bis jetzt gemacht hast. Nur als Hinweis ich hab das im Host modus laufen da ich sonst probleme damit gehabt hab.
  2. Welchen container hast du installiert? Den von Linuxserver.io? Oder hast du das Plugin installiert (das Plugin würde ich dir auf keinen Fall empfehlen!)? Kannst du bitte Screenshots mit den Erweiteren Ansicht an geschaltet einstellen von deinem template (Settings) in unRAID?
  3. Have you set "Validate Installation" to "true" like in this screenshot: If yes, please remove it, that's the only reason why I can imagine the file gets overwritten. You've also mentioned you've know what to do but just in case, here is the documentation, it mentions that it needs to bee added on top of the file.
  4. What do you mean exactly? The Nvidia Driver plugin doesn't display any information about usage. Sent from my C64
  5. Please post you Diagnostics. Sent from my C64
  6. Glad to hear that everything is working now.
  7. Sure thing, just press CTRL + V That does not work on the server side of things. Stop the container and then you have to go in the main directory from the game server and there you will find a file called "serverconfig.txt", open it up and search for this line and edit it: Save the file and start the container again. That's pretty nomal since you only edit the port number in the template, you have to go again in the game directory and edit the "serverconfig.txt", of course I would recommend that you first stop the container and then search for this line and edit it: Save the file, then go to your container template, remove the entry for the port number, click on "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" from the drop down select "Port" at Container and Host Port set it to both the same number that you've entered in the "serveconfig.txt" file like this: Click on "Add" and "Apply" in the template now you should be able to connect to port number 7778.
  8. Where have you set the password and how? How have you setup this? What have you done exactly? A screenshot from the second template (full screenshot) would be nice. That's completely possible.
  9. Das ist aber eigenartig, normalerweise sollte dann das kommen wenn du auf das Fragezeichen Symbol klickst (links Klick): Auf welcher unRAID Version bist du? Das sollte auch schon bei 6.8.x möglich gewesen sein.
  10. Ah okay, didn't know that Handbrake is built into Tdarr... I thought you where talking about the Handbrake container that is available in the CA App. Sent from my C64
  11. As asked above, which HandBrake container are you using where NVENC is working? I know that Tdarr is working because it's main use case is NVENC transcoding. Sent from my C64
  12. Das ist ein Image das mal gepullt wurde weil du vermutlich den Tag speziell auf ":v1.18.1" gesetzt hast und danach den Tag wieder gelöscht hast damit du wieder den ":latest" Tag bekommst. Klick einfach drauf und dann auf "Remove" dann ist es weg, das ist praktisch nur ein alter Tag das nichts mehr mit deinem laufenden Container zu tuhen hat.
  13. Create a world on your local computer and name it "world", after that start up the Container once (let it fully start), then stop the Container, delete all the files that are in the "Worlds" folder, place the world that you've created on your local computer to the Worlds folder (make sure that it is named "world.wld") and start the container again, you should be now running the world that you've created. Sadly enough there is no easier solution to this currently...
  14. Can you post the repository from the HandBrake container that you are using? EDIT: Please also look here: Sent from my C64
  15. Glad to hear that everything is working again. The main issue was that the Nvidia Driver was installed first and after that the iGPU was activated so to speak the first device in your /dev/dri directory with D128 was your Nvidia GPU and the second one the iGPU with D129. It's a little odd that Plex only probes the first device or that you can't change the render device in Plex. At least that is what I think caused the error. Hope that makes sense to you. Sent from my C64
  16. Have you installed the Intel GPU TOP plugin yet? If you installed it now, please also make sure to reboot the server once and then try it again, I have a really wild guess and it should work if you reboot with the Intel GPU TOP plugin installed.
  17. Can you take also a look at the Plex logs what the log says when you start playing a file and force a transcode? Sent from my C64
  18. From what I see in the logs it once failed to start but after the failed start it looks like it started up properly. I'm not too familiar with Forge because it gave me serious problems in the past so I switched over to Bukkit/Spigot. Maybe you need the basicjre (JRE8) in the template? I'm really not to sure... Sent from my C64
  19. What is exactly happening in Plex? How have you set everything up in Plex and in the template (screensgot from the template would be nice). You can also install Intel GPU TOP from the CA App, it will handle the activation on boot and you can install the GPU Statistics plugin as well to see the utilisation from your iGPU.
  20. Are you sure that you iGPU is still active? In my case I have to attach a dummy HDMI plug to activate the iGPU if a dGPU is installed, no matter what I set in the BIOS. Can you please post your Diagnostics?
  21. Noch kein so ein Problem mit AdGuard gehabt... Bist du dir sicher das nicht irgendeine liste aktiv ist die das auslöst? Den family modus hast du aus hast du gesagt oder?
  22. Have you installed the AMD Vendor Reset plugin from the CA App?
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