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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I think this has something to do how the Mega sync is working. Hope you don't mind me asking if you can try to setup your backup like in the age plugin thread with rclone, third post - you have to modify it a little bit to fit for Mega at Step 5 and the following steps. (You don't have to use age for your backups but I think this is a good step by step tutorial and would give you a good idea how to set it up)
  2. I'm not very familiar with ARK but eventually @Cyd can help. Are you sure that you have also enabled Show Community Servers in the in game server list (not sure how it's actually called exactly but I remember something like that).
  3. I have to look into this, can take a while since I don't own a UPS. No it isn't, you can change it by editing the file /boot/config/plugins/prometheus_pihole_exporter/settings.cfg on your USB boot device and edit the port there. EDIT: I will update the configruation page from the plugin so that the port is displayed/changable from there in one of the next updates. Are you running the two instances with keepalived? Theoretically it's possible but you have to put in a line in your go file so that you start a second instance of the exporter on another port. Does it say on the plugin page that it's running and in the Prometheus WebGUI that it's up? Do you run your containers in a custom network on br0? If yes you need to enable Allow Host Access in the Docker settings.
  4. Will look into this which kind of UPS do you have and how do you connect it to unRAID? Have you installed NUT too?
  5. Yes I am... I want to keep everything in Prometheus if possible... Trying to get the script for smart work reliably and then integrate it into the plugin system. One thing I can tell for sure that this plugin for smartctl needs the node exporter installed and won't work without it but the integration to the node exporter will be handled by the smartctl plugin. I know your Dashboards look really nice and I also want it... But I simply haven't got the time to make Dasboards, Plugins, Dockers,... My goal is simply to stick to Prometheus wherever I can (currently I only have Prometheus and Grafana installed). I know you can't do all with Prometheus but at least I try... Have to look into this when I got more time, eventually when I retire from my real job in about 30 years or so...
  6. I don't think that it has something to do with my container since I'm only using Owncasts binary to make it work and do nothing special.
  7. Sady enough no, but if you can raise the funds or gift it to me I'm more thatn happy to create a container. But from what I've see there is no native Linux client out there, eventually it will run through WINE but I can't tell for sure...
  8. I can't imagine that it doesn't works on Firefox browsers because I tested it a few days back on my Firefox browser. Can you try to empty the browser cache? On which OS do you run Firefox? On my Windows machine the Stream works perfectly fine. Anyways I will push the update in a few minutes so that VAAPI is working.
  9. These values are read too but the dasboard is just a template, here is another one (I'm not really good at creating dashbaords but you can at least customize it or create one and if you want to share it I'm happy to put it here in the thread):
  10. Is this something you can work with:
  11. I have to look into this if tgere already someone made an exporter or not, can think of various difficults (drives spinning up when trying to read the data,...). I will get back to you and let you know about my findings. From what I've read so far, it should be possible. You can always use InfluxDB with Promtheus in Grafana. EDIT: Already found something will let you know how this is working and if it's even working...
  12. This is really strange, I don't get it why it works on some systems and on some not... Also this is very unlikely that a Docker can hang the whole server, since this shouldn't happen anyways, I only can think of a filesystem problem or something similar when mounting the path. Just as an alternative, if you follow this step by step you should be ready to go in about 5 to 10 minutes and you will have full monitoring over your whole server if this is something you can work with. Also another benefit would be that this is completely customizable...
  13. Oh I thought this where instant lockups... If you want to upgrade to 2.0 simply append this to the repository: ':2.0.0-latest' (without quotes) like so: Have you already seen that I've released Prometheus plugins for monitoring unRAID eventually this would be an alternative:
  14. Does it work on 10.7.5, if yes, try to go back to 10.7.5. Go to your Docker template from Jellyfin and add this to your Repository: ':amd64_stable_10.7.5' (without quotes). This will pull version 10.7.5 from DockerHub. Please report back of ot works after you downgraded. What you can also try is set the Network Type to "Host".
  15. Also da würd ich mal bei denen im Forum nachfragen, sowas darf einfach nicht passieren...
  16. Wie gesagt, ich kenn mich leider mit Repetier nicht aus, aber du hast auf jeden fall mal das Gerät jetzt in den Container gemounted und sollte drin verfügbar sein. Ich würd mal in deren Forum nachfragen was da los ist, evtl. fehlt auch in deren Container was damit die Kamara läuft. Hast du noch zusätzliche einstellungen für die Kamera? Am Host, sprich unRAID, ist jetzt jedenfalls alles verfügbar und die Kamera könnte jetzt auch im Container laufen. Edit: hab jetzt grad gesehen das wa was von Pro version steht wie @Ford Prefect schon angemerkt hat.
  17. Klick unten im Docker Template auf "Add Port, Path,..." Dann wählst du aus dem Dropdown wie oben "Device" aus und beim Value "/dev/video0", dann auf "Add" und "Apply"
  18. Das müsste aber dann auch mit Repetier gehen weil vom Prinzip her ist es nix anderes wie wenn du auf einem Linux rechner eine Kamera anschließt und dann Repetier startest, dann sollte Repetier auch /dev/video0 erkennen und benutzen. Erstell das doch einfach mal so im Docker Template von Repetier wie auch @Ford Prefect geschrieben hat (Screenshot oben in meinem Post). Im Container musst du immer die Geräte mounten.
  19. Hast Glück das ich noch auf bin und ich grad mit meinem Support Thread fertig geworden bin... Hab mir grad alles durchgesehen und auch den Thread durchgelesen, also ich kann dir sagen die C270 funktioniert auf jeden Fall problemlos mit den LibreELEC treibern. Hast du denn das Verzeichnis /dev/video0? Mach mal im unRAID Terminal einmal "ls /dev/vide*" (ohne Anführungszeichen). Wenn du /dev/video0 hast müsstest du das eigentlich nur durchschleifen und zwar so: Von deinen Diagnostics sieht alles super aus und sehe eigentlich keinen Fehler, dürfte alles Fehlerfrei geladen sein und die WebCAM müsste eigentlich erkannt werden.
  20. @Ghost556 bitte poste mal deine Diagnostics wenn möglich (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> die heruntergeladene zip Datei hier in die Textbox ziehen). Ich werd mir das dann bei Gelegenheit ansehen (wahrscheinlich morgen Abend). Nur eine Frage am rande, hast du unRAID schon mal neu gestartet nachdem du das Plugin installiert hast und war da die WebCAM angeschlossen, wenn nicht dann bitte probieren.
  21. Prometheus AdGuard Exporter Note: You can connect to any AdGuard Home on your local network and of course if you run it on unRAID in a Docker container or VM. Download and install the Prometheus AdGuard Exporter plugin from the CA App: Go to the plugin settings by clicking on "Settings -> AdGuard Exporter" (at the bottom of the Settings page) : Enter your IP from AdGuard, Port, admin username & the password and click on "Confirm & Start": (Please note that if you run your AdGuard in a Docker container in a Custom network like br0 you have to enable the option "Enable host access" in your Docker settings, otherwise the plugin can't connect to your AdGuard instance) After that you should see in the right top corner that the Exporter is running and details about it: Open up the prometheus.yml (Step 4 + 5 from the first post), add a line with '- targets: ["YOURSERVERIP:9617"]' (please change "YOURSERVERIP" to your Server IP), save and close the file: Go to the Docker page and restart Prometheus: Open up the Grafana WebUI: In Grafana click on "+ -> Import": Now we are going to import a preconfigured Dashboard for the AdGuard Exporter from Grafana.com (Source), to do this simply enter the ID (13330) from the Dasboard and click "Load": In the next screen rename the Dashboard to your liking, select "Prometheus" as datasource and click on "Import": Now you should be greeted with something like this (please keep in mind that the Dashboard can display N/A at some values, especiall at the gauges, since there is not enough data available, wait a few minutes and you will see that the values are filled in): (Now you will notice that this warning: "Panel plugin not found: grafana-piechar-panel" appears on the Dasboard, to fix this follow the next steps) Go to your Docker page and click on Grafana and select "Console": In the next window enter the following 'grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel' and press RETURN: After that close the Console window and restart the Grafana Docker container: Now go back to your AdGuard Dashboard within Grafana and you should now see that the Dasboard is fully loaded: ATTENTION Please note if you restart your AdGuard container the Exporter will stop and you have to manually start it from the plugin configuration page with the "START" button. This also applies if you have CA Backup installed and the container is beeing backed up. To workaround that you don't have to manually restart it after each CA Backup do the following steps: Go to Settings and click on the bottom on "Backup/Restore Appdata": Confirm the Warning that pops up and scroll all the way down to the bottom and click on "Show Advanced Settings": At AdGuard make sure that you click on the switch so that it shows "Don't Stop": Scroll down to the bottom and click "Apply":
  22. @High-Tower Bitte installier das DVB Driver Plugin mit dem LibreELEC Treiberpaket (sollte Standard sein), dort sind die Treiber für "standard" Webcams entthalten.
  23. Prometheus Wireguard Exporter With this plugin you can monitor your Wiregard VPN Server that is running on your unRAID Server. Download and install the Prometheus Wireguard Exporter plugin from the CA App: Open up the prometheus.yml (Step 4 + 5 from the first post), add a line with '- targets: ["YOURSERVERIP:9586"]' (please change "YOURSERVERIP" to your Server IP), save and close the file: Go to the Docker page and restart Prometheus: Open up the Grafana WebUI: In Grafana click on "+ -> Import": In the following windows click on "Upload JSON file" and upload the WireGuard.json file: WireGuard.json In the next screen rename the Dashboard to your liking and click on "Import": Now you should be greeted with something like this (please keep in mind that the Dashboard can display N/A at some values since there is not enough data available, wait a few minutes and you will see that the values are filled in, of course a client has to be connected and transmit/receive data): Rename Public Keys to match your devices Click on the down arrow on the table that shows all information about the clients and select "Edit": Copy the Public Key for the device you want to rename: In the right sidebar scroll down to "Override 2" click on "Add override property" and select "Value mappings > Value mappings": Click on "Add value mappings": Click on "Add a new mapping": In the following pop-up choose "Value": Then paste the copied Public Key from Step 2 in the "Value" field and at "Display text" your preferred device name and click on "Update": Then you should see that the Public Key is now changed to the entered "Display text" from Step 6: Don't forget to save your changes to the Dashboard by clicking on "Save" on the top right corner: In the pop-up click again "Save": And finally click on "Apply" on the top right corner: If you have more devices that you want to rename simply repeat this steps for each Public Key.
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