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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please post your Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box) and also the output from: lspci -vv Have you restarted after you installed the plugin?
  2. Thank you for the report, try to update the container again. Seems like the main Jellyfin 10.7.6 package wasn't ready when my server built the container for 10.7.6 EDIT: Looked at the logs for the first 10.7.6 build and this was the exact problem, all packages where available for 10.7.6 except for the 'jellyfin-server'. 'jellyfin-server' was still on 10.7.5 anyways, everything is now on 10.7.6 Triggered the build for 10.7.6 and now erverything should work properly and be the right version.
  3. Will look into this ASAP, seems like it can't pull the version feom the newest NWN:EE build. Fixed! Please update the container and try it again.
  4. Thanks for the report, I have to deprecate the container for now since it needs a complete rewrite to work again. @timbo72 Sorry haven't seen the comment but also thank you for the report.
  5. Aber trifft das wirklich auf alle zu? Ein paar sehen eben so aus als ob sie nur mit x1 angebunden sind.
  6. @mgutt was mich bei den Controllern mehr interessieren würde ist ob die die ein x4 Interface haben auch wirklich mit x4 angebunden sind, auf den Fotos sieht es nämlich nicht so aus (zumindest seh ich keine traces am PCB)...
  7. Yes and no. You don't need to stop the container. You don't need to change the parameter in the Extra Parameters as long as you named it: '/dev/dvb' because it's the same. I would do it as follows: Upgrade to 6.9.2 Reboot (after the reboot the TVHeadend container does not start because the /dev/dvb directory is missing because you have to install the DVB Driver plugin first) Install the DVB Driver plugin Go to the Settings page and click on DVB Driver on the bottom Select your preferred driver package and click update Reboot (please note that the plugin will download the new driver on boot so make sure that you have a active internet connection on boot, only saying that because some people have installed PiHole on their Unraid server) The TVHeadedn container should start right away and you should be able to use your DVB cards as usual. (you can also check on the plugin page if the cards are all found) If a new version from Unraid is released wait a few hours (since my server has to compile the drivers and update the driver packages) and then upgrade, the plugin will check on boot if the driver that is currently downloaded is compatible with the installed Unraid version and update itself if necessary. If you got any further question please feel free to ask.
  8. Please post a screenshot from the Container log output where the error is visible, if possible also include a screenshot from the full Docker template. I tried it now on a fresh installed instance and it runs flawlessly: Log:
  9. But what should it be else, on my server the plugin just works fine, tried now 3 different driver versions and all work just fine. Don't get me wrong but if there is a problem with the plugin or the drivers itself I think more people would have reported that here...
  10. Can you try to do the steps from above with a spare USB Key and Unraid and see if it works on this machine?
  11. That's my secret... Jokes asside, I use the latest Media Driver, and new Mesa drivers, eventually that's the special sauce... My container is not special at all since I'm not doing anything special or really differently from the official one and the others (mine is one from the "others" )
  12. Naja wäre mal wichtig das du mal sagst ob die Karten von Unraid erkannt werden, deine Diagnostics wären auch nicht schlecht (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> die heruntergeladene Datei hier in die Textbox ziehen). Was sagt TVHeadend? Musst du evtl. die Karten neu zuweisen?
  13. Schaut mal hier, ist nicht immer möglich und wenn dann mit Problemen: @mgutt hast du deinen DisplayLink Adapter eigentlich schon bekommen?
  14. Yes but thats something that can happen. But I don't think that the new driver is causing the problem. Thank you, looking forward to your findings. The plugin is not designed to do that because this would involve to stop the whole Docker service, uninstall the old plugin, make sure that the plugin isn't used by anything, uninstalling the old driver, installing the new driver, start the Docker service again. You can of course do that by hand but I see not much of a benefit by doing this. If the server is booted into GUI mode this would complicate things even more.
  15. There seems to be something wrong when the plugin is installed and you get this output. Downgrade to the driver that was installed previously. Eventually this will solve your issues. This was after the driver upgrade and the reboot I think. You get the error that the GUI locks up and that Unraid is laggy? Have you double checked that you boot in legacy mode? You can also try a BIOS reset, but only if you know what you are doing. Do you have a second machine where you can test the card with Unraid, I would do it as follows: Create a new USB Boot stick on a spare USB Key Put the card in the other machine Boot the other machine with your card installed from the USB Key Register for Trail on the WebGUI Install the CA App Install the Nvidia Driver plugin from the CA App See if the WebGUI becomes laggy on this machine too, if not open up a terminal and issue the command: 'nvidia-smi'
  16. When you are saying GUI you mean the WebGUI from Unraid and not the plugin page? Are you on the Dashboard when the GUI locks up or does it lock up in general? Can you close the window and reopen the GUI again? Have you installed any custom build of Unraid or is this a stock 6.9.2 build? Please open up a Terminal from Unraid and type in: 'nvidia-smi' (without quotes) and post the output here. I really can't help this is usually a sign the the Card can't initialize because of too less power or some other hardware related issue (sometimes it can also happen when you are booting with UEFI). Did you mine with it or did you tested it with a 3D load and connected it to a Display? And rebooted in between? The problem with this error is that it is not easy to identify. I think you are booting with Legacy (CSM)? Please double check if you are booting with Legacy mode.
  17. When does it update or what do you mean exactly? Can you please be a little bit more specific? Also you don't answered this question: Did the driver updated or did the plugin update? Have you already tried to pick a driver from the stable branch?
  18. Yes but first a de-installation of such "scripts" is necessary to properly troubleshoot the card. Does your GUI also lock up and freeze with the Nvidia Driver installed? Have you upgraded recently (Unraid, BIOS, Driver version,...)? This error is normally a sign that the card doesn't initialize properly, can you test the Card in a desktop computer, install the driver (driver installation is necessary because the basic display output mostly works properly) and put a 3D load on it? Please also try to swap the PCIe slot if possible and/or reseat the card. This seems like a power issue or a failure of the card, but that's only a guess. Btw: sadly enough your Intel iGPU is a little too old for transcoding HEVC but h.264 should work fine on it if you need a temporary solution.
  19. If you want to use the Aspeed GPU then simply follow the instructions above and it should also just work fine. If you experience any problems please feel free to contact me again.
  20. ich777

    NordVPN in unRAID

    Wie sieht dein Ordner aus in appdata für OpenVPN, diese 2 Dateien sollten drin sein: Hast du ein log output vom Container oder was genau nicht funktioniert? Nein, vielleicht kann hier @Ford Prefect helfen, bin nicht wirklich ein Netzwerkprofi...
  21. The easiest solution would be to disable the GPU from the motherboard and use the output from the Nvidia GPU. The second solution, if you want to use the Aspeed GPU from the motherboard would be that you create the file: '/etc/modprobe.d/ast.conf' and do that from the terminal: sed -i '/disable_xconfig=/c\disable_xconfig=true' "/boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/settings.cfg" after that reboot. A user had that problem once but I can't remember if he needs to create the file on the USB Boot device but I think so. What you have to do for sure is to issue the command that I've posted. I recommend trying the second solution if you want to use the GPU from your motherboard with the file and the command. Please let me know if it works.
  22. ich777

    NordVPN in unRAID

    Probier es doch nochmal, das sieht so aus als war damals eine Kommunikation mit Docker Hub nicht möglich. Hast du zufällig IPv6?
  23. Du willst also nur "docker start MinecraftBasicServer" und "docker stop MinecraftBasicServer" erlauben? Muss ich mir mal ansehen, evtl. gibts da einen REST commander oder so in der Richtung der evtl auf Unraid laufen würde. Bzw. glaub ich das Unraid sogar eine standard API hat aber da brauchst du das root Passwort meines wissens und dann hast Zugriff auf alle Funktionen.
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