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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Actually not, does this happen with every Movie or TV show? I can't reproduce this: I'm on version: This is eventually something for the Jellyfin Forums/Github/Issue tracker Have you already tried to restart the container?
  2. I usually don't support modded servers but I think this can be a problem with Forge itself since it gave me other troubles on my server in the past and I switched to Spigot. You can always run the save command from the WebTerminal or in game before you stop the server.
  3. Yes that should be possible. Where are you running into issues? I run it with SWAG and it runs just flawlessly. I run it with a subdomain. Something like dns.yourdomain.net should work just fine.
  4. Which Minecraft container? It should not do that at least on my system it does not do that. Is the game running of off the Cache drive? Eventually the world takes too long to save and the Docker forces the container to shutdown, but that's only a guess.
  5. Genau. Genau, deswegen hab ich die möglichkeit in meinen Containern jedes erdenkliche port zu ändern eingebaut und die Wahrscheinlichkeit das du einen Portkonflikt zusammenbekommst ist doch relativ gering. Das Problem hättest du mit der anderen Lösung übrigens auch.
  6. Kannst du evtl deine Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> die heruntergeladene zip Datei hier in die Textbox ziehen) posten? Wenn du Intel 11th gen hast kann es sein das du einen parameter zu deiner syslinux.cfg hinzufügen musst damit das i915 modul richtig geladen wird. Wie aktivierst du die iGPU mit dem Intel-GPU-TOP plugin oder hast du eine Datei am USB Stick erstellt?
  7. Please post your Diagnostics (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box). In which hardware do you run the card? Is it possoble that the PCIe slot delivers too less power (had this on a few Dell servers). Also something from the log seems to be cut off.
  8. Please check you Shre configuration for your appdata directory if it's set to Use Cache Only or Prefer if it's set to Yes or No, the containers won't work. Please keep in mind if you change it, you have to invoke the Mover so that it moves the files from the Array back to the Cache.
  9. Yes because you have to restart the Docker service one time when you are installing the drivers that way. That has nothing to do with Plex and you also don't have to contact Linuxserver about that because the main issue is that Docker can't find the runtime nvidia and that's because you've installed it with the package, then you did a depmod then you you did a modprobe and the last step you have to do is to stop and start the Docker service one time so that Docker can find the runtime.
  10. I don't understand, what do you mean with you can't start it? Disable the whole Docker service and then enable it again:
  11. Probiers mal aus, ich hatte noch nie Probleme, evtl. brauchst ihn ja doch, kenne den Container leider nicht. Sorry ich glaub ich hab mich nicht klar ausgedrückt, du musst in SABnzbd in den Einstellungen den Port ändern und nicht im Docker Template: Das ist egal, der container hat kein eigenes Netzwerk mehr wenn du den Netzwerktyp auf None stellst und da kannst du im SABnzbd container noch so viele port forwardings anlegen, die greifen alle nicht, nur das forwarding im OpenVPN-Client container greife da du das Netzwerk von diesem verwendest und deswegen muss auch der SABnzbd port dort rein. Das machst du eben in den Einstellungen von SABnzbd wie oben geschrieben.
  12. Have you restarted the Docker service too?
  13. I think that's the case. Run: depmod -a modprobe nvidia After that go to the plugin page again.
  14. Because it's not implemented in the Kernel until now even in the newest one it's not implemented for 11th Gen. Because a USB connection (even if it's USB TypeC) for the disks is always a bad decision and I think you are running 2.5" drivers connected to the NUC or am I wrong? If you wan't to use 3.5" Disks you also have to connect extra power to them.
  15. 11th Gen. isn't supported as time of writing. And @trurl said a NUC isn't a great choice for Unraid...
  16. No, currently this is on my todo list, as a workaround you could eventually use cron from the host. Have many projects now. But this is on my to do list...
  17. The md5 sum matches, but I think something does went really wrong on your system when the plugin installs the driver can you try to do a: installpkg /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/nvidia-460. If that succeeds please try to issue the command nvidia-smi once more, if that also succeeds then try to stop and start the Docker service and see if Plex is working again after you stopped it. This is a complete stock Unraid 6.9.2 build you've said or am I wrong?
  18. Ah jetzt check ich für was das gehört aber das brauchst du normalerweise nicht denn die container werden automatisch rebuildet in Unraid wenn du den OpenVPN container änderst. Aber ich kenne den container nicht... Ich glaub du hast hier ein port problem... Auf welchen Port hast du SABnzbd im container jetzt geändert 123456? Wenn ja musst du im OpenVPN-Client container den containerport ebenfalls auf 123456 ändern (ich sehe aus deinem Screenshot das du Port 34567 genommen hast, warum?) und kannst dann einen beliebigen port nehmen über den du dann SABnzbd erreichen kannst mit deiner UNRAIDIP:DEINPORT Btw im SABnzbd container brauchst du die Ports nicht mehr anlegen bzw. kannst sie sogar löschen da der container kein eigenes Netzwerk mehr hat.
  19. Then the driver download failed or is not finished successfully but that is nearly impossible because it checks the downloaded file against the MD5 sum. Can you give me the output from: ls -la /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/ and also from: md5sum /boot/config/plugins/nvidia-driver/packages/*
  20. ? Du musst im SABnzbd container das Netzwerk auf None stellen und bei den Extra Parameters "--net=container:OpenVPN-Client" hinzufügen. Im OpenVPN container legst du ein port forwarding an mit dem port 123456 zu 123456 dann kannst du deinen SABnzbd container unter: DEINEUNRAIDIP:123456 erreichen da er das Netzwerk vom OpenVPN-Client container benutzt. Was meinst du? Du musst kein eigenes Netzwerk erstellen weil du das Netzwerk vom OpenVPN-Client im SABnzbd container verwendest.
  21. Yes, I remember that. Can you try to issue the command 'nvidia-smi' and see what the output is? Or do you get again nothing? Please remember there was a driver update again a few days ago and eventually that file wasn't downloaded properly... If this happens the next time please post your Diagnostics here and the output from nvidia-smi.
  22. Thank you for the feedback and the creation of the issue itself, much appreciated. Please report back what the outcome of this issue is.
  23. This tuner should work just fine with the LibreELEC drivers. Can you post your Diagnostics (Tool -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box) with the LibreELEC drivers installed please. The plugin won't display any more (usb) if you got a USB device installed. Can you please try if you get it to show up in TVheadend (I recommend the @linuxserver.io container) and if it works there?
  24. Can you send me such a RAW file (or a few of them if they are not too big - eventually compress them with Winzip or Winrar) via PM so that I can test it?
  25. Something like '--memory=5G' (without quotes) should do the trick. If you are getting such high memory usage it is likely the case that something is wrong with your map...
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