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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Ja die funktioniert einwandfrei, kannst auch mal auf meiner Plugin Seite vorbeischaun: Ich sag es hier auch nochmal wenn ein update von Unraid released wird bitte gebt mir ein paar Stunden damit ich die Module/Treiber neu bauen kann für die neue Version von Unraid und dann erst upgraden! Im 2. Posting im DVB Thread steht immer für welche versionen von Unraid die Module/Treiber schon verfügbar sind (gilt auch für alle meine anderen Plugins).
  2. Exactly that's what I've said above. As said above don't bind it to VFIO and try to create a new VM with SeaBIOS with the card manually passed through for testing purposes, hopefully this will work. If you got the same error then eventually something within Unraid or QEMU has changed that prevents it from starting, as said above this has nothing to do with this plugin and I think you should post about this in the VM sub forums because the error that you posted above is from the VM itself: Another thing could be that the configuration in your VM template is wrong.
  3. The container will now load automatically the last autosave that was made, but keep in mind that the server saves by default every 10 minutes from what I know. Please do a from the container and report back if everything works now properly.
  4. Hopefully @giganode has not too much to do so he can answer here soon since he is the guy who can help with the AMD cards.
  5. Click on the following devices: 01:00.0 & 01:00.1 & 01:00.2 & 01:00.3 and on "Apply" then restart -> if you do this you can't use it in a container anymore since you bind it to VFIO and Unraid can't see the device anymore, except in the VM's. Please note that the VFIO Plugin is OUTDATED, please uninstall the plugin if you are on 6.9.0+ and you can select the devices now when you click on Tools -> System Devices! Please note that this is the wrong place to post about this, I would recommend to post a thread about this in the VM subforums. Try to make a VM with SeaBIOS not OVMF, OVMF gave me always troubles in VM's and Nvidia cards.
  6. Is the card stubbed or better speaking is the card bound to VFIO? Can you post your Diagnostics here (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drop the downloaded zip file here in the text box).
  7. This is not a limitation of the Plugin, this is a limitation of the driver. It is or at least was possible when I tested this and created this Plugin but I would never recommend it. If it doesn't work now then something has changed how the driver works and nothing I can do about it. Keep in mind if you stub the drivers that the Plugin can't use the card anyways.
  8. Eventually a newer version from txAdmin is available but since txAdmin ships with FiveM eventually this will be solved in the next release from FiveM. Don't worry too much about it if everything is working...
  9. Can you try to do a of container and try it again if it stops working after some time? I have updated the container and it should hopefully work now.
  10. @stinger2k I also agree with @SimonF that a plugin should never change another plugin and it's up to the user so that he makes sure that the device is available. If it would be done like this the main problem is if a user selects by accident a device that has a partition or something mounted he can delete all of the contents of this device.
  11. I will look into this shortly, can you look into the 'saves' folder that is located in your openrct2 folder if there is more than one file? If so can you send me a screenshot? I think the server is auto saving but it loads every time the default save game and not the auto save files.
  12. You can do this yourself with a 'user.sh' somewhere on your server (but I don't recommend to put it into the root of your CSGO server directory) and the container will check if the library is installed on every start/restart of the container. To do that: Create a file somewhere on your server named 'csgo.sh' Put the following in the file (please note the '-y' at the third line so that this library will be automatically installed): #!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get -y install lib32z1 Mount the script in the Docker template from you server to the container: '/opt/scripts/user.sh': Click on "Add" Click on "Apply" Now the container will check on every start if the library is installed. Hope this is something you can work with and does the job for you.
  13. AssettoCorsa is not the easiest thing to setup I think especially with AssettoCorsa Server Manger... May I ask where that all the files come from? If you look at my AssettoCorsa folder you can see I don't got that many files in there, have you changed something in the Unraid Docker template? Why did you try to launch that from the directory? The container does everything for you... Again, exactly the same question as above. I would recommend to start over again by deleting the container, after that delete the assettocorsa directory in your appdata folder and then grab a fresh copy from the CA App with the default settings and after that try to enable the AssettoCorsa Server Manager. I think if you want to fix this you have to run the container with Privileged rights (but I would never recommend to do this!) because AssettoCorsa Server Manager want's to change some settings to your notwork (but I don't think that is necessary because only the check failed and this should be a minor issue). Have you forwarded both port 9600 TCP and UDP and also 8081 only TCP? So, I have tried it on my own now and it works just fine, I've connected my PC over my WLAN Hotspot from my phone (of course I disabled the wired connection) and tried to connect to the server and it works just fine, the screenshot is from my Laptop that is connected to my local WLAN:
  14. Hast du den Browser Cache schon gelöscht inklusiver aller Cookies und den Browser danach neu gestartet? Hast schon mal einen anderen Browser probiert? Wäre auch eine lösung nur kannst da auch viel kaputt machen speziell user die nicht so viel erfahrung mit der kommandozeile haben.
  15. Was passiert wenn du auf vnc.html klickst?
  16. Achja bevor ich es vergesse, versuch mal deinen Browser cache zu leeren inklusive cookies usw...
  17. Was passiert wenn du im Browser: eingibst?
  18. Hast du mal ein Log? Auf den container klicken und dann auf Log. Wie lautet die adresse wo er sich hinverbinden will, deine screenshots sind immer ohne adressleiste vom browser.
  19. Der Container unterstützt seit heute auch Serverseitiges skalieren.
  20. I think I will remove support for the AssettoCorsa Manager entirely since the developers aren't much helpful because I had a request in the past and they said, no they don't want that binaries created by them is integrated in other containers and that the users should use their container or at least create it from the Dockerfile that they provide.
  21. Please see the 2 posts bevore your post.
  22. Hab ich gehabt aber ohne einen Dateiversionsverlauf unbrauchbar für mich. Ich weiß schon das es praktisch ist einen ordner so zu mounten entweder direkt in den Docker selbst gemounted und dann als physischen pfad selbst oder direkt per entfernte SMB Freigabe. EDIT: Kommt hald auf seinen Usecase an, das Externe Speicher ist schon ein tolles Plugin, will ich auch nicht schlecht reden. Falsch verstanden, ich spreche nicht von Unraid sondern von Nextcloud deswegen habe ich auch oben Seafile erwähnt.
  23. Hattest du die neue version schon? Ja für große deployments wäre Seafile sinnvoller da WebDAV ja nicht das schnellste Protokoll ist. Wie gesagt dann hast aber den Dateiversionsverlauf nicht. Dieses "Problem" kenne ich zB überhaupt nicht. Mit so einer langen antwort hätte ich eigentlich nicht gerechnet, weil diese auch weit über die Frage hinausgeht aber danke jedenfalls für deine Kritik und Zeit die du hier einbringst. 😉 Muss aber auch sagen du sprichst hier hauptsächlich von großen Installationen die für Unraid ja meistems nicht zutrifft da meistens nur ein paar user in NC auf dem eigenen server sind.
  24. Warum wenn ich Fragen darf? Du kannst doch alles auch mittels WebDAV übertragen bzw auch über den Sync client von Nextcloud selbst, über das Webinterface selbst würd ich es auch nicht machen, aber wenn du alles richtig indizieren willst und auch Dateiversionverlauf haben willst dann kommst du über das einpflegen direkt nach Nextcloud nicht hinweg. Außerdem kann das auch Windows selbst: Klick (die URL wäre "http://DEINESERVERIP/remote.php/webdav" wenn du lokal im Netzwerk bist oder "https://DEINEDOMAIN.com/remote.php/webdav")
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