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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Hey, hey, hey,... das höre ich zum ersten mal... Der gnif/vendor-reset patch ist noch in Entwicklung sagen wir mal so, aber du hast hald den Vorteil das du eine VM starten und stoppen kannst und vielen Fehlern vorbeugen kannst, ich nehme mal an der Bluescreen wird dadurch verursacht das der Treiber geladen wird beim booten aber fehl schlägt weil die Karte eben nicht resetten kann, only a guess... Einfach mal probieren, der Unraid-Kernel-Helper ist wirklich einfach zu bedienen, hat zwar viele Optionen aber wenn du dir alles im Docker Template durchließt, nur das wählst was du brauchst und das Log im Auge behältst ist alles gut.
  2. You can also add this as said to your syslinux.conf file so that you don't have to do anything or create a file if you installed the Intel-GPU-TOP plugin. But I was wrong above you have to do it in this format: i915.force_probe=4c8b Simply append this to your syslinux.conf file and this is appended when the Intel-GPU-TOP plugin loads the drivers, so no need to create the file with the contents (Main -> Click on 'Flash' and append it like that and click Apply at the bottom): From what I know this is a problem with Plex and you can only solve this if you run a custom script but you have to run it on every update of the container otherwise it will stop working again. I would post an issue an the Plex Forums about that.
  3. Done, container is already rebuilt and uploaded to Docker Hub.
  4. That looks like that it's related to iSCSI but I don't have to be... Was a client online and connected to an iSCSI Target on the server? Is this a FileIO Block device or a real disk?
  5. Please try to append 'force_probe=4c8a' to your syslinux.config and reboot (if you do it like that then please remove the contents of the i915.conf file). Please don't double post, you also can mention me here. Your i915.conf file has to be empty or at least have only the middle line in it, the first and the last line are wrong.
  6. On which Unraid version are you now? Answered already in this post (please don't double post):
  7. @Anym001 genau wie @mgutt schon geschrieben hat eine > überschreibt die ganze Datei mit der Ausgabe des Befehls in Linux und zwei >> fügen die Ausgabe des Befehls am Schluss der Datei hinzu. Ich glaube aber dein Usecase ist eben das du wissen willst wie oft und wann sich deine IP geändert hat oder?
  8. It should be always safe to upgrade. If I haven't built the packages yet it will always grab the latest driver that where built by LT itself (added a fallback after the release of 6.9.1) regardless what version is set on the plugin page, the only thing is that the plugin page looks a little weird until I built the packages but that does not affect the function of the driver itself. Hope that answers your question.
  9. This seems like a limitation from Portainer. I've updated the container so that these values are now empty by default. Please pull it again from Docker Hub it should now work.
  10. Then create those two environment variables and leave them empty and delete the value 'template' after the first start, this should also work
  11. Are you using Unraid? You have to create the Variables and leave them empty otherwise they are filled with template.
  12. But why? Wouldn't it be better you try to run it through this container otherwise I will give no support... Also, when you remove the environment variables START_VARS and GAME_CONFIG this is pretty much the same as you leave it empty in Unraid in the Docker template. I tried it now on my server and it works just fine (attached a few screenshots and also the log):fivem.log You have to create this port mapping in the template:
  13. No problem, here to help... I will keep you updated when everything is sorted out and the source is available.
  14. Not really one thing to keep in mind that this package at the time of writing consist of the 3 necessary container tools and the driver itself. You need to have the Kernel sources (so to speak compile the Kernel for Unraid), the Nvidia driver and and at last the container tools so the driver itself can interact with the Container daemon itself and vice versa (I build everything in my Unraid-Kernel-Helper Docker with a custom script that uploads the packages to Github but that involves two reboots since you need to be, or at least, you should be on that version you want to build for so to speak 2 reboots and then the Nvidia driver is working again). I completely understand that you don't want to rely on one person btw. LT also has my build script for everything (in case something happens to me) and also they have their own for the Nvidia driver. I will release the whole build script in the next few months after we sorted out how the drivers are built by LT itself so that they are available when a new Unraid version is released. I'm not 100% sure where but somewhere on my Github (eventually in the Plugin repo or in the releases repo), hope that is okay for you to wait a little longer.
  15. Exactly that's what I do... Yes, but I will only recompile the last 6 or so driver versions I think, in my automated build script (that doesn't uploaded the packages for whatever reason this time) are only the latest and the latest feature branch for now, but I will eventually extend that list so that I manually have to compile the other versions. This is eventually a possible scenario but this is very unlikely that someone ever will need this because if I build the last 6 driver versions there might be at least 1 or 2 stable drivers within this 6 versions. They don't change the compatibility list for the production drivers until now (know on wood) and I hope so that this doesn't change but even if they change it I can recompile that last working driver for every upcoming version of Unraid and include that in the packages repo.
  16. What change? Let's wait for Squid, eventually he knows why this happened. As said above this shouldn't happen when you changed it once.
  17. It is tied to the specific Kernel versions. All the drivers that you see are built for the specific Kernel version that Unraid runs on. Exactly from somewhere is from here: Click (and if don't built it already and the Kernel version isn't found in the repo I added a fallback and then it is download from the LT servers itself because as said above LT builds always the latest version from the driver for the new Kernel version or better speaking Unraid release). Exactly, the Plugin checks on boot if it finds a newer version of the drivers if 'latest' is selected or it checks if the selected version is already downloaded and matches the current Kernel version. If that fails it will download the new preferred version, if that also fails (because I don't built the drivers that quick) it will check if a driver is available on the LT servers and download the latest one from there and finally installs the drivers and enable them. Please note that this will change in the near future so that the version(s) will be already available when the new Unraid version is released and this is only a temporary solution for now.
  18. No, if you change the path inside the template so that it matches your configuration it won't change automatically. EDIT: To what path did you set it?
  19. Please read this post: You have to start the container with an empty 'ConfigFile' Variable otherwise txAdmin won't load, also you don't have to fill in +set txAdminPort 40120 you only have to add the Port like in the linked post above.
  20. Exactly. In my templates it is not possible that it changed autmoatically. I do it that way because some applications inside Docker containers needs the "real" path to the directory where the files in otherwise they won't work and I also won't change that in my templates. As said above it is very unlikely that this path is reseted out of nowhere because I have disabled to auto update user templates in my templates if I change something in the main template. @Squid can you help here or imagine what changed the path?
  21. Probier das: #!/bin/bash currenIP="$(wget -qO- ipecho.net/plain)" filepath="/mnt/cache/myip.txt" if [ ! "$(cat $filepath | tail -5 | grep ${currentIP})" ]; then echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" ${currentIP} >> ${filepath} fi Nur kurz zur Erklärung: if holt sich die letzten 5 Einträge deiner myip.txt Datei mittels tail und prüft dann mittels grep ob diese gefunden wird mittels grep und das ganze wird umgekehrt durch ! am Anfang sprich: Wenn einer der letzten 5 Einträge in deiner Datei myip.txt nicht gleich der aktuellen IP ist dann schreibe die aktuelle IP in die myip.txt hinzu. (die letzten 5 Einträge deswegen weil es durchaus möglich sein kann das du nach einer Woche oder ein paar Tagen wieder die gleiche IP hast die du schon mal gehabt hast und die würde dann nicht geschrieben werden wenn du einfach blind nach der IP suchen würdest, kannst 5 auch mit 3 oder so tauschen wenn du noch weniger prüfen willst oder sich deine IP nur selten ändert) Bei meinem Script füge ich dann noch den Datum hinzu am Anfang damit du siehst wann das war, Uhrzeit finde ich hier ein wenig übertrieben. Hoffe das ergibt Sinn. EDIT: Du kannst es auch zusätzlich ins syslog schreiben nur damit du siehst was er so macht... currenIP="$(wget -qO- ipecho.net/plain)" filepath="/mnt/cache/myip.txt" if [ ! "$(cat $filepath | tail -5 | grep ${currentIP})" ]; then logger "Writing current public IP: ${currentIP} to myip.txt" echo "$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')" ${currentIP} >> ${filepath} else logger "Nothing to do, current public IP: ${currentIP} hasn't changed." fi
  22. Eventually, in my case I haven't specified a port and it worked just fine where my ISP doesn't support connections over port 25. That's really strange and interesting, because I also only use v4 and it is working without a problem. No pressure on that, really appreciate the responses and the updates about your findings.
  23. ich777


    Hast du deine Nvidia Karte auch richtig zum Container durchgereicht? Hast du eine Device in deinem Container Template durchgereicht die /dev/dri heißt bzw. evtl. in den Extra Parameters eingetragen? Wenn ja dann entferne sie. Du hast doch eine AMD APU und Plex unterstützt soweit ich weiß AMD APU's noch nicht, wenn dann müsstest du die Nvidia GPU durchreichen für Transcoding (du hast ja schließlich auch das Nvidia Plugin drauf.
  24. Please read this for more information (try my best to build the packages as quick as possible but this time something prevented the automatic upload of the packages):
  25. Can you eventually try to use a different mail provider, just for testing purposes. Eventually you have a Gmail account or something similar. In my case 'sendemail' detected that it has to use port 587 and STARTLS and sent the mail successfully.
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