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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Then your connection to Github I think is very slow. Can you try to download this file and see which download speeds you get: Click EDIT: Also please post the question in the appropriate support thread:
  2. Das sind aber wirklich keine Probleme... Um dein AER problem zu lösen bitte füge: 'pci=noaer' deiner syslinux.config hinzu (Main -> klick auf blaue Schrift "Flash" -> in der grünen Box pci=noaer hinzufügen -> nach unten scrollen und "Apply" klicken -> Reboot): Hast du deine Karte bzw. TVHeadend auch richtig konfiguriert? Benutzt du das DVB-Driver Plugin von der CA App? EDIT: Hast du auch das gelesen aus dem DVB-Thread:
  3. This has nothing to do with the Nvidia-Driver plugin... You have to eventually turn on and off persistenced like described in this post to get the power consumption down when the VM is not running.:
  4. I don't think that you screwed up the installation, I think they changed something in the way that AssettoCorsa ServerManager works since your log says the following: time="2021-04-12T08:41:17-05:00" level=fatal msg="Failed to validate license" error="open ACSM.License: no such file or directory" I don't know if I have time in the next few days but I will definitely look into this please give me a few days and I will report back.
  5. Why not try it again, it's not different to a Linux VM, the main path where the server files are and where the app itself sees the files: '/serverdata/serverfiles' I highly recommend trying it again since it's very inefficient if you only run a VM for only this game on your Unraid server.
  6. @Schicksal lösch auf jeden Fall den ganzen Ordner und fang nochmal von vorne an.
  7. No, this has nothing to do with the Nvidia-Driver plugin.
  8. No, this is not the case with every Docker template but game servers are not normal Containers in terms of port forwarding. Take Valheim for example, the default game port for example is 2456 (game port) then there is the port 2457 (query port) and the port 2458 (I don't know what it's exactly for but if you close it you cannot connect to the server). When you try to actually connect to the game, the game tries to connect to the default query port to get all necessary information on port 2457 and the query port actually responds with a message to the game that the game port is on 2456 and then a connection is established. Now imagine what's happening when you only forward the ports from 2456, 2457, 2458 to lets say +10 (2466, 2467, 2468) if you type in the Steam Server Browser for example YOURSERVERIP:2467 you will actually see the game but if you click on it and the game fires up and it get's the answer from the query port that the game actually runs on port 2456 and not on the forwarded port 2466 like in this example and a connection can not be established. For a normal web server that don't rely on a query port (or at least nothing that's relying on a port that actually tells it back, "Hi, I'm on port 2466") you can forward or better speaking change them in the template. Also Steam Ports 27015-27030 really don't like to be translated from on to another port because they actually tell the game: "Hi, I'm running on port 27015" and if you translate that again to let's say for example to 27016, you can see the game possibly in the server list because it's broadcasting that it's running but if you try to actually connect the port or the application tells the client to connect on port 27015 and 27016. But as said above that applies not to every game! Hope that makes sense to you. That's up to you, I would also add these settings, like you did, to the Startup Parameters, since it's basically the same as if you change it in the config file.
  9. If it happens aigain please be sure to make a few screenshots and feel free to reach out to me again.
  10. Warum nicht, für mich machrn auch 300C keinen sinn selbst wenn es 300F sind (~150C) halte ich das für übertrieben bilzw nicht sinnvoll wenn da ein gegenargument kommen sollte. Evtl. können sie die begrenzung aufheben und eine warnung einbauen wenn man versehentlich über 100 eingibt das der nutzer gewarnt wird und er die temperatureingabe nochmal kontrollieren soll ob der wert sicher passt den er eingegeben hat und er das sicher so übernehmen will.
  11. Can you please be a little bit lore specific? Which file does grow to that size and where is it located, do you also have screenshots? Eventually a plugin that doesn't work properly is causing this.
  12. Ia it possible that you have a log from a container in the background open? Try also to switch off advanced view on the docker page.
  13. Is it possible that some containers in bridge mode rely on other containers that are in br0 on your system and you have access to host enabled?
  14. Yes, but you only need the domain name and not the subdomain since Valheim resolves you public IP and connects to the default ports 2456, 2457, 2458. If your server is running on a non default port (eg: if you are running the server on ports 2466, 2467, 2469) simply enter: yourdomain.com:2466 What do you mean with that? Where did you launch it? Simply double clicking it? Have you got a log for me (on the Docker page click on the icon and select log -> select everything in the log window by pressing CTRL + A and then CTRL + C to copy everything to the clipboard -> open up a text file and press CTRL + V to paste the contents of the clipboard to the text file -> press CTRL + S to save the file -> drop the text file here in the text box).
  15. Dann mach doch einfach einen feature request auf das sie die Zahl freischalten sollen. 300C sind schon unsinnig, ich kenne keine festplatte die das aushalten würde bzw so heiß werden darf.
  16. You have to change the Name of the Container, the path to the Game Files (the path to SteamCMD can be the same), you have to change all the ports in the config files so that they don't match the other server (all of them) and then you have to delete all port entries in the Docker template and create new ones that are match the new ports that you have in your config files. Keep in mind that it isn't enough that you just change the host port if you click on a port entry in the template and change that, thats also the reason why you are in the old instance.
  17. Also das du Unraid mittels ESXi betreibst wird eigentlich nicht unterstützt zumindest nicht offiziell aber du kannst wenn du auf die disk klickst und dann bei den smart attributen die warning und error temperatur auf 9999999 stellst sollte eigentlich funktionieren oder? Soweit ich weiß reichen hier alle die mit Unraid mittels ESXi betreiben komplette festplatten durch. Kenn mich leider mit ESXi aus aber vielleicht gibts noch andere optionen wie du eine vdisk anlegst bzw mit welchem treiber oder interface.
  18. MagicMirror ist ein Docker Container und kein Plugin, wenn du ihn schon mal installiert gehabt hast und du nur den Container von der Docker Seite gelöscht hast dann ist es sehr wahrscheinlich das das magicmirror Verzeichnis das in deinem appdata Verzeichnis erstellt wurde noch vorhanden ist und mit deiner neuen Installation nicht mehr kompatibel ist oder das du dir damals die Konfiguration zerschossen hast. Am besten gehst du in dein appdata Verzeichnis und löscht den gesamten magicmirror Ordner mal (vorher bitte den Container stoppen!) und danach startest ihn wieder, dann wird das Verzeichnis in appdata neu erstellt und er sollte wieder funktionieren.
  19. I will look into this ASAP and report back, another user reported something similar and I thought I fixed it but as it seems not... Please give me a few days for this.
  20. @Flippo eventually you can add this to your first post: To enable the API from your ESPurna device go to the WebUI and click on: Admin Enable HTTP API Auto Save
  21. You can also flash a Tasmota device with ESPurna and vice versa from the WebUI from what I remember back when I tried Tasmota.
  22. I requested ESPurna. Mainly use it on my devices and love it and if you need something the issues on github are answered really fast. The initial IP is and the username and password for the webgui is: 'admin' & 'fibonacci' Yes it does have 1 and 3. It also have alexa integration and much more, but I think that's also the case for Tasmota if I remember correctly.
  23. Is the timezone correct on your server? Open up a console and try to enter 'date'
  24. I saw that you run Unraid through ESXi amd that can also cause problems, please keep that in mind... Go to the Nvidia thread and search for ESXi, I rember one user that run it also through ESXi and he saw the card but card but can't use it.
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