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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Du musst dich entscheiden, entweder Transcoding oder VM, beides gleichzeitig funktioniert nicht, noch dazu musst du wissen das Plex momentan noch kein HW Transcoding mit AMD unterstützt meines wissens nach. Du brauchst die IOMMU Gruppen nicht extra posten wenn du die Diagnostics hochlädst die sind bereits in den Diagnostics enthalten. Bekommen die Karten denn genug Strom über den PCIe Bus und hast du auch die Stromstecker an den Karten angeschlossen? Die GT710 ist doch ohne extra Stomanschluss oder? Ist es möglich das der PCIe zu wenig Strom über den PCIe port liefert (hatte ich schon des öfteren bei DELL Servern). Hast du schon mal nachgesehen ob für deinen Proliant evtl. ein BIOS-Update verfügbar ist? Hast du irgendwas am BIOS vom Proliant umgestellt oder zurückgesetzt als du ihn bekommen hast? EDIT: Deine beiden AMD Karten werden definitv erkannt schau mal ob die Nvidia richtig sitzt. Wie gesagt wenn du die Karten für VM's verwenden willst dann deinstallier die Plugins, die brauchst du nur wenn du die Karten in Docker Containern verwenden willst (wenn du pech hast kannst du die Karten dann nicht mal in der VM verwenden wenn du das Plugin installiert hast). EDIT2: Kann es sein das du nur eine CPU verbaut hast (ist doch ein 2 CPU Sockel System soweit ich weiß)? Wo steckt denn die GT710 drin? Ich glaube mich erinnern zu können das die PCIe Slots aufgeteilt sind sprich links linke CPU, rechts rechte CPU. Wenn du also in einem Sockel keine CPU drin hast und in den zugehörigen Slots eine Karte hast kann diese nicht funktionieren.
  2. No, just stop the container delete everything inside the minecraft directory and start the container again. Have you stopped the container on the very first start, where it downloads the runtime and everything and the process is interrupted it can happen that it simply won't run.
  3. Please try to start over and wait on the first start. Stop the container, delete all files and directories in you minecraft folder and then start the container again. Something is wrong with the runtime...
  4. Have you stopped the container at the very first start once? Please look in your gamedirectory if there is a file called runtime in there, if so, please remove this file and restart the container and wait for it to finish the startup. Have you any kind of firewall or something like PiHole in front of the Server? The Minecraft server needs exclusive internet access on the very first start since it tries to download the runtime and minecraft itself.
  5. amdgpu is the right choice for you. I think the right place to post this question would be on the RadeonTOP support. The radeon kernel modules is for GPU's I think before the 2xx series, so to speak for old GPU's.
  6. Exactly set the driver to your current version instead to latest and if a new driver is released go to the plugin page and set the driver to the newer driver version and click the download button, this will open up nearly the same window as on the plugin installation amd download the driver (you can also click the Download button to verify the MD5 sum but that's also done after the download finished) after that you can reboot and the newer driver will be installed. Have some times problems with a few ISP's here in Europe with downloads from AWS and Github, since my Docker containers also download the files from Github that has something to do with the traffic volume that the ISP bought from oversea I think (at least I read about that somewhere, I'm not too familar how this works exactly).
  7. Ja die restriktionen sind im System selbst verankert, bei Unraid sind keine Punkte möglich.
  8. Hast du die Karte evtl. An VFIO gebunden? Deine Diagnostics wären hilfreich (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> ziehe die heruntergeladene Datei hier in die Textbox). Für was willst die verwenden? Nur zur Info die kann kein h265. Hatte leider noch keine möglichkeit beide zu installieren um zu sehen was dann passiert sollte aber theoretisch möglich sein beide zu nutzen. F6r was benutzt du die Grafikkarten? Das heißt das der nvidia-smi keine kompatible Grafikkarte sieht. Bitte die Diagnostocs dann sehe ich mir das mal an.
  9. Currently only my Jellyfin container supports transcoding with AMD hardware as far as I know. In the description is how to do that but well yes '/dev/dri' is the device to add. Please also note I recommend adding it via the button on the bottom of the template 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device' and then select 'Device' from the drop down menu.
  10. Wrong place. Please report this in the GPU Statistics support thread, the radeontop plugin seems to work just fine.
  11. What is the error? A log output would be very helpful.
  12. Then your connection to Github is really slow at the time of writing (I also had problems with Deutsche Telekom sometimes with downloads from Github and everything hosted on AWS). EDIT: Btw Github is also hosted on AWS. You can always check the plugin page and download it from there with the Download button. You always have the option to choose a driver and set it not to latest to prevent updates on boot. EDIT2: I get around 9MB/s downloading the file.
  13. Wine isn't always the answer, look for example at Space Engineers this is a game you simply can't run or better speaking the dedicated server on Linux or at least get it to run stable on Linux (sometimes I got luck running it and sometimes it runs with a really bad overhead and uses that much system resources that you also can set up a VM). I have a few games that run with WINE (TheForest, ConanExiles,...) but they for example sometimes eat up twice as much system resources as if you run it on Windows. ...and as I said above, I don't do games anymore that I don't personally own since support is a nightmare without having the game in the library.
  14. Can you try a file without subtitles or even turn them off? From what I know subtitles and Plex can be a little bit weird... Also from what I see the transcoding is working perfectly fine with your card, try a few other files please and report back.
  15. From what I know SCUM is a game without Linux in mind and I think no Linux version of the dedicated server is available. Also I don't create Dockers anymore that I don't own personally.
  16. Please update the Plugin to version 2021.03.19 and this should be fixed (found some spare time laying around... ). No extra message was added because it should be obvious that the selected driver matches the current installed (and also not to upset users with messages), the restart message is only displayed if the driver doesn't match the current installed driver, hope that's also fine for you.
  17. I will look into this next week.
  18. Assetto Corsa or Assetto Corsa Competizione I don't understand the question... Can you give me a link what you mean exactly? You can host multiple Containers on your Unraid server, you only have to give each Container a unique name and a unique directory for the Server Files in the template and of course the ports have to be different.
  19. New Nvidia Drivers v460.67 where already automatically built! To install the newer drivers reboot your server. Make sure that you have a active Internet connection at boot and the version on the Plugin page is set to 'latest' so the Plugin can detect that there is a newer version available and grab the drivers on boot (keep in mind the boot process will eventually take a little longer depending on your internet connection because the Plugin has to download the new driver). If you've got no active Internet connection on boot (because you run PiHole or your Firewall on unRAID) go to the Plugin page and make sure that the driver is set to 'latest', click the 'Download' button (this will open up a window and download the driver instantly - DON'T CLOSE THIS WINDOW UNTIL THE 'DONE' BUTTON IS DISPLAYED), after the download finished reboot your server to install the new driver.
  20. Yes, there is something wrong with Valheim+ when the container tells you that. Please save you Backup folder somewhere save and start over by deleting the container (also not your settings from the template that you have made and also delete the valheim folder in your appdata directory) pulling a fresh copy from the CA App and let it start for the first time and then restore your Backup.
  21. Are you sure that you are not affected by the world reset bug? Also please check if you password is 5 characters or longer. The container loops because something is wrong with the game itself or the savefile.
  22. Espurna wäre auch noch eine alternative.
  23. Wenn ich mich nicht irre ist Standby bei NVMe nicht gleich Standby bzw. ich glaube das bei diesem Patch lediglich der Low Power Idle Mode deaktiviert wird, ich müsste mir den Patch und die funktionsweise der NVMe's nochmal genauer ansehen.
  24. Also wenn man auf Unraid 6.9.0 und höher ist sollte dies kein Problem sein da diese Patches bereits in den neueren Kernel versionen integriert sind. Unraid 6.9.0: Kernel v5.10.19 Unraid 6.9.1: Kernel v5.10.21
  25. No, you actually can download the Nvidia Driver Plugin from the CA App and it will check on boot if there is a newer version of the driver available and also if you are upgraded to a newer Unraid version will download the appropriate driver for the new version, but keep in mind that the startup can take a little longer because it does this on boot and you need a active internet connection on boot.
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