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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Beim heutigen update wurde nichts an der Plugins Seite geändert, wurde nur was bei der Installation des Plugins beim booten geändert. Das betrifft aber dich bzw. die meisten User nicht, da das Plugin jetzt unterscheiden kann ob unRAID in den GUI Modus gebootet wurde oder nicht. Das deutet auf jeden Fall auf ein Problem mit der Hardware hin da die Abfrage von nvidia-smi ins Timeout läuft bzw nicht vollständig abgeschlossen wird (kannst auch testen wenn du das gleich Problem wieder mal hast das du zB ein Terminal öffnest und 'nvidia-smi' eingibst dann sollte er auch hängen). Ohne den Problem irgendwie zu verharmlosen oder mich darüber lustig zu machen aber das liest sich wirklich lustig im syslog (hab ich vorher auch noch nie so gesehen): Mar 17 12:59:43 homeserver kernel: Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 31 on CPU 0. Mar 17 12:59:43 homeserver kernel: Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? Mar 17 12:59:43 homeserver kernel: Dazed and confused, but trying to continue Mar 17 12:59:43 homeserver kernel: Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 31 on CPU 0. Mar 17 12:59:43 homeserver kernel: Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled? Mar 17 12:59:43 homeserver kernel: Dazed and confused, but trying to continue Hab den Fehler mal auf google gesucht, bei den meisten Einträgen wird geraten mal einen Memtest zu machen bzw. gehen von einem kommenden Hardwareproblem aus. Kannst du mal versuchen auf die neueste Treiberversion 460.56 umzusteigen, was ich aus dem log sehe hast du die version 460.27.04 installiert. Ich hab jetzt noch nicht nachgesehen aber gibt's evtl. ein BIOS update für deinen TERRA S1200RP, kannst evtl. mal versuchen das BIOS zurückzusetzen und Above 4G decoding im BIOS zu aktivieren? Hast du irgendwas in die Richtung Emby/Plex/Jellyfin installiert, mich würde interessieren ob das Verhalten auch auftritt wenn du den NVENC/NVDEC ansprichst und die Grafikkarte auch vom Bus "fällt" (Jellyfin wäre hier evtl. eine alternative da es gratis ist, wenn du ein Video file brauchst hier kannst dir Kostenlose 4K Testfiles runterladen).
  2. @Goldfire please try to force an update of the Unturned container and see if it now saves and stop correctly... Also, I have found this article, is this relevant to your server? Click
  3. Theoretically it should work just fine since I do the same in my Nvidia-Debian-Buster container but that's a little different since I'm doing 3D rendering and HW encoding in one container with Steam Link. I tested this also with Plex and Jellyfin where I started one transcode in the Plex and one transcode in the Jellyfin container at the same time and they both work just flawlessly. Good information can you give me the source to this?
  4. Kannst mir die Diagnostics schicken (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download) weil dort alle Informationen drin sind (auch Hardware Informationen), gerne auch per PN. Versprechen kann ich nichts, ich werds mir definitv ansehen. Vorher hat es einwandfrei funktioniert oder irre ich mich da? An der Hardware wurde wahrscheinlich auch nichts geändert nehme ich mal an. Bootest du im Legacy oder UEFI Modus?
  5. Add the two lines to your go file. You have to enable you graphics driver since beta35 because the drivers are blacklisted by default, but not sure if that's the exact problem because I haven't got the time yet to investigate further.
  6. This shouldn't work for you... Instead I would try to do a 'modprobe radeon', that should be the right module for your HD8570.
  7. If you don't delete the folder in your appdata directory, no. Just be sure to set the path's and every variable, port the same as before.
  8. I will look into this ASAP, please give me a few days.
  9. This is because you got a really old template, please delete the Container where you have issues (note your settings before you delete it) and redownload a fresh copy from the CA App and apply the settings that you are had noted before. If you do this the problem should be gone. So no one can connect from outside to your server? Please note that the Steam port is UDP not TCP or both. Here is my startup command and it works just fine (can connect through the LAN and also my friends can connect through my PUBLICIP:27015): +game_type 0 -usercon +game_mode 0 +mapgroup mg_active +map de_dust2 +sv_setsteamaccount SECRET Have you created a dedicated token for the server, every server needs it's own token.
  10. No, that's a too old card and won't work within container anyways.
  11. Which server are you running the card in or at least on which hardware? Can you post your Diagnostics here please (Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download -> drag the zip in the textbox here). Was the card working before? Have you already rebooted your server after installing the Nvidia Driver? You can at least try the official Jellyfin container. I simply can't reproduce this error on my DevServer (running unRAID 6.9.1 with the latest Nvidia-Drivers and a EVGA GTX 1060 3GB).
  12. Have you already tried it with a completely different file? Something with the file seems a bit off why is the resolution 1908x796? Shouldn't it be something like 1920x796? Also the codec is h.265 but it's actually not a 4K file. I've took a closer look at the log and both log outputs from what I see is a 1080p file with HEVC or am I wrong?
  13. What are these device ID's? EDIT: If this is the Card and the Audio Controller then no, see the answer below why, also there is a new way of adding devices to VFIO. Yes this is possible but not recommended (and I never recommend doing it like this) since you can hard lock up the server. If you want to use it for Containers and VM's don't bind it to VFIO since Unraid can't see the GPU if it's bound to VFIO (also there is a new way how to bind devices to VFIO - Tools -> System Devices).
  14. These are two "-" not one... Can you try to open up a console window from the container itself (Click on the icon of Jellyfin and then click on Console) and then type in 'nvidia-smi'. The container should still be able to start up.
  15. Dann hast du deine Antwort, nicht Unraid sondern ein Container macht das... Wenn ich mir deine Screenshots so ansehe dann belegt dein Jellyfin container gerade 335,1MB hält sich doch in grenzen... Mein Emby server belegt auch ca. 380MB Wäre hier nicht "ps -e -o pid,rss,comm= | sort -n -k 2" besser geeignet da dies den reellen Speicherbedarf spiegelt und nicht den "virtuellen"?
  16. Then point it to the same directory as the ACC Server on the host.
  17. In the Plugin. I will look into it to make it changeable... But I will make this command line only because this is really a rare usecase.
  18. ich777

    Defekte HDD?

    Okay, das wird dann schon passen... Ich bevorzuge hald die Dell Perc H310 im IT Modus, Nachteil ist hald das ein 40mm Lüfter (meiner Meinung nach erfroderlich ist wenn der Adapter ohne ordenlichen Luftstrom betrieben wird) benötigt wird. Da weiß ich was ich hab.
  19. I will look into this but this can take a few days, I'm actually very busy at the moment... EDIT: From what you sent (Github repo) there is already a container available from the creator of ACC manager.
  20. ich777

    Defekte HDD?

    Was würde in deinem Fall gegen eine Dell Perc H310 sprechen? Hab auch eine in meinem Server verbaut die im IT modus läuft mit einem 40mm damit die schön Kühl bleibt (Server hardware braucht eben einen guten Luftstorm drüber) und hab daurch 8 SATA Ports mehr und kann meine konventionellen HDD'S über das PCIe2.0 x4 voll auslasten, bei SSD's würdest du dann wieder über den PCIe2.0 x4 bus limitiert werden.
  21. But you can also connect it to the Nvidia Card since it can output the GUI and also use it for transcoding in whatever. Not really, because the only thing I added to the Nvidia Driver Plugin is that it creates a xorg.conf file that it can display it through the Nvidia card, I also thought about an option to disable this (can be easily implemented but I think this is a really rare usecase and a user can easily mess up the whole Plugin or at least how it works and break it). Or have you already tried to reboot without the Nvidia Driver Plugin installed if not try that and I will think about again to implement to disable to create a xorg.conf file. Also what happens if you connect the monitor to the Quadro?
  22. Do you need the Nvidia Driver? I have no machine where I can test both the Nvidia Driver and the Intel-GPU-TOP Plugin but I think you should be also able to install both and the output should happen on the Nvidia card.
  23. First things first if you quote someone you have to actually click on the name otherwise the person get's no notification @TechGeek01: The Plugin is only meant if you got a Intel iGPU otherwise it won't work. May I ask to which card the monitor is connected to? If your monitor is connected to the ASPEED onboard graphics you have to do the following: if [ ! -d /boot/config/modprobe.d ]; then mkdir -p /boot/config/modprobe.d fi touch /boot/config/modprobe.d/ast.conf EDIT: But from what I see from your Diagnostics you already done that. If you connected the monitor to the Nvidia card the Nvidia Plugin should get you covered and bring up the GUI.
  24. Have you also tried to delete the modified serverconfig.xml and restart the container since it downloads a fresh default copy of the serverconfig.xml and see if it starts up just fine? No, I don't say that... Of course you can do that. To what is the Share set that gamefiles are in terms of Use Cache "Prefer", "Only", "Yes"? Can you also eventually post the full log output? EDIT: You can also reach out to @Spectral Force for help with the 7DtD Container since I don't own the game personally, this is from his signature:
  25. I think so because the driver "captures" the card from what I know and isn't available for the VM, I also think it is eventually possible to set persistence mode for only one or two cards but I'm maybe wrong about that (I personally use persistence mode, I will look this up). EDIT: @Mr_Jay84 I think it should be able to set it only for one or more cards: Click nvidia-smi -i <target gpu> -pm ENABLED Enabled persistence mode for GPU <target gpu>. All done. The <target gpu> should be the HW ID I think (something like 0000:01:00.0). As said above this is dependent on the card itself and how the manufacturer implemented this in the BIOS of the card. Exactly that's the only way to tell if they are in P8 since you can't easily get the power state if they are bound to VFIO. This is also dependent on the card in which power state they are if you shutdown the VM.
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