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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please try it in a desktop PC and install the drivers... Also look at this post please (it was a similar problem like yours): The P2000 was released 2017 I think. Eventually it's some kind of hardware combination that won't work. Have you looked also at your C-States in your BIOS? I have something in my head that there where problems with the "older" Ryzen and the C-States.
  2. Dann handelt es sich aber um einen Fehler in Unraid, ich werde das auch schnell mal testen.
  3. Are you booting with UEFI or Legacy? Is the Card assigned to a VM? Can you post your diagnostics here Tools -> Diagnostics -> Download No, the driver is downloaded/upgraded at boot, so the boot will take a little longer than usual about 130MB for the driver and about 20 to 30 seconds for the driver installation. The Plugin should handle all on it's own.
  4. You have to enable the AMD drivers first like described in the second post. What CPU do you have?
  5. Genau, das hab ich nur zum Schutz eingestellt, wenn du willst kannst du das auch ändern damit du lesen und schreiben kannst. Das kann nicht sein, bitte kontrolliere nochmal deine Einstellungen, wenn im Template nur lesen eingestellt ist dann kann auch der container nur lesen und nicht schreiben, hast du evtl die Verzeichnisse vertauscht?
  6. Ich weiß es ist off topic aber dein Treiber wäre fertig, Anleitung und DL link wo hin? Keine Garantie das es funktioniert aber es sollte
  7. Simply delete the old Plugin, go to Tools -> Upgrade OS and update to 6.9.0 stable, reboot, go to the CA App and install the Nvidia-Driver Plugin (then you have two options one is to disable and enable the Docker service again, option 2 is to reboot, that is what I recommend).
  8. That wouldn't work because of two things: You have to restart the container to check for updates You can't update a game that is running since it replaces files The best thing is to restart the container and it will check for updates and install them. If you want a auto update you have to talk to the game developers (Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub).
  9. @JoergHH das ist was ich auf die schnelle gefunden hab: https://www.deskmodder.de/blog/2020/12/30/telekom-problem-mit-github-und-aws-s3-downloads-auch-nach-mehreren-wochen-nicht-geloest/
  10. Die daten liegen auf AWS ja. Die Telekom hat probleme mit langsamen Downloads zB von Github und speziell AWS und rate mal wo die Update Daten von Unraid liegen... AWS
  11. @JoergHH dann solltest du problemlos upgraden können, warum funktioniert es mit dem integrierten Updater nicht, hast du auch die Deutsche Telekom als Anbieter?
  12. Kernels? Basically the driver is installed on every reboot and if you set the prefered driver version to latest then it will also check if there is a newer version available and download it on boot, so the boot can take a little longer. But it shouldn't take too long since the package for the Nvidia Driver is about 130MB in size, if there is no newer version available then it will simply install the driver and continue boot, will take about 20seconds... Yes the Plugin installation is permanent if you installed the Nvidia-Driver Plugin
  13. Exactly, the Nvidia-Driver or Intel-GPU-TOP are working hand in hand and the GPU Statistics Plugin has to be installed after one of the first mentioned, actually because one of the first two is needed so that the GPU Statistics Plugin can work. Hope that makes sense to you.
  14. Are you connecting with your local or public ip?
  15. The default setting was always 1 and not 0
  16. Why has this everyone set to 0? The default in my template is 1...
  17. I have also a GTX 750, this card is at least capable of transcoding h264 but nothing more and also I get no temps and power draw in the Plugin because nvidia-smi is completely broken on some cards even on my GTX 1050Ti I don't get a Power draw or usage reading.
  18. Where? Through the Steam Server Browser or in game? Is the server running, can you give me the output of the log in a text document and drop it here? Updated my container about an hour ago and tried to connect everything works just fine.
  19. Eventually Limetech will create a GUI that integrates nicely into Unraid itself. As you can see now the plugin is not very polished and well looks not that good because I'm not really into HTML, PHP,... (but at least it is usable I think and the basic functionality is in there)...
  20. I don't think this will solve the problem but anyways there is no driver built for the card you have. Also I don't think the GT220 has NVENC but I could be wrong about that, but what I also think don't work that the "old" driver version of 'nvidia-smi' isn't compatible with the Plugin from @b3rs3rk. Wouldn't it be better to buy a used GTX1050 or something similar that is capable of 4K encoding and decoding?
  21. Naja irgendwann ist gut, sieh dir mal diesen Thread an: Klick dort kannst du selbst auch mitvoten. Aktuell wie die beiden vor mir schon gesagt haben, nicht bzw. nur schwer, wirklich schwer möglich.
  22. Hmmm, this is a really strange issue, are you sure that your PC already have the update?
  23. I tried now to connect to my server and it works just fine. Can you give me the log, was it working before? Are you sure that you aren't affected by the world destroy bug?
  24. This is not possible with this card. Also this card isn't compatible with the necessary binaries to use it in a container.
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