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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is really strange and this shouldn't happen... I will look into this again...
  2. I think it's after the contianer is restarted but I could maybe wrong about that, this is the first report about that the server doesn't saves the world at some point right without the container being restarted or do I understand this wrong? You can also bump the number of backups to keep in the template to 48 or even 72... Yes I know if you read back a few pages it's all about that bug, that's why I implemented the backup function to the Container.
  3. I think you mean CA Backup? CA Auto-Update only will stop it when there is an update available and my containers will need not much updates because they handle the updates on it's own when they are started/restarted. You can disable it to stop the container when they are backed up by going into the CA Backup and click on the bottom on 'Show Advanced Settings' and there you can click the little slider icon to don't stop it. I would recommend this to prevent the world destroy bug or at least to look out for the "WorldName.db.new" so you can always go back to an earlier backup because you should have the backups of a whole day... Also I've read about that the world destroy bug was fixed but I'm not sure if the only talking of the game itself and haven't fixed it in the dedicated server but that would be a question for the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub. This should be the right setting.
  4. Yes I also have one in my Unraid-Kernel-Helper thread but I think it would be better to solve it first why it isn't working on 6.9.0RC2 because when 6.9.0 is released you will have the same problem I think... I already sent you the link in a PM for 6.9.0RC2 with Nvidia drivers included. Anyways here is the link to the prebuild 6.8.3 with Nvidia integrated (first post on the bottom, you also will need the Unraid-Kernel-Helper Plugin from the CA App to see your GPU UUID):
  5. Exactly. Yes I know but I already head a few people that experience this with a P2000 one even had a P2000 that was already completely broken and didn't noticed in 6.8.3 It's really deficulty for me to debug this because everything you search online with the error seems to be a hardware failure or something related to a failure. I will search the build and contact you again give me a few minutes, it's really early in the morning.
  6. I don't recommend that because the world destroyer bug is still out there as far as I know. Are you restarting it with a script? Go to your share settings and click on the appdata share and look what the setting 'Use Cache Drive' says.
  7. What have you done now? Have you disconected the monitor from the Card and are you booted with legacy. May I ask if you are able to pull out the Card from the server and test iton a desktop system? If you can do that please be sure to install the drivers, the basic display output works always, after that run something like furmark for a few minutes and see if it crashes. The last way thing I can recommend is to go with a build with the drivers integrated, I think I have one lying around somewhere.
  8. Are you restarting the Container frequently? Have you enabled to move your appdata directory off of the cache to the Array?
  9. This is already integrated if you pull the template from the CA App again. EDIT: But keep in mind that you also have to have ValheimPlus on each client with the exact same settings, otherwise you can't connect.
  10. May I ask what you did? What have you done or better speaking what have you removed? The container and also the directory that is created in your appdata folder for Squad? I now pulled a fresh copy from the CA App an the server starts fine. Here are the last lines from the log (sorry, the log is rather long but these are the last lines): Squad.log The server is running and I can query it just fine from the Steam Server Browser: EDIT: If you have entered Steam Creditials in the template then please remove them, they are only needed if the marked as required with the red *
  11. Es wäre besser du vergibst deinem Server eine Statische IP dann kann das Problem nicht mehr so leicht auftreten, vergiss aber danach nicht die portweiterleitung wieder anzupassen.
  12. Hast du das Portforwarding angepasst in deiner Telekom box oder was auch immer du hast, es ist klar das es nicht funktioniert wenn sich die Interne IP auf 122 geändert hat und du vorher 113 oder so hattest am schluss.
  13. You have many ways to connect to the container over SSH through your Unraid server: Connect to your server via SSH docker exec -ti Valheim /bin/bash su $USER With this commands you are in the "user" shell of the container. A user.sh script is actually a strong tool, this runs as root on every start of the container and you can basically install everything inside the container to create a connection what you want. For example a SSH daemon, TELNET, or whatever you can imagine, you even can write a script that waits for inputs but as said I don't know how such a Discord bot works and what kind of input our output it needs...
  14. What is similar? Should be possible but you have to write a user.sh script that will execute at the startup of the container. I don't know much about Discord bots and how they work...
  15. Die Frage ist mit was suchst du, laufen die Container wirklich oder loopen die? Ein Log der beiden Container wäre auch wirklich hilfreich. Hast du die Portweiterleitung auf die neue IP geändert in deinem Modem? Was für eine IP hast du im Steam Server Browser eingegeben oder hast du wieder den Domainnamen eingegeben?
  16. Sorry wasn't clear enough in my previous answer. You should be able to connect to the server via the Steam Server Browser with 'YOURINTERNALIPOFDELUGEVPN:2457' if you also created a port entry for the ports UDP 2456-2458 in your delugevpn template. Sorry I really can't help with that and I'm also not sure if this is possible via a VPN because you have to physically open the ports for the IP address that you are connected through and then can connect with the 'VPNPUBLICIP:2457' with the Steam Server Browser. Really don't know much about PIA and if this is possible through there services. Have you shared other services through the VPN that are accessible from the internet?
  17. This is a warning and not an error, nothing to worry about or that prevents the Container from running. Your log looks like a perfect fine start of the Container with ValheimPlus.
  18. That is indeed a good question. I think you can or at least have routed the traffic through correctly but please keep in mind that I don't think that is possible to connect to the Container since you have to open the ports on the public IP address from your VPN so that someone actually can connect through it.
  19. Be sure to set the onboard graphics to your primary boot display in the BIOS and not the PCIe slot and connect the display to your onboard graphics. This is persistance mode and is maybe depricated now, Nvidia mentioned that long time ago that this command will be depricated some time. Are you sure that the card is in P0 amd not P8? nvidia-smi has a lot problems with older cards now, for example my GTX 1050Ti reports also that it's in P0 but it is actually in P8. What you can also try is to force a transcode and then see if the card falls back to P8 after the transcode ends. Also this has to do with the driver and not the Plugin itself.
  20. Wo siehst du nach? Emby oder TVHeadend? Also dieses Problem hatte ich noch nie aber ich werd mich mal auf die suche begeben. Hast schon mal ein log auf gemacht und dort nachgesegen welche Zeit dir dort angezeigt wird?
  21. Thank you very much @SpencerJ! 🥳
  22. What you can try is that you backup your bz* files from your USB Boot device to your local computer on a safe place, that's actually the UnraidOS so that you have a backup that you can downgrade to. Then I would try to download a prebuilt image with the DVB drivers included for Unraid v6.8.3 from here and replace the files on the USB Boot device (first post on the bottom): Then do a reboot and you are actually on 6.8.3 and you can look if the prebuilt images work for you... If not then you can simply restore the old files that you backed up before (at least I hope this is possible from 6.8.3 back to 6.4.1 but I think so).
  23. You have to execute line by line from the buildscript. You should be able to integrate it with the Kernel Helper. I don't know why he is using 6.8.2 and don't know why he is using an older version then that what was avilable but keep in mind that I never supported 6.8.2 I made this tool for 6.8.3 and up (because I made this Container on 6.8.3 and never had it running without anyting lower than that). The main problem here was something different. You have to understand also my point of view here because I'm a community developer and want to push Unraid forward and do this for fun but with such people the fun dissapears and so I decided to only support the very latest version of Unraid because in 6.8.2 was actually a bug and a prebuilt image was always available in the first post on the bottom with Nvidia for 6.8.3. As said above I never had support for 6.8.2 that Plugin that he was speaking from was from another developer that made his Plugin depricated. This is a longer story as you might think with the other user... If this user wasn't that offensive the 6.8.3 Kernel-Helper would still be around (only for your information, I pulled the Kernel-Helper out of the repo entirely and thought a very long time about releasing it again and in which form).
  24. Well that would be super optimized. Is only in the Github. Exactly but I want to do it a differnt way than others (no path's at all) or path that are not pointing to each other. Not brushing away, if somebody explains it to my I think I can understand it... Eventually...? Also don't forget that I came out from nowhere... I'm really open to recommendations, or changes to make it Super Duper Unraid optimized. Thank you very much. 🎉 Yes, I think I can add that to my template. Do you think a WARNING in capitals will be enough? I really undsterand that support of such things that are always the same are frustrating... So I think we can find a solution about that.
  25. From what I've know, no. Yeah but that isn't possible without the directory '/mnt/user/' from the host from Unraid or as you said a User makes his file structure on the host (Unraid) like this '/mnt/user/media/movies' & '/mnt/user/media/tv' & '/mnt/user/media/downloads' then the user could use as host path '/mnt/user/media' and mount it in the container like '/mnt/media' but that's completely up to the user and not the way I have it. Otherwise you have to use the path '/mnt/user' if a user has a filestructure like this '/mnt/user/movies' & '/mnt/user/tv' & '/mnt/user/downloads'. I think I know what I mean... But as said before that's up to the user and nothing I can do about, if a user has the wrong file structure, I don't know if they are willing to change that... I don't think so, from what I've remember the path aren't the same or you have to customize them in SABnzbd or NZBGet to match the others so they can see the folders and the files are properly moved. That's a thing I can't comment because I don't know nothing about torrents... The only thing I can do about it to add a note into the containers. I completely understand your arguments but if I change the paths a new user can have a really hard time or even mess up his whole Unraid installation with many shares if something is setup wrong... Also I understand this from the support site because this would be a mess to support. What would your recommendation? Should I add a note about the path's, the thing that I don't want to do is change anything by default... EDIT: Eventually write me a short PM and we can chat about this, but please after the weekend, today is my birthday...
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