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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Yes, that would be my next step since this solves the issue for most of the USB DVB Tuner users. EDIT: Please be sure to remove the DVB Plugin first before you build your own custom images.
  2. Tested it now and it works flawlessly. Gameport means your actual game port as stated above: and +1 means, well +1. So to speak 2456+1=2457 is the query port: Please read the second recommended post in this thread at the top also the description of the container says:
  3. I think you mean the docker.img not the log file or am I wrong? Tested it now and it works fine, please be sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet without PiHole or any other blocking software in front of it. Try to stop the container, delete everything from the jdownloader2 directory that is located in your appdata directory except for the 'cfg' folder.
  4. Yes this is a problem of the game itself and the developers have to fix it, this is why I added this backup function to the container.
  5. ich777


    Ich verstehe nicht ganz, was meinst du mit Verbindungsversuch? Was startest du neu den Container oder Unraid?
  6. Please try to force an update of the container and try it again, now hopefully everything should work. Yes I think so, that's a question that you have to ask on the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub. That's what the developers of the game recommend to use and I don't think it's enough to forward just one port since the 2457 is only the query port and 2456 is the game port, I think 2458 is also needed but for what it's for I can't tell.
  7. I will look into this and correct it if it doesn't work like it should, will report back, give me 1-2 days (currently I have no Valheim server running but in theory the backup function should work fine). I will report back.
  8. Exactly. Nothing too special or modified, I pull Jellyfin out of the official Jellyfin repo then only install the Intel drivers and AMD drivers to the container. Exactly. As said before try to upgrade to RC2 and try it for your self, you could always downgrade to 6.8.3 the only thing you have to do if you are really downgrading is that you have to reassign the cache pool.
  9. I think you are talking about Unraid 6.9.0? Don't know if AMD GPU's are supported in the container from Linuxserver, basically you can install whatever container you like. To make this work you need actually the "drivers" in the container and the "modules" enabled on the host (Unraid). You can only use this container and make use of your AMD GPU if you install Unraid 6.9.0RC2 otherwise you are stuck with CPU encoding. From my perspective 6.9.0RC2 is really stable (I run it since it was released and had not one crash or any weird behavior) and it is safe to install.
  10. Then I guess it works fine... Most developers give no support for mods because this is really difficulty to support... Eventually they are outdated or not compatible with the game any longer... that is only a guess and I really can't help because I don't know anything about mods for Factorio.
  11. No menue there, the tool was manly made to display the temperature of the card and flash the card via CLI or better speaking to delete the Boot rom from the card. Please look up how to flash you card on the Mellanox site since this differs from card to card....
  12. The most easy way would be to create a RAID0 with your onboard controller since most of the onboard controllers are capable to do that and then share the disk with iSCSI. You also know that there is a Plugin for iSCSI and you don't have to actually create custom images.
  13. Exactly this plugin installs only the Mellanox Firmware Tools (to flash the card or switch between modes) and is not a driver but the Mellanox ConnectX-3 should work just fine OOB in Unraid, even a ConnectX-2 is working fine OOB (had both of them). Eventually try to delete the 'network.cfg' from your '/boot/config' directory and start over with a new netwrok configuration) Here is a screenshot from my card that is working just fine:
  14. Please force an update on the Docker page, the container is now working again with ValheimPlus. This seems like you container can't connect to Github. Anyways, also please try to force an update of the container on the Docker page.
  15. Are you sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet without PiHole or anything in front of it, it downloads just fine on my end but they've changed something lately. Please try to run the server without ValheimPlus for now they changed something that breaks the container.
  16. The public property is still in there but if you look at the password I have removed that you can leave it empty (I won't change too much because this game is in pretty early alpha and I don't know what changes next).
  17. What is the exact issue, this is nothing to worry about... As the warning itself says, it's a warning not an error. I can not reproduce this issue, a log output would be very helpful, this is the startup of a fresh installed container: valheim.log EDIT: this is the log output after a normal restart of the container (including the above posted log output, can it be that you save is corrupt?): valheim2.log Have you changed anything in the template? As @Durin said no because this is a completely different protocol that Valheim uses than http or https. Your friends can connect with YOURDOMAINNAME:PORT in the Steam Server browser because your domain would be translated in your public IP so this should not be a problem, all you have to do is set up the DuckDNS container from @linuxserver.io and register a DuckDNS domainname and you should be good to go.
  18. Ja das wäre normal für 10GB mit einer 1Gbit/s Verbindung. Das kann ich dir nicht sagen ohne weitere Infos, kopiert er sicher auf die Cache und nicht gleich auf das Array? Welche Cache hast du also Hersteller, genaue Bezeichnung. Bitte mach doch einen neuen Post hier im Forum da es komplett Off Topic ist.
  19. Es gibt SFP Ports und SFP+ ports, über den Daumen kannst es mal so runterbrechen: SFP = 1,25Gbit/s Duplex SFP+ = 10Gbit/s Duplex Aber SFP+ ist auch abwärts kompatibel zu SFP sprich du kannst in einem SFP+ port auch ein SFP modul betreiben aber nicht umgekehrt. Wenn dein Port nur SFP ist hast du keine möglichkeit ein SFP+ modul darin zu betreiben und sprich hast nur einen normale 1Gbit/s link. 10GB 15-20min? is schon lang, würd ich aber auf ein anderes Problem tippen, schreibst direkt auf das Array?
  20. Wenn du den hier hast: Klick sind es, wie @MartinG schon richtig schrieb, nur SFP und keine SFP+ ports und die können kein 10Gbit. ? Verstehe die Frage nicht.
  21. You've already posted on the Github of the creator of this Container or am I wrong? Have you also made a post in the Factorium Forums? This is a question for the creators Github and the main problem is that everything is working in the case you just want to run a simple Factorio server without mods or am I wrong? But even if you create a bigger world it should not take that long I think... Yes, that should be possible. to import the map, the main folders are the Saves folder and the User folder that is located in your 'appdata/7dtd' directory, just be sure to stop the Container before importing the map.
  22. You are using Plex or am I wrong? If you are on Plex please try to load up a native client such as Plex for iOS or Plex for Android and try to transcode a file. I have now a few reports that if you try to transcode through the webclient that it wouldn't work to switch the quality to something else than it was when the playback was started. If you can also reproduce this behaviour then it would be nice if you can make a post on the Plex forums, a user here in this thread already opened up a Ticket:
  23. Kann ich dir leider nicht genau sagen... Ich kenne leider deinen Container nicht und weiß nicht was du da genau integriert hast. Aber normalerweise sollte deiner natürlich auch weiter funktionieren.
  24. Ja sieht gut aus, kannst du den Linuxserver container mal ausprobieren?
  25. Nein wird nicht mehr benötigt. Die Module sind auf jeden fall geladen und sieht alles gut aus. Kannst mal checken ob du den Pfad '/dev/dvb' hast sprich ein Unraid Terminal öffnen und 'ls /dev/dvb' eingeben und den output hier posten? Nein, ich kompiliere nur die neuesten Treiber, kannst mal den Linuxserver TVheadend Container probieren (ich weiß du kannst den nicht produktiv benutzen aber nur zum testen).
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