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Everything posted by ich777

  1. -> see second recommended post at the top of this thread.
  2. Then you have to force an update of the container of the Docker page (looks like you have the old version). That is actually a feature, you can share SteamCMD over multiple container since it's only needed at the startup of the containers and can be used from multiple containers at once. Have you already provided the log? Are you sure that you have a password that is longer than 5 characters?
  3. No, it is all working I think or am I wrong? This is due to a bug that I can not resolve for now... Do you have only one tuner? Sorry should learn to read... Eventually try another USB ports. I don't even experience such a problem with my DigitalDevices/TBS/DVBSky PCIe cards. Eventually you can try to build a Unraid version with the DVB drivers built in. Please look at my Unraid-Kernel-Helper thread (it's really not that difficult, just select what you want, let it do it's thing and replace the files on your USB Boot device).
  4. That's actually a feature request for the devolopers that they eventually show the currently running version at the start of the dedicated Linux server. Please post this on the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub. As far as I know, you can only see this in game in the community browser list (dependent on if your server is listed there.
  5. @BergstromMN, @RyanOver9000, @ddube Please look at thread that @hammsandwich made, he now said that the update now works... Are you sure that the container has exclusive access to the internet, without PiHole or any adblocking software in your Network? What you can also try is to set a custom DNS for this container, to do so go tho the template and enable the 'Advanced View' and at 'Extra Parameters' add '--dns=' <-this is the GoogleDNS server, choose whatever you like. Evenutally this will solve the issue. Please also note that SteamCMD can be sometimes really, I better might say "special"... Please note that what @RyanOver9000 said, I've built in a special functionality that will automatically create a Backup folder in the main directory and take every 62 minutes backups of you world and will save the last 24 of them, so you will always have a backup and no manual backups are needed anymore...
  6. Is seems there is something wrong with your network connection so that SteamCMD can't actually connect to Steam itself, what you can try is to turn on the variable 'Validate' by setting it to 'true'. Are all files in your game directory? This line tells you that SteamCMD can't connect to Steam. Can you log into Steam on your local computer? It should look like: Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...Logged in OK
  7. Sadly no because I don't know your exact network setup. Try to choose bridge mode and try again, eventually then it will work. What you can also try is the Debian Buster container...
  8. Exactly. Works just fine, eventually try from scratch and redownload a fresh copy of the Template from the CA App. In my case, as you can see in the screenshot I can query the server and also can connect to it just fine with the new port.
  9. Have you more than one tuners attached? I have got a few reports with problems related to USB Tuners. The process that you sent the screenshot is started in TVHeadend, can you reach the server if it is locked up already via SSH? If yes, please try to stop the container with: docker stop NAMEOFYOURTVHEADENDCONTAINER Or you could also try to type in: kill 12600 (12600 is actually the process ID)
  10. Can you try to enter: YOURLOCALIP:8080 if there shows up a site? The site that should show up is: If not then there is some other kind of network error.
  11. Seems like something is wrong with the IP. Have you set a Custom IP? In your timeout screenshot it seems that noVNC wants to connect to: but in your log screenshot the IP seems to be: Please go into your template and set the right IP at 'Fixed IP address'. The container is definitely working because I use it right now and the log also seems fine. EDIT: And also select the appropriate interface in the template.
  12. Can you send me the log? What is the exact error? Please note that the first startup can take some time.
  13. If you add something like the following in your SWAG configuration should do the job also (change the values in CAPITALS): server { listen 443 ssl; include /config/nginx/ssl.conf; server_name photprism.YOURDOMAIN.at; location / { proxy_redirect off; proxy_pass http://IPOFYOURCONTAINER:PORT; proxy_set_header Range $http_range; proxy_set_header If-Range $http_if_range; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; } } This would be a simple reverse proxy.
  14. Please read the description of the container. To update simply restart the container, if that doesn't work set the Variable 'Validate' to 'true' without quotes so that it validates the files and pulls the new update (please delete true after the update was successful since it will always validate the game files and the startup takes longer).
  15. Eventually try to contact your ISP about that if they block any ports, eventually they block UDP ports...? Yes that's possible, look here:
  16. Please notice that both is not UDP and some games won't connect if they detect that TCP is also opened like Chivalry: Medival Warefare. Was this a dedicated instance or did you hosted that in game? Please note that you are hosted the server in game this is a completely different story because your IP is routed through a relay server. I tried it now and it works fine and I can see it from "outside" in the Steam Server Browser. Please note that if you have as base port 2456 then your friends have to add it with: YOURPUBLICIP:2457 I can only think of a problem with your ISP or that it takes some time to update.
  17. Sorry I really can't help when you are not answering the questions... Have you changed anything in the template? Are you sure that you forwarded the right ports and also the right protocol (UDP)? When you are saying you've hosted this on a Windows machine was this through the game itself?
  18. Even if they are trying to connect through the Steam Server browser? I can connect through it just fine. Please read the second recommended post in this thread at the top. EDIT: Eventually a log output would be helpful if the server is running also, have you changed something in the template?
  19. This thread is usualy started in TVHeadend and is related to the first tuner, what kind of drivers have you installed?
  20. @mgutt weiß nicht ob du den container schon gesehen hast aber er ist jetzt in der CA App verfügbar (hab gestern nach noch einige kleonigkeoten geämdert und er unterstützt jetzt AMD/Intel/Nvidia), support thread ist hier:
  21. Yes, please look at the second recommended post at the top in this topic.
  22. You need the Unraid-Kernerl-Helper Plugin and that will show you your UUID. What kind of file are you teanscoding, are you sure that the card is capable of transcoding it? What is the output of 'watch nvidoa-smi'? Please try to install the GPU Statistics Plugin feom @b3rs3rk and you will have a nice little overview of the usage of your GPU in your Dashboard and also see the transcoding status.
  23. Can you give me an example of how you do it with a nginx configuration. Sure this is completely possible with a reverse proxy, do I understand that right that you want to do something like: photoprism.yourdomain.net
  24. Das sollte auf keinen fall das problem sein, wie gesagt ich hab den linuxserver container auch getestet nur hab ich einen 10600. Glaube eher nicht da andere auch beides in verbindung mit transcoding nutzen.
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