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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I can't tell you if that's normal because I don't know your exact setup... EDIT: But I think this are very specific ports for SIP: Click If you google something like 'install workshop content steam cmd' you should find something like: Click or Click
  2. Even if I implement this, I don't think the version of QEMU that is shipped with Unraid supports that feature or am I wrong?
  3. The container should be updated not that often since the container pulls the update of the game files, if an update of Valheim is available simply restart it, if it wouldn't pull the update set the variable 'Validate' to 'true' and it should begin to validate the gamefiles on the server start (after it validates the files please set the variable back to empty because if you leave it at 'true' it will always validate the gamefiles that can take longer than a normal startup). The container is updated that often in the last time because I do my best to do everything about the world corruption bug that I can... The server shouldn't reset but since there is a BUG in the gameserver itself I can't tell if this will happen to you or not, this is completely random. No you have not controll over the seed because there is no option (at least that I know - if you know it please contact me) to set a seed on the world generation, but you can import a world from your local computer, please see the second recommended post on the top of this thread on how to do that. If it is newly generated there will be a new seed. As said there is currently a bug in the server that the developers of the game are aware of and there is currently no fix for this (I implemented a backup inside the container now to prevent or at least somewhat solve that problem for now): BUG - Click.
  4. @ConnectivIT, @TheExplorographer, @theiam79, @M2k, @cryosin, @Whiskey90, @jeremytodd1, @TheBrian, @zmanfarlee, @Spectral Force, @Kuwabara89, @bjamm, @hyperhtml, @Symon, @darknavi, @Dragon99, @Hectic, @BSAVAG3, @SolidFyre, @[email protected], @wbzial, @nesede, @bobfromacc0unting, @cardo, @ohdear94, @luckyy, @NotYetRated, @MacGeekPaul, @tinycatsamurai, @Torbjorn, @darkslyde, @n0drod, @RPM-Monkey, @jvperez, @MadeOfCard, @Pl4ytimes, @TechnologyZ & @grufftech I now implemented a Backup function into the container itself to prevent or at least to somewhat solve the world corruption bug that is present in the gameserver itself. It is set to create a backup after every 62 minutes after the start/restart of the container you will find the Backups in '.../valheim/Backups' and will keep by default the last 24 backups (this will keep you always a full day of Backups in case something goes wrong). To enable this function you have to force an update of the container (ATTENTION: PLEASE KEEP IN MIND IF YOU FORCE AN UPDATE THE CONTAINER IS EVENTUALLY NOT STOPPED THE WAY IT SHOULD STOP, I WOULD RECOMMEND TO STOP IT IN THE FIRST PLACE AND THEN FORCE THE UPDATE ON THE DOCKER PAGE). If you don't want to use this function I've update the template (but you have to pull it again from the CA App or add the variables manually, be default it is always enabled with as said above 62 minutes and keep the last 24 backups. The variables are: Key: BACKUP_FILES | Value: true Key: BACKUP_INTERVAL | Value: 62 Key: BACKUP_TO_KEEP | Value: 24 Please keep in mind that Valheim is an early alpha game and such bugs are likely to happen most of the times...
  5. Keep in mind that this server is in alpha state and I got many reports about that, I think this is some kind of alpha issue and the game has to get a bit more mature... In the ingame server list or im the Steam Server Browser? Please read the second recommended post in this thread at the top. The server startup looks just fine. What are you changing? Have you got a log output? Are you running a world that you have imported? Has the worldname changed? Please also keep in mind that this server is in alpha and the developers know this bug, see the third recommended post in this thread at the top.
  6. This message should be harmless... Which container are you thinking is causing the issue? Please also check if you are on the latest BIOS version or if there is a newer BIOS version available. I would recommend using a USB2.0 USB Boot device since they run normaly cooler and you only need them normaly at the system boot. SLC USB Keys are my recommendation but the are not cheap. I paid for my Transcend JetFlash 170 1GB about 30,- Euros I think.
  7. Exactly. Eventually install the GPU Statistics plugin from @b3rs3rk so you see the utilistion in your dashboard. And yes you only need the Nvidia build.
  8. You can't setup a DiscIO with a Cache Pool because if you want to setup a DiscIO you have to pass through a whole disk that is dedicated to iSCSI and outside the Array or a Cache Pool. FileIO is no problem and can be on the Array or a Cache Pool but is also much slower. For example I use a SATA SSD and get the full speed out of it over my 10Gbit/s link to the Server without an issue.
  9. Exactly. The iSCSI Plugin which I created, you can only see it in the CA App if you are on 6.9.0rc2, also @SimonF made an addon to my Plugin (nicer GUI) because he got much better webcoding skills than me (someday I will integrate the GUI from @SimonF when I got more time to implement it, but further testing is needed). I don't understand, this is as stable as it can get on Linux. Limetech already included the Kernel-Modules for iSCSI and I wrote a plugin for the necessary tools to interact with it and have a basic GUI (the Plugin is in Beta state because, let's say the GUI is pretty basic because I got not the best webcoding skills... ), you always have the ability to use it from the CLI). I use it on a daily basis with my SSD in my server and connected to my Gaming rig where my games are on, no problems so far... That's a question Limetech has to answer, I think someday they will implement it but for now you have to stick with the plugin that will install all the necessary tools to interact with targetcli be it from the command line or from the GUI. EDIT: But think of other Plugins like the Nvidia-Driver, DVB-Driver, Mellanox Firmware Tools, Unassigned Devices, Unassigned Devices Plus,... they are all Plugins and they work just fine, much easier to install these days...
  10. Problem solved now, like I said, please try another USB Boot device. Best would be a USB2.0 SLC device.
  11. What issue? You should always be able to connect to the server from the Steam Server browser (second recommended post in this thread at the top) even if you are connecting from outside if the port forwarding is done correctly. @TheBrian in case you didn't found it yet:
  12. As said earlier this game is alpha and I think this wouldn't change in the near future... This seems like a perfectly fine startup. You can browse it in the Steam Server browser please read the second recommended post, as said earlier this is a alpha...
  13. What? That should not happen. Please keep in mind that I only wrote the plugin for easy installation and the driver is compiled and downloaded by/from limetech itself. Can you give me the syslog output? Can it be that your USB drive is going to fail soon? EDIT: Please post eventually your diagnostigs here Tools->Diagnostics->Download and upload the zip file here.
  14. I think something is blocking the traffic but can't tell you what, I have it tested with my server and my laptop connected to my mobile phones internet and it works just flawlessly when I type in my PUBLICIP:2457 Yep, just to not bloat the thread here... Please try to set this to the actual disk not /mnt/user. If you got a cache drive installed and the directory is on your cache drive then /mnt/cache/appdata/37648-valheim1 (also please make sure that you set the use cache in the share settings to 'Only' or 'Prefer') Most of the games that I make needs the path to the physical disk /mnt/cache and not the fuse filesystem /mnt/user I also can imagine that Valheim doesn't like any special characters like "-" in the path but that is only a guess...
  15. There you go: First of all I edited your post and saved the log to a file. Are you running the default settings, what have you changed? How long is the password, keep in mind that it has to be at least 5 characters long.
  16. Have you tried to delete the plugin and reinstall it? Have you any old plugins installed?
  17. Is it possible that your ISP blocks some ports so that a port forwarding isn't possible? Also have you tried to connect over the server browser from a external client? YOURPUBLICIP:2467 Sorry I really can't help here since I've tried it now on my own and I can connect trough the Steam Server browser.
  18. Please see one post above your's there are many more bugs, this game is in alpha state I think and the developers have a lot of work to do. I don't think so when you are saying that one friend is able to find the game in the list. The container is not different to a root server or a dedicated machine, also why shouldn't it be able to register if you friend can see it. I think 5000 is the hard limit that the developers set and then it doesn't refreshes anymore. See two posts above yours. Why would you do this. This is a game specific problem. Yes this is a perfectly fine start of the server. Keep in mind this game is in alpha state and when I initialy created the container the server list in game doesn't even worked...
  19. Please also read this, this is a random bug and currently there is no solution to this:
  20. Maybe but I would make a feature request to integrate that directly into Unraid.
  21. Have you already tried already to reboot? If the command nvidia-smi fails it seems there is something wrong with the download or the installation of the package.
  22. I would recommend to try to start over again and delete the folder that is created for TF2 and the container, tried it again and everything is working perfectly fine: tf2.log and I can connct to it and play on it. I think in your case it can't access all the files. Please try to start over and delete everything related to the TeamFortress container. EDIT: these are my settings: I don't see the protocl here is it UDP? Sorry I'm not too familar with Unifi. Please check if you forwarded all ports UDP. This is I think mostly a forwarding issue... Please keep in mind that if you leave the ports at the default you have to enter YOURIP:2457 and not 2456 in the Steam Server browser and click refresh. Just for proof I see a few Dockers in the list that wasn't renamed completely, so the container runs just fine:
  23. Are you sure that you have forwarded the right ports and with the right protocol (UDP)? Please also try to connect with a computer that is outside of your local LAN since if NAT reflection is configured wrong you can't join from your local network with your external IP.
  24. Please refer to this thread about the broken/corrupt world files for Valheim: Click Currently there is no fix! Here are the notes about crashes bugs from 9th February 2021:
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