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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Don't give up... Everything is possible. Sadly I can't help...
  2. Please at least try on Github itself, since I officially don't support any mods, I only create the base Containers everything else is up to the user and since I'm made many of the Containers by request I can't play every game and test if it works with every mod...
  3. Sorry I'm really unfamiliar how mods work on Factorio... I only play the vanilla variant or better speaking played the vanilla Factorio, the forum is almost a full time job. ^^
  4. No, just for the mods folder, that can mess up your whole permissions. No because with this command you allow the user/group/others to read/write/execute the files that are inside the folder...
  5. Try to use: 'chmod -R 777 WHATEVERDIRYOUWANT', that is the "Ultimate" permission... EDIT: But don't use that on the whole server just one directory! USE WITH CAUTION! I can only think that it can't read the files and empty's the file again.
  6. Is the Server working without any mods or better speaking can you connect to it without mods? Sorry I'm not too familiar with mods...
  7. This is a issue that is about mods, just to let you know go into the template and click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device', select 'Variable' from the dropdown, at Key enter 'UPDATE_MODS_ON_START' and at Value 'true', click on 'Add' and then on 'Apply' I already posted that on Github.
  8. Can you give me a link to your Github issue? The container is again obsolete? Sorry but I can only laugh... This is the second time that it would become obsolete and I have to change to another repo, but I can't imagine that since on DockerHub the last update was pushed about 2 days ago...
  9. ich777


    @Chrisu Ich kenn mich leider mit Arch nicht wirklich aus (komm aus dem Debian lager wie man an meinen Containern erkennen kann ^^ ) aber nicht mal ein händisches nachinstallieren bringt was. Ich find den Container auch ein bisschen groß nur für einen Dateimanager gepackt sind das ca 600MB und entpackt schätzungsweise das doppelte (ich versteh auch das noVNC seinen Platz braucht und evtl noch andere Kleinigkeiten aber das wären dann 300 bis 400MB oder so in die Richtung... - weiß leider auch nicht genau was Krusader an archivprogrammen benötigt aber das kann nicht so viel sein ). Würde das auch mal im dementsprechenden Thread als feature request anbringen. Sonst, gerne nochmal melden und ich schau mal ob ich einen Container mit verschiedenen Sprachen bauen kann
  10. I've now tried to build a kernel on my own and it works just fine, are you sure that you replaced all files including the bzroot? If you don't replaced the bzroot it can't work... I think @1812 put in his RMRR patch thread that the replacement of the bzroot isn't necessary but it is if you build something else or at least something additional with the Kernel Helper, have to ask if he can remove that sentence.
  11. Yes, I know but that is just a temporary solution. I will report back on how to make this work or make it work like it should.
  12. Can you try to go to do the following: cd /boot/config/plugins/hpsahba/packages/5.10.1/ installpkg hpsahba-1.txz Then you can execute it, I think there is something wrong when you build it with the kernel helper, I will investigate, the above is just a workaround for now. EDIT: With the plugin installed... I will report back when I know more.
  13. Try to build it without the hpsahba patch eventually I got a typo in there will report back after I rebuilded it.
  14. The hpsahba file should be located in /usr/bin. The path in /usr/local is just the plugin so that it displays and contains only the Readme
  15. Have you installed the plugin? What have you integrated in the build with the kernel helper?
  16. Can you reboot the server and try it again? EDIT: And post the syslog after it started up?
  17. Better would be 'find /usr -name hpsahba' since it would not query the whole shares...
  18. If you integrate all with the Kernel-Helper all should be integrated and no plugin is needed anymore...
  19. What was the output when you installed the plugin, have you closed it with the red X in the top right corner or have you waited until it finished downloading and pressed DONE? EDIT: Try to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it from the CA App please.
  20. ich777


    Ich benutz Kursader nicht, bin mehr der CLI typ... da weiß ich wenn ich was kaputt mache wer es war ^^ Ich glaub aber schon, da binhex höchstwahrscheinlich nur die Englischen dateien eingepflegt hat, hab ich bei luckyBackup auch so.
  21. I will investigate further, I've reverted the changes now please force an update and the server will run with the 32bit one. I will investigate further why it's segfaulting and then switch over to 64bit, but this will take some time...
  22. I would recommend making a Issue on Guthub about that, I think this would be the easiest thing.
  23. Thanks for reporting that and sorry for the inconvenience, pushed another fix so that this should hopefully be the last fix that is needed... Please do a on the Docker page and the issue should be gone.
  24. I think this is because the Container hasen't built in the necessary dependencies for Nvidia hardware acceleration and I would ask on the Github of the creator of the container, not every container has everything built into it for NVENC. You also need the libraries to run NVENC, to pass through the runtime is not always enough. I hope that makes sense to you...
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