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Everything posted by ich777

  1. This is just normal that jDownloader2 displays the wrong port, don't worry about that, if you set this variable just ignore this... Please delete the WebGUI entry since you don't need it and one thing to note, it's wrong, since you change the port in the container to Port 8686 with the variable but the port mapping is set to port 8080 in the container as far as I can tell from your screenshot. As said above when you set the variable NOVNC_PORT to 8686 the port in the container is actually 8686 and not 8080, as above you set the jDownloader_PORT in the continer to 8080 and that cant work because you set the port to 8686. Hope that makes sense to you... EDIT: You have to set the port both host and container to 8686 if you set the variable NOVNC_PORT to 8686
  2. Create a new variable in the Container template with the Key: 'NOVNC_PORT' and the Value: '8686' (To create a new variable go to the Container template, click on 'Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device', Select Variable and enter the Key and Variable). That should do the trick.
  3. In the container there isn't actually cron support but you can use a User Script on the Host (Unraid) and run a command or a python app or whatever. Should the python script run on a certain time or should it run every n minutes/hours? One way would be that you can do a while loop eventually and do a sleep after that, so the command executes and sleeps for n minutes/hours. You should be able to connect to the influxdb or am I wrong, I think you have a sperate influxdb Container installed or am I wrong?
  4. Container is now done, will take a few hours to list in the CA App. Took me a little bit longer to figure all out...
  5. ? In my github? Can you give me to the resource how to set it up since I'm currently in the process of creating it... EDIT: Found it the manual comes with the dedicated server ^^
  6. Is there somewhere a tutorial out there on how to do this or do I have to join the Discord?
  7. Also nice, I'm more the do-it-yourself guy and like open source things or things that you can make open source (sonoff, Gosund, Blitzwolf,...)... Glad to hear, if you got any further questions, I'm always around...
  8. Yep and eventually think about a IP based Power Socket like: Click (I think based on where you live the name can be different I think Blitzwolf SHP2 is also a common name for them) So you actually can turn off or better speaking power cycle the server if it hard locks or any other problem occours. I actually flash those Power Sockets with a custom firmware named "espurna" but I think "tasmota" is more widespread (pretty straightforward).
  9. Yes, this is the way I do it. I also secured it with a strong httpauth and reverse proxy through swag. Just a recommendation: I also would recommend that you install a RaspberryPi with a Backup OpenVPN server so that you can connect to the network if something fails.
  10. Most things are not a good idea to do on Unraid from a security perspective... The best way would be to setup a whole new subnet on a separate NIC and expose services that you want to reach from outside to that subnet/NIC, but that's for most people not practicable...
  11. Uh yes, the other way around... You have two options the first is to enable this option in the Docker settings (you have to first stop the Docker service and turn on Advanced View to see it): Or you assign the container a Custom IP (on the template page of the container):
  12. Is the container reachable when you click on the icon on the Docker page and click on WebUI, if not can you attach the log?
  13. The first question is what does this scripts do? Do they need access to Unraid or are these random scripts that do "stuff" and are not related to Unraid and need only access to the Internet. :D If the container get's updated, what will happen later that day all your installed dependencies will be wiped, but nothing that it saved in the '/debian' folder (Desktop, Documents, Settings,...) will be wiped, you can simulate a update of the container if you click on the button to simulate a update and what will be wiped and what not. You can circumvent that all by simply creating a script (user.sh) with the contents (for example): #!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip Mount that to '/opt/scripts/user.sh' like this in the Docker template: If you do it like this the container will check on every restart if the packages are installed (so after a update of the container itself the packages will be installed again to the container - keep in mind that the start will take a bit longer). Hope that makes sense to you, feel free to ask if something is unclear.
  14. What are core docker files? What do you mean exactly?
  15. Es kommt immer drauf an wie wichtig es dir ist und wie groß die gefahr eines diebstahls des servers, festplatten,... ist. Was hast du mit dem server vor, hast du auch vor irgendwas von außen, sprich vom web erreichbar zu machen? Vergiss nicht, die verschlüsselung bringt nicht viel wenn dein server läuft da er "entsperrt" ist. Ich verschlüssle zB auch nicht da ich mir keinem vorteil darin sehe für private nutzung. Aber wie du schon richtig sagst wenn er in einem unternehmen genutzt wird wäre eine verschlüsselung evtl sinnvoll (aber auch nicht immer, nicht jedes unternehmen hat sensible dateien auf dem server bzw sind die meisten sachen dann nochmal geschützt.).
  16. I don't think it's magic... Have you also deleted the directory in your appdata for garrysmod? That would do not much more because the package is missing in my container that is responsible for debugging (that would make the container about 150 to 200MB bigger and is not needed in the default configuration) The container sets the permissions on every container restart.
  17. You have also more start parameters than the normal template in or am I wrong (can't imagine I have -debug left in). I would really suggest to start over again... Is your appdata directory set to use the Cache drive 'Only' or at least 'Prefer'?
  18. Appreciated? Where are you accessing it? From your local LAN or do you want it to access it from outside (over the internet)? If you are want to accessing it from the LAN type in: YOURSERVERIP:PORTOFTHECONTAINER Or simply press on the Icon on the Docker page and click on WebUI. If you want to access it from outside you have to install SWAG or any other reverse proxy and configure it that you can access it from outside (I've put a example on the Readme.md on Github for something like SWAG). Btw you can also use my Debian Bullseye container, since I'm only pushing minor fixes to Debian Buster and no longer maintaining it actively. Bullseye is really stable it's only marked as Beta because it's not officially released yet.
  19. Have you installed it on the Cache drive? I recommend starting over again, eventually something is messed up? Try to delete the Container and also the directory... Have you pointed the Container to the exact location? Wrong: '/mnt/user/appdata/garrysmod' Right: '/mnt/cache/appdata/garrysmod' or if you have it on a Array disk (eg: disk3): '/mnt/disk3/appdata/garrysmod' or if you have it on an UD disk: '/mnt/disks/YOURDISKNAMEHERE/garrysmod'
  20. Eventually someone at pterodactyl can help you with this isn't it also possible to install it through pterodactyl? Isn't there some kind of Unraid interface for HomeAutomation available on the CA App. I can think of a HomeAutomation software (like HomeAssistant) that connects to Unraid and to Start up different Containers so you can create multiple users and with the benefit that you actually can send a WOL to your server so no need for IPMI.
  21. If they can access IPMI I think you can give them access to your Unraid GUI also... Have you tried it yet without pterodactyl? And why would you not let the gameserver run? You know that every open port that is not in use is a securtiy risk...
  22. Das glaub ich eher nicht da das Plugin jemand anders entwickelt, steht auch so im Bugtracker. Was wurde denn über den Haufen geschmissen? Es stimmt du kannst jetzt deine Plugins multilungual erstellen, musst aber nicht. Was spricht dann gegen einen PR?
  23. If haven't written anything if there was a crash on the Array, I would say that is pretty save to cancel the Parity check... There are also prebuilt images on the first post on the bottom for 6.8.3 with even newer drivers. Nope, that is not necessary because if you are upgrading to RC2 the bz* files replaced anyways. Have you installed VM's? I think this is something for another thread but it's a start, you have to keep in mind that much changed from 6.8.3 to 6.9.0rc2 I also had to update my Networking for the one VM that I have that I build my containers in and also set up another cache pool (that's actually a really cool feature now). I think it would a start to get some logs or look into the logs if everything is okay or if it spams your log with errors or warnings. Have you also installed the latest BIOS version on your motherboard? Another thing is if you boot into Legacy or UEFI mode, I always recommend booting into Legacy (also named CSM I think) because it gives at least me no troubles.
  24. How did you solve it? Was it this parameter or have you recreated the Container and copied over your save file?
  25. This is eventually something for the Emby forums... Wonder if Jellyfin does the same he thought and fired up his dev machine... EDIT: Jellyfin does the same like Emby... Just ends if the transcoding cache is full, if you end the movie and go back to the main menu the transcoding cache is cleaned but that's also something for the Jellyfin Github issue tracker.
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