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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Have you installed this in a Docker container or in a VM? If so please send me the resources or what you have installed exactly so that I can look into it.
  2. Thanks for the report. I have now reverted back the PR that I've got a few days before. Please don't edit the main files in your game directory since I've now reverted back the changes and your server wouldn't be able to start. Stop the container Change the files back to their original name Do a of the container on the Docker page Start the container I will investigate that further why the x64 executable isn't working and push a update where it is working.
  3. Sadly this is something for the Factorio forums since this is not my container and I can't do anything to change that... EDIT: Or even better opten up a Github Issue: Click
  4. Oh sorry haven't read that. Share your appdata directory over SMB and you can browse the files.
  5. You can see all versions or better speaking Tags here: Click To change the Tag go to the template and at 'Repository' change it from stable to what you want from the link above (for example if you use 'factoriotools/factorio' this means that you want to use always the latest version, everything after the ":" is the Tag): In your 'valheim' folder that is located in your appdata directory you should have a '.config' folder and there is the savegame (actually you have to go into a little more subdirectories in the '.config' folder can't remember the exact path but I think you will find it ).
  6. The same as in the template 2456 to 2458 all UDP.
  7. Then there would be about 100 pages here and that is too much for a single developer... This is actually not my Container, I only created the template because Factorio as a more or less "official" container. Where did you edit it over SMB? You can also try to download the 'CA Config Editor' from the CA App and edit the file with it (please note to please be sure to create a backup of the file in the CA Config Editor). The second thing that you can try is to reset the file permissions on the command line...
  8. Oh sorry, I looked now again over the log and it seems perfectly fine. What is the exact problem? The server has successfully started in your case, I bet you can't see it in the ingame browser or am I wrong? All the posts before are about that... I also added a note to the template that says:
  9. Passthrough is the wrong expression, use it in Containers fits it more... Can you test two things for me? Hook me up with a short PM and I will send you the links if possible. You are now on Unraid 6.9.0rc2?
  10. Sorry my bad, serverport + 1 is right. Look one post above I also now added it in the description of the container.
  11. Auf unraid installiert man nichts da es bei jedem restart verloren geht da unraid aus dem ram läuft, du kannst mal versuchen einen docker containerzu finden und den dann in unraid bei den docker container einzubinden.
  12. I added a note to the template hope that's sufficient enough:
  13. Have you changed anyhting in the template? Can you attach a screenshot from the template? I would recommend to start over and try it with the default template: Delete the container Delete the created directory for Valheim in the appdata folder Redownload it from the CA App EDIT: Have you installed a cache drive in your system and is the share on which the folder for Valheim is located set to use cache 'Only' or 'Preferred'?
  14. You have to change the file 'server.properties' that is located in the minecraft folder im your appdata dorectory. You have to log into the console and op youraself with the command: op YOURMINECRAFTNAME (How to do that is in the description of the container) Then I would recommen to chaneg the gamemode of your kids in game. Hope that helps. This was discusses one page erlier... I also add a note about that in the Container description, @MadeOfCard told me that it takes really long to show up in the ingame server list.
  15. There is a note about that in the template, but I thought they have to be 5 characters long... Like posted above is your password too short? Please read the templates very carefully for the containers, there are usefull informations in there at every variable.
  16. Updated the Container again everything should work now but set the validate option to 'true' first after the update since it's pulling a new version of Multiadmin that is necessary, or you could also Stop the container, then delete the file Multiadmin from the game directory, force an update of the container and than Start the container.
  17. I added a note to the template, will take a little bit to update.
  18. Have you installed a cache drive in your server? Please try once more to delete the whole container and the created directory for the game in your appdata folder. Have you choose a password (if so the minimum length seems to be 5 characters). EDIT: I can't reproduce this, here is the log from a fresh pulled container: valheim.log
  19. If it's set to "Prefer" then it should not move it off of the Cache. If it's really moved off of the Cache that's the problem, since I think some files are on the Cache and some files on the Array and so it basically can't find the files on the Cache drive even if it seems like if you browse the files that the files are on there but they are actually spread over multiple disks and that's what TheForest doesn't like. If you do that you have to run the Mover so that it actually moves the files back on the Cache. EDIT: And because I've saw it you don't have to put the TCP ports in the template, they are not necessary.
  20. I can not reproduce this error, I also attached the log of a TheForest container installed from scratch: theforest.log I can brows the server in the Steam Server browser and it's successfully started. Have you installed a Cache drive in your server if so, is the folder where TheForest is located set to use Cache 'Only' or 'Prefer'? Please post a screenshot from the template itself. Have you entered a Steam username and password, if so please remove it, the Steam credentials are only needed when they are marked as necessary with the red *. Forget that have seen from your log that you login anonymous. EDIT: Try to start over, delete the container and also the directory 'theforest' that was created in your 'appdata' folder.
  21. Sorry for the inconvenience... This was completely my fault Thanks for reporting this!
  22. Sorry, I think this was completely my fault, because I bumped the noVNC version and have copy & pasted the wrong part... Please try to the container and then try it again after the update finished.
  23. Das Problem ist eher das auch der Container die App dafür kompiliert werden muss und das unterstützen muss. Jein, die Kernel Module sind integriert, der Treiber fehlt... Ich würd wenn ich das mache direkt ins Plugin integrieren das man nichts mehr extra machen muss. Warum, das sollte doch funktionieren wenn ich mich nicht irre... Hab mich aber damit noch nicht so befasst, sollte aber so funktionieren wie mit den Intel iGPU's wenn ich mich nicht irre. Oder wie meinst du genau, hast einen link zu einem Thread der das Thema behandelt?
  24. The log output from a first glance look OK. Can you give me a little more details? First a screenshot of the template page would be nice. Have you given the container a Custom IP? Can you also post a screenshot of the error window from noVNC including the URL? Why are you sure? Can you go to Tools and System Devices in Unraid and tell me which ID the card has? The container also sets the resolution this is also a good sign.
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