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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Hab so eine Karte bzw eine Mellanox ConnectX-3 MCX311A-XCAT EN 10G und bin sehr zufrieden nur musst hald bedenken das du noch ein SFP Modul dazu brauchst zB: Multimode Singlemode Ethernet 30m Bitte pass bei denen auf das sind QSFP ports und evtl schwerer zu bekommen oder teurer, aber mit denen hab ich mich noch nicht wirklich befasst. Interessant wäre was sich die an Strom genehmigt und mal abgesehen davon musst ob die 100% zu Unraid kompatibel sind bzw. obs damit Probleme gibt... Kann nur sagen das die ConnectX3 gegenüber der ConnectX2 ca 5-10W weniger braucht (kann aus erfahrung sprechen da ich meine erst umgerüstet hab)
  2. Yes, I can do that and I also thought about creating a Plugin for that some time ago and I also made a few posts in the FusionIO thread but @juchong has sold his FusionIO device/drive and I had no one who can test it... So I've given up on that but if you can test it I can add it and eventually can make a plugin for that (for Unraid v6.9.0RC2+) so you don't have to create custom images. Can you point me in the right direction where I find the drivers (GitHub Repo) and I will look into this. EDIT: After thinking about it eventually @juchong can comment on this, hasn't something changed so the driver doesn't work on 6.9.0rc2? I may could be wrong...
  3. Hab heute nochmal was am Container geändert, evtl. hilft dir das bei deinem Problem weiter, du kannst nun den server auch ohne 'server.cfg' starten da ich einen request hatte weil txAdmin nicht funktionierte (zumindest nicht einfach zu realisieren war). Hier der link zum englischen thread, google translate sollte hier helfen und halbwegs richtig übersetzen :
  4. I have now updated the container, please force an update of the container on the Docker page in Unraid: You now have the ability to delete the entry 'server.cfg' from the variable 'ConfigFile' and the server will start without the server.cfg and load up the txAdmin, but keep in mind that you have to add another Port entry in the template with the container and host port '40120', also you don't have to set any ConVars since these are only if you want to change the port, the default port for txAdmin is 40120 and you then can connect to you txAdmin console with YOURSERVERIP:40120 attached a few screenshots (will update the template discription shortly):
  5. I can do that, but I'm thinking about depricating the conatiner and give it to another person that is more experiemced than me with ARK modding but if I do that keep in mind that the container have to be compatible with default servers and not break something... Write me a short PM about this if you are interested, here is the wrong place to talk about this.
  6. Can you try to run the server without my Plugin for a few days for troubleshooting reasons to narrow down what's the problem? What drivers are you using? I run my server with the DigitalDevices drivers. EDIT: Have you installed a VM on the server? If so is the Networking set to virtio-net?
  7. This is one of the things that can happen with WINE and I can basically do nothing about that since there is no native Linux version of the dedicated Server out there... What is long uptime? Eventually restart the Container every day at a certain time or every week at a certain time.
  8. Naja ich find das halb so wild, mir ost es lieber ich hab ne firewall die ordentlich funktioniert und da is mir die UI egal. Ipfire ist wirklich sehr resourcenschonend, zumindest war es das früher als ich es verwendet hab. Das kann man ja machen nur gehen da die Meinungen auseinander und ich bin hald auch auf der seite das es nicht die beste lösung is. Sobald die VM down is, hast du kein Internet mehr. Vergiss auch nicht wenn du zB ein Plugin installiert hast das beim Start von Unraid nach updates sucht hast du dann auch pech, da du dann noch kein internet hast.
  9. There is no other Plugin available... I compile the open source version of the Mellanox Firmware Tools and pack it up to use it in my Plugin. From what I've remember I had no problem Flashing the firmware on my ConnectX2. Now bought a ConnectX3 because the are really cheap now and also much more power efficient.
  10. It's included in the Unraid-Kernel-Helper, please delete the Container and redownload it from the CA App (I recommend that because I add and change a lot in the template... ).
  11. Glad to hear... @giganode is this necessary anymore? I think the master branch should now also work.
  12. I think this is the problem my container is designed to use the /mnt/downloads folder but that should not be the problem if you mount both containers to the same path, your download client and also Sonarr have to share the same path inside the Container. If you set Sonarr to /mnt/downloads and your download client to /torrents this will not work, eventually try to change the path of the download client to /mnt/downloads, just for testing purpose.
  13. What is failing exactly? Is the file in the download folder and Sonarr doesn't moves it to the destination?
  14. If it does you can always revert back, but it would not interfer with you Nvidia card, why should it...
  15. Basically yes and no. May I ask if you have already sold your 5700XT? If you don't sold it yet, simply follow the instructions and install the patch and you can shutdown/restart/force stop your VM's and the card will just reset fine. That's because the 6000 series is not affected by the reset bug, if a 6000 card is not working on OSX this is a whole different story... I think the card that you are using (5700XT) is made for a PC and not for OSX or does it have a sticker on it that it is compatible with OSX? Only because it works on OSX it doesn't mean that it works completely flawlessly and a complete different story is when you are Virtualizing OSX (first because the Apple EULA says that you are allowed to virtualize OSX but only if the host is also on OSX...). That's the question what you are using the card for, consumer cards are not strictly speaking designed for use in a VM, they are designed for desktop use (you can use it in a VM but who says that you not run into troubles, that's basically the same as I wrote above with OSX and the 5700XT). If the manufacturer says we don't make a patch for that because it's not intended for that usecase you are out of luck and then such awesome people like gnif comes around and even AMD collaborates with him and try to solve the issue. There are many other things to consider... Exactly and that's why I think you should write your frustration somewhere on the AMD forums.
  16. A workaround for this would be to do it on your own for now until a fix is released, since Unraid is based on Slackware this is pretty straight forward... Open up a Unraid terminal and enter the following: cd /tmp wget http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackware/slackware64-14.2/patches/packages/sudo-1.9.5p2-x86_64-1_slack14.2.txz installpkg sudo-1.9.5p2-x86_64-1_slack14.2.txz rm -rf /tmp/sudo-1.9.5p2-x86_64-1_slack14.2.txz You can also append this to your 'go' file to install it on every reboot. I know this is only a temporary solution but it's a solution that works. After that you can issue 'sudo -V' in the terminal and you will see that you now have sudo 1.9.5p2 installed. (Btw the package is from the official Slackware repo) EDIT: Wrote a quick Plugin if this is what you are after, it will do basically the same and you don't have to edit anything (works only from Unraid version 6.8.2 to 6.9.0rc2): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ich777/unraid-sudo-patch/master/CVE-2021-3156.plg
  17. Big Navi is basically the 6000 series. For a overview of the cards code names look here: https://github.com/gnif/vendor-reset#supported-devices
  18. Then follow the guide for the reset patch for your 5700XT and install it on your server and you should be able to reboot your VM's seamlessly... The bug is fixed in the 6000 series cards, with this cards you can reboot VM's seamlessly. Yes, they colaborate with gnif to make his patch possible and this is the current solution to the reset bug.
  19. A simple restart of the Container should do the job (open up the Log for the container and look if SteamCMD updates the game or if it says up-to-date). If it says up-to-date go into the template and set the variable 'Validate Installation' to 'true' (without quotes) and SteamCMD will verify the installation (don't forget to remove the value 'true' from the variable because a startup with the validation takes longer than normal). Hope this helps.
  20. @saber1 wollt nur mal anmerken so funktioniert es auch. Hab da ein extra package kompiliert/gebastelt:
  21. @Cyd to the rescue... But I think on linux you don't can use this flag. When @Cyd answers I will make a note in the description about this flag in the template since many people seem to have problems with this flag.
  22. This seems like a Chrome related problem tested both Chrome and Firefox with Jellyfin and Plex here are the results: Firefox: Chrome:
  23. I think this adapter has two modes or am I wrong one is InfiniBand and one is Ethernet. You have to upgrade to 6.9.0rc2 first then you will see my Plugin in the CA App, these are the open source MFT tools that I compile for every release of Unraid (then you can access the Mellanox commands from Unraid itself):
  24. The template is now updated, will take eventually a few hours to show up in the CA App. Please keep in mind that you have to configure some things to fit your needs if you want to customize it. If you download the Container for the first time the startup can take a while since it downloads all necessary files through SteamCMD and then executes the server.
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