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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Please read the secomd recommended post on the top, are you sure that your password is at least 5 characters long? What have you changed in the template? Try to set the Valodate option in the template to 'true'. This is a knowm problem with SteamCMD. Please turn of the value if the game is updated. Delete the files in the save folder and extract it from the created tar.gz archive into the svae folder. Please read the second recommended post on the top to get the location of the save folder.
  2. The Drivers for the Coral Acceleration Module are now included in the build, the template will take a few hours to update so that it actually shows the option for that (keep in mind that you have to delete the container and redownload it from the CA App).
  3. This seems pretty easy to implement, please hook me up with a short PM. Also would this be enough if we chat and implement that after the weekend because weekend is family time for my and my little son's birthday was yesterday...
  4. I released now a Plugin for Unraid 6.9.0rc2 and up so that the installation of the Drivers is as easy as going to the CA App and search for 'Coral-Driver'. It will take about an hour to show up in the CA App and you also have to be on Unraid 6.9.0rc2 to see the package in the CA App.
  5. You have an old window of the Docker page open please refresh the window and click again on log. This is something for the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub because this is related to the game and not the container itself. As said many times in this thread Valheim is in pretty early alpha state and such things are very commen to happen. I don't know anything about that, have you got a resource or link to the repository?
  6. The first thing that I've found was this on reddit: Click What do you mean exactly with hanging? Is the system unresponsive? From your syslog I see you are having the custom build installed, do you experience any other problems? Can you try to turn on persistance mode (but I think that wouldn't really solve the issue and is just a workaround).
  7. You don't have to wait 15 minutes for the steam server browser, just look at the log if the game is downloaded you should be able to connect instantly. The 15 minutes is just for the ingame browser (but that doesn't work often). The last time I checked there was no gameserver for Linux available and they said that there will be no dedicated server for Linux. Appreciated.
  8. Can you explain this a little bit more? You can't join the game but your friends can? Or are you the only one that can see it in game? If you are the only one that can see it in the in game server list that's something you have to ask the developers of the game itself since I can't do much about it because it's related directly to the game and not my container. Please keep in mind that the game is really early alpha state and such things are very likely to happen, if you and your freinds can join through the Steam Server Browser everything should be fine.
  9. Yes and no, just update to 6.9.0RC2, reboot and then go to the CA App and install whatever you want (after the reboot you will see that in the CA App are plugins for iSCSI and Nvidia). In versions 6.9.0rc2+ installation of the drivers is done by plugins. EDIT: Give the Nvidia drivers a little time to download since these are a file about 130MB in size... Just follow the instructions on screen.
  10. Du kannst deinen Unraid Server gleichzeitig als syslog Server fungieren lassen und auch als Remote sprich du aktivierst den syslog Server, wählst einen share aus und danach gibst du bei Remote syslog server die IP von deinem Server ein, ist eigentlich ein "dummer" workaround aber funktioniert...
  11. This would be something that you can ask on the Valheim Discord/Forums/Steam Community Hub. Yes, turn on the debug log output in the template by clicking on 'Show More Settings' and turn the value from 'false' to 'true' (without quotes), but keep in mind that this will completely spam your log...
  12. I've now builded a test package and also a custom build for 6.9.0rc2 if someone wants to test the files please contact me.
  13. For 6.9.0rc2 I think I can add this as a Plugin if you are interested in that, other than that, this should be possible to implement in my Unraid-Kernel-Helper.
  14. I hate my phone... Hast du schon Rückmeldungen erhalten?
  15. Ohne detailiertes syslog wird das schwierig da der obige auszug nur das Ende vom log is , kannst evtl auch ein syslog posten bevor er abstürzt? Du verwendest Unraid 6.9.0rc2 schätz ich oder? Wenn ja welche treiber hast im DVB Plugin installiert? Sieht aber nach irgend einem Hardwareproblem aus... Hast du die TV Karte nicht mal im Slot getauscht? Lief auf deinem vorherigen System bzw mit dem vorigen Betriebssystem alles oder ist die Kombi aus Hardware neu? EDIT: Darf ich fragen wie du deine CA's hinzufügst bzw hast du Kartenleser an Unraid dran?
  16. Yes, because I don't built an image with iSCSI and Nvidia, is an upgrade to 6.9.0RC2 possible? Since you can install everything (Nvidia, iSCSI, DVB,...) via plugins over the CA App, otherwise I have to build you an image for 6.8.3 that includes Nvidia & iSCSI... EDIT: Btw I run 6.9.0rc2 from the first day and never had a crash, so it's pretty stable I think.
  17. I think you found the solution, hope my backup solution works for you too... This is completely game dependent and has nothing to do with Steam, I think the show the servers that are near to you but I may be wrong about that. You are talking about the steam credentials or am I wrong? If so please remove them, the game will fail to update on the next update... I would do it like this way: Look at the Backup folder in your valheim directory and pull the last backup out of there (also look at the timestamp when it was made so that you actually got a faily "new" backup). Stop the container Remove the credentials Hit Apply to start the container again If everything is working then you can play now, if the container loops or the world doesn't look like before open the archive that you copied over and put it in the savegame directory (look at the second recommended post here in this thread at the top). First of all I edited the post and put the log in a file to not bloat the thread. What have you changed in the template? Are you sure that you have a password that is at least 5 characters long? I would only add this if you got problems updating the game. Please try to start over, delete the Valheim Container, then delete the 'valheim' folder from your 'appdata' directory and pull a fresh copy from the CA App and try to not change anything if it starts up. Is the game on the Cache drive and is the path something like '/mnt/cache/appdata/valheim'? I only made the template for Factorio but you can change this by changing the tab in the template at 'Repository' from 'factoriotools/factorio:stable' to something like in your case 'factoriotools/factorio:1.1.21'. You can get a full list here (if you want to see all tags, click on Tags): Click The server does indeed crash, but I can't see why... Try to revert to an older Backup or you start over and see if this happens too on a new world. For all of you please note that this game is in pretty early alpha state and such things can happen and I can't really do much about those things.
  18. Exactly replace all bz* files on your USB boot device from the archive (keep in mind to first uninstall Python if you have it installed through the NerdPack, a custom version is needed for iSCSI that is already integrated). Or you could upgrade to Unraid 6.9.0RC2 and install the iSCSI Plugin from the CA App (the iSCSI app is only visible if you are on 6.9.0beta35+) You can also download the Unraid-Kernel-Helper Plugin from the CA App and you should be able to configure it from the GUI, but please excuse my poor web coding skills... The GUI is very basic and it works. But you can also do it over the CLI...
  19. Please don't put in Steam credentials where they arent marked as required in the template, otherwise the download will/can fail. Also the container should do all automatically also updating but the update doesn't work sometimes because of Linux caching and SteamCMD is sometimes a little special. The force_install_dir and everything that is needed to update the server is only executed on a Container start/restart. Nice that it works as expected Appreciated and no I'm not a nerd god, I even didn't run the server only for testing and so on because I simply got time to play because of the game and this thread, the game is really in an alpha state where everything can happen that you don't expect, that's why I implemented the Backup function for now, eventually I will disable it one day when the issues are resolved
  20. Warum du machst die sortierung in TV Headend einmal und dann gut ist's. Markier die Sender die du Zurodnen willst mit gedrückter STRG Taste (ich empfehle dir unten die angezeigten Sender pro Seite zu erhöhen) und klick dann auf Ausgewählte zuordnen -> Gewählte Services zurodnen: Danach hast sie dann hier und ganz wichtig ist das sie aktiviert sind und sie eine NUMMER haben (dort kannst die Kanäle übrigens auch umbennenen): EDIT: Und ja, du kannst Bouquets anlegen aber ich kann dir nicht sagen wie das dann mit Emby zusammenspielt. EDIT2: Bitte markier mich oder Quote irgendwas von mir ich seh nicht ständig in die Threads...
  21. Try to stop the container for about 10 minutes and then restart it with the Validate option set to 'true'. I see already a container in the server list that was updated: Sadly enough I really can't do much about that if SteamCMD doesn't want to update the game...
  22. Then it should be updated, sometimes SteamCMD is a little "special". You have to try it again. What version does it tell in the in game server list? EDIT: Have you already tried to connect to it through the Steam Server Browser?
  23. Oh didn't notice that... Try to get a cheap 1050Ti or something similar (but nower days that's really difficult to get a graphics card for cheap), the 1050Ti should cover you just fine and doesn't need external power.
  24. Have you turned the Validate option in the template to 'true'?
  25. May I ask which CPU do you own? As from what I've see in your iGPU should be capable of transcoding almost everything like my i5-10600. Just install my Intel-GPU-TOP plugin from the CA App (also works on 6.8.3) and add a device to your template with the path '/dev/dri' and you should be good to go (that applies to Emby, Jellyfin, Plex)... You should be able to transcode plenty of streams with the Intel iGPU and also there is no artificial limit of simultaneous transcodes. (Just be sure to set it in the BIOS to your primary GPU)
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