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Everything posted by ich777

  1. I will look into this but this will take a few days.
  2. I'm not really the CS:GO specialist since I run mustly only CS:Source (but it should basically the same) and the download of the CS:Source maps works just fine for both the integrated "slow" download or the "faster" fastdownload solution. I think this has something to do with the configuration, also make sure that the CS:GO server can read the file, eventually the file permissions have changed, but this should also be resolved after a Container restart since every time you start/restart the Container the permissions are set. Also shouldn't be the custom maps in a folder called 'custom' and a subfolder with 'maps' or am I wrong here? That was the quickest solution in my mind... Please keep me updated if you solve your issue, this Container is not different to a dedicated server that runs on bare metal.
  3. You have to make it publicly available, otherwise a fastdownload server isn't possible because it downloads it from an "external" site. The normal download function should work just fine if you restart the container after making the change. Please try it with this function or you give the map to the other players manually and they have to place it in the maps folder.
  4. Integrated the hpsahba patch in the Unraid-Kernel-Helper (the update of the template will take a little bit so that it actually displays the option to build a custom build with the hpsahba built in): A Plugin for Unraid 6.9.0RC2 is also on it's way but needs some more testing.
  5. Have you also restarted the Container after updateing the server.cfg? Please read here how to do do that: Click also here I found something on reddit this should be your error: Click For a fastdownloadserver you need a external server with a certain folder structure.
  6. Hab das bis jetzt auch noch nie gebraucht aber ich glaub auch immer das es and deine Mailadresse gebunden ist oder irgendwie so, ich bin da leider überfragt. Und selbst wenn die Lizenz jemand klaut, wie du schon richtigst sagtest das es relativ unwarscheinlich ist, und aktiviert kann man sich hier noch immer an den Support wenden, dort werden sie geholfen... ^^
  7. Exakt. Warum, wer sagt das? Es gibt hier einige Leute die benutzen Unraid in einem dedizierten Netz ohne Internetzugang. Verlust ist eher selten schätze ich... Such mal in der CA App nach 'CA Appdata Backup/Restore v2' dort kannst du fast alles was Backup von Stick, Appdata,... einstellen und auch Zeitgesteuert starten lassen. Ich verstehe die Frage nicht ganz... Die Lizenz bringt jemand anderem nichts da du den Stick mit deiner GUID hast. Ich kopiere zB mit CA Appdata Backup/Restore v2 auf eine Platte, die fix im Server verbaut ist, in Unassigned Devices gemounted ist und nicht per SMB Freigegeben ist jede Woche und es werden nur die letzten 5 Backups behalten um Platz zu sparen. Kannst auch extern machen mit einem User script, sieh dir dazu den Support thread zu Unassigned Devices an, dort sind ein paar Beispiele, ich find die Lösung über CA Appdata Backup/Restore v2 einfacher da es eine GUI hat. Glaub @mgutt hat auch ein anpassbares script das du theoretisch in Unassigned Devices einbinden könntest und das automtaisch ausgeführt wird wenn die USB Platte angeschlossen wird (ist übrigens mit Unassigned Devices möglich).
  8. From what I've know it should be possible since it uses also the VA-API but you will need some kind of software/drivers on the host (Unraid). I'm currently trying to get my hands on AMD hardware but it's not that easy since I only need it once to test if this is possible and what is needed to make a Plugin or something to make it work. The process is basically mostly the same I think as for Intel that you have to modprobe the driver and then pass '/dev/dri' through to the Container, with the only exception that you need, like said above, some kind of software/drivers on the host.
  9. Ich verweis dich mal kurz hier hin: Nein, wie in dem FAQ oben schon steht du brauchst nur eine aktive Internetverbindung wenn du eine Testlinzenz nutzt. Da bei einer Testlizenz nachhausetelefoniert werden MUSS um abzufragen ob deine Lizenz noch gültig ist. Wenn du dir eine Lizenz kaufst dann wird auf den USB Stick einmalig eine Date von den Unraid Servern runtergeladen und du brauchst beim starten keine Internetverbindung mehr. Wenn du eine Lizenz gekauft hast nicht da die Datei auf deinem Stick ja schon drauf ist und die an die Seriennummer des USB Sticks gebunden ist und es wird nur geprüft ob die Lizenz zu deiner Seriennummer vom Stick passt (dafür ist keine Internetverbindung erforderlich). Wie oben in dem FAQ auch steht die Lizenz ist an den Stick gebunden und nicht an die Hardware. EDIT: Bitte schreib wenn möglich in deinem Thread Titel "Lizenz" stat "LIZ", so ist es für andere leichter wenn die auch mal eine Frage zur Lizenz haben und beantwortet evtl deren Frage.
  10. You need at least to be on Unraid 6.9.0beta35 for the Plugins to show up in the CA App.
  11. I'm not too familiar with tadarr but is the problem also appearing when you only let Plex transcode? Have you also installed the proper driver and did you stress test it, since the basic display output works mostly fine but after the driver installation the problems appear like in this post: Are you able or better speaking willing to test a custom image with the drivers builtin?
  12. On which Unraid version are you? If you are on version 6.9.0RC2 this would be possible I think through a plugin. I have to look into this... Also I have a plugim for Mellanox in the CA APP where mstflint or mstcomfig is integrated and natively available on Unraid if the plugin is installed.
  13. No, these are just Warnings from WINE since there is no native version of the dedicated server for Linux available I had to run it through WINE, that's also why the Container is marked as beta in the CA APP
  14. So you've used the stable builds and not the plugin here?
  15. Bumped noVNC to version 1.2.0, you now have the ability to use the sliders like you have it in other containers.
  16. Exactly, I had to remove the support pre beta or RC since there where some pretty nasty posts so I decided to support only the current version and since RC2 is really stable and has only visual bugs in it for some users (temps not displayed after a reboot). I can recommend you RC2 since as I said above @giganode & @derpuma run RC2 with the patch and everything works just fine.
  17. But you are not running it in a VM and also in Docker at the same time? @bellyup & @emersonicus if I build both of you a custom verison of Unraid with the Nvidia drivers integrated can you try it?
  18. Seems there is something wrong with physical connection itself, have you connected it through a riser cable or something? Also please try to reseat GPU in the PCIe slot. Have you already tried to reboot?
  19. I recommend searching for Unraid-Kernel-Helper on the CA App and download the template, it's really self explaining how to use it. If you start the container for the first time it will do it's magic and when it's done it simply stops and the files are located in the output folder in the kernel directory in your appdata.
  20. You don't need Intel GPU Tools if you install Intel GPU TOP amd with intel GPU Statistics you see the usage on the dashboard. I would recommend that you revert the changes since you don't need it anymore, Intel GPU TOP enables your iGPU at boot. Have you passed through the device '/dev/dri' in the template? Have you the device /dev/dri on the host? Open up a Unraid terminal and type in 'ls /dev/dri' if it says no auch file or directory your iGPU isn't working.
  21. I will take a look into this next week. Eventually I can do something about it but I wasn't aware of that this is necessary but this could lead to other problems but as said, I will look into this.
  22. Not at the moment see this screenshot from here: (if you hear that the Linux version of the server is released feel free to contact me again)
  23. Eventually this is the problem, please try to boot the server in console mode and see if you got a output.
  24. Yes, please report back if everything is working for you normaly... Strange error, only heard of that when a module is out of date or depricated and doesn't work anymore...
  25. You should have a display output, eventually it's the monitor that can't display the resolution or the connection type, hdmi, dp,... I also know another user that has a 9900 and he sees the terminal output just fine. Or are you running Unraid in GUI mode?
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