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Everything posted by ich777

  1. No, only as a target. No chance that you attach the drive to Unraid?
  2. Achja hab ich schon wieder vergessen, die USB2.0 variante von denen benutzt reine SLC Zellen. Naja, mit der Änderung die jetzt ab Unraid 6.9.0beta31 in Kraft getreten ist schreibt Unraid schon mehr auf den Stick, zumindest wenn du das Nvidia, DVB, iSCS, Mellanox Firmware Tools, ZFS,... Plugin installierst (bei Nvidia beträchtlich ~150MB bei jedem neuen Release von Unraid, die gelöscht und neu geschrieben werden). Bekommst du den 2 bzw 4GB USB2.0 Stick auch bzw. mich würd der Preis von den beiden interessieren. Leider bekommst die Transcend Jetflash 170 die ich benutze auch nur als Gewerbetreibender.
  3. Für mich würd schon allein die Langlebigkeit von SLC Zellen für sich sprechen und da würd ich den Preis auch außer acht lassen für 4GB ist das nicht unbedingt viel, zumdest für eine SLC Zelle auf einem USB Stick.
  4. Nein, nur das die Hardware kompatibel zu Unraid/Linux ist. Ganz genau, du musst nur falls du ein neues Motherboard einbaust es so konfigurieren das es vom USB stick bootet. Alter Server shutdown Platten, bzw. Hardware die du noch verwenden willst umbauen, Festplatten umbauen und alles anschließen USB Stick vom alten in den neuen Server Neuen Server anschalten und ins BIOS -> USB Boot Fertig, Unraid sollte alle deine Festplatten finden und richtig zuordnen
  5. If you done that it can be that it doesn't work as in my testing when I created the container back then... A restart will fix this... Eventually the persistence mode/daemon can fix the fan speed issue for you but Nvidia eventually will deprecate this feature/daemon soon. The container definitely works since I already answered a few questions about, I think it was 'Lutris' for this container. Don't know if you ever have a use case for this container because I mainly created it to play games over Steam Remote Play.
  6. Have you attached a monitor to the card itself? Try to also change the variable 'Main Display:' to :1
  7. Yep, you can see actually that you GPU is doing something because P0 is the highest power state and at Sessions it shows 1. Can you try to change the value at 'Xorg Dsplay Output Port:' to 0 (oh there is a typo in the Variable name).
  8. You don't have to do that since the container already does this. What does the log say if you start it normal? Should look something like this: debian.log If it looks like this you should be able to connect to it with VNC, eventually if everything started up fine the fans should ramp down:
  9. This line seems off. Can you give me a screenshot from the template? EDIT: Are you executing the commands inside the container or on Unraid itself?
  10. Yes, this should theoretically work just append it to the 'GAME_PARAMS' in the template like so: Oilfield?Scenario=Scenario_Refinery_Push_Security?MaxPlayers=28?Password=Docker -GSLTToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx But I don't run such a server but this should work, you can find the documentation for the game here. You don't have to do this for InsurgencySandstorm, only in the container templates where the Steam Username and Passwords are marked as required it has to be filled in, otherwise the download will/can fail and the game even wouldn't install at all.
  11. @Darren Cook If you need assistance with downgrading to 6.8.3 feel free to contact me or follow the post that @Zorlofe linked. Here you can get the files for the stock Unraid 6.8.3 with Nvidia driver (pre built images at the first post at the bottom):
  12. May I ask if you can try out my DebianBuster-Nvidia container from the CA App and report back if something changes (background to this is that the container actually starts a desktop environment with Xorg and the driver should initialize the card for that eventually the fans will ramp down). The container is basically a Desktop environment with steam preinstalled I used that for Streaming my games to lower spec machines (if you want to try it out I would recommend you that you give it a static IP in your local network - and please notice the controller isn't workin have to figure this out sometime... ) EDIT: If you try this container keep in mind that the first startup can take longer since it have to download the driver for the container and install it. At least one thing that works...
  13. This seems pretty normal to me, my card 1050Ti is in idle (and basically all the time) at P0 but it's actually not because the power reporting is broken that cards for some reason, the 1060 3GB that I have is in idle at P5 but it also consumes almost no power. The power states in general are a little weired I think the reach from P0 to P15 where 0=max performance and 12=max powersaving but not all power states are available on all systems nore are the available on all cards as far as I know. The persistance mode is only to keep the card in a certain state and/or alive to not idle out, I also read about that this mode or daemon is becoming depricated soon. Leave it as it is since all is working as expected or am I wrong?
  14. Is the powerstate switching if it's in use and for example transcoding from P8 to anything other? This may be a driver issue, you can also try to enable persistance mode but this is the last thing that I would do. Since P8 is the standard mode for basic video playback/transcoding, it should change if the card has to do more work.
  15. That's a little difficult since I have to create the script for the application to start and download and without the game I can't do it.
  16. Spoke to soon... Can't test or do anything if I don't own the game, eventually there is some sale in the next month or so...
  17. You have to download the Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin (not the Docker container), then you can click on it (Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin) on the settings page.
  18. No problem, try to help where I can. Does the Nvidia drivers also show up?
  19. Yes, simply download my prebuilt 6.8.3 with Nvidia driver builtin, extract it and replace all the bz* files from the archive in the root of your USB Boot Device and it should hopfully boot, but as I said, you have to reassign your cache pool. Please report back if something isn't working as expected.
  20. What is not working reverting back? If you want to go back to 6.8.3 go to my linked post above load the stable version with Nvidia (at the bottom), disable autostart (settings - disk settings - apply), shutdown your server, copy the files from the downloaded zip archive to your USB Flash Boot device (overwrite the existing ones) and restart the server. Then you have to reassign your cache drive (since 6.8.3 can't handle multiple cache pools but keep in mind that only one cache pool will work) and start the array, everything should hopefully work again as you know it (if you also need your UUID from your GPU download the Unraid-Kernel-Helper-Plugin - not the Docker container!).
  21. What exactly? You can upgrade to beta35 and install the Plugin from the CA App, simply follow the steps from the first post. Or you can go to the thread that I posted above an install a prebuilt stable release with Nvidia.
  22. If you need Unraid 6.8.3 with Nvidia drivers please refer to this thread (prebuilt images are at the bottom of the fist post):
  23. You have to change the token if you want to reenable it, this is (as I read in the description) a first installation token only that changes every 5 minutes. Anyways, if the next user has a problem I will dig deeper or if @Madman2012 responds. Other users here have no problem at all like @harshakavuri.
  24. That is a thing I don't know since I tried also to switch between binhex <-> linuxserver <-> plexinc containers But I have to say I first used the Plexinc container and there I also entered the variable 'PLEX_CLAIM' that is needed for the Plexinc container to work properly (at least for me it worked after I put in the TOKEN that I obtained from: https://plex.tv/claim). Eventually this is the main problem. Do you remember if you got the two boxes that I mentioned above 'Use hardware acceleration when available' and 'Use hardware-accelerated video encoding' when you got that problem with the binhex container?
  25. Only a free version for one month... Oh man, I'm feel really more comfortable using Emby or Jellyfin...
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