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Everything posted by ich777

  1. Tried my best but couldn't get it to run, isn't there a Linux version planed? Since this is based on UnrealEngine (at least I think) it should be easier if we wait for the Linux dedicated server version. Feel free to contact me agin when you know more...
  2. Es zählen alle angeschlossen "Speichermedien" bis auf den Boot USB Stick dazu. Sprich in deinem Fall hast du 10 "Speichermedien" angeschlossen. Wenn du noch eine Festplatte oder USB Stick anschließt, egal wie (USB, SATA; SCSI,...), dann zählt das auch als "Speichermedium". Wenn du zu viele Festplatten angeschlossen hast startet das Array nicht. Wenn aber das Array bereits gestartet ist und du stöpselst mehr Festplatten an als deine Lizenz zulässt ist das kein Problem (deswegen stoppt das Array nicht). Hoffe hab alles klären können...
  3. Yes I also experienced that bug... Actually this is becaus I changed something before the release fo this plugin... @SimonF and @Joedy working on a better frontend than mine, I will integrate it soon in the plugin, eventually this or next week. Yes, take the usual steps to assign it to the target. If the FileIO volume exists in the config then you don't have to create it and you can skip this step. If you want to save the config, you have to do this manually. Simply open up a terminal from Unraid itself (in the upper right corner) and type in 'targetcli saveconfig' this should save the config to your USB Boot drive. Sorry for the inconvenience... That's why I marked it as beta but nothing breaking iSCSI itself.
  4. May I ask which Driver-Package do you use? If you really want to donate search in the CA App for 'ich777' and you will find a link. Really glad you like it, please be aware of that if a new version for Unraid is released I have to rebuild the drivers, I try my best to do this as soon as possible. Check the thread (2nd post) if I already rebuilded the drivers. You can also ping me here or with a PM if I didn't rebuild it quick enough... Keep in mind I'm living in central europe...
  5. Just restart the container, it should update itself. My containers update the application on each start/restart of the container itself (I take have a differnt approach to the updates than most container developers). EDIT: I checked it on my Unraid box and the container updated itself:
  6. Theoreticaly yes, but for what is that needed (sorry for the stupid question, I'm not too familar with AMD GPU's). Please report back if everything went smoothly, may I ask which DVB cards do you have?
  7. Nope, have you also switched the branch from 6.8.3 to 6.9.0? One thing to note, I released plugins for iSCSI, Nvidia, DVB and also @steini84 has his ZFS plugin out so it isn't necessary to build your own custom version from beta35. Just download the stock beta35 or upgrade to it after that go to the CA App and you will see the plugins (you simply can't see the plugins on versions below beta35). After you downloaded the plugins reboot and everything should be fine. What additional modules do you want to install?
  8. I do this with a headless VM on Unraid with Docker installed and exposed the Docker service via a TCP port to my internal network so i could use it in Jenkins/Gitea and it's completely isolated. Thanks for sharing.
  9. @SimonF & @Joedy I'm currently very busy with the Nvidia/DVB and my Docker containers, I will take a look at it as soon as possible (hopefully this week).
  10. No problem here with a Debian VM on beta35, start's just fine on boot.
  11. To be clear it's not that easy, you are completely right about the shorl tived branch but that's not the whole story (I also have a link in the first post in the Troubleshooting section where you can see what is short lived and long lived Click). The really latest official is 455.28 (the latest release of the, should I say stable regardles if short lived or long lived..., driver from Nvidia is always promoted here: Click ). Let's say it like this the latest driver from the link above where it only displays the driver number is the 'consumer' driver or better speaking with all features working corretly (at least they should) and all other newer are for 'developers/testers', is that OK for you if we say it like this?
  12. I will contact @limetech about that if there will be different driver version available on request. But remember that normaly only new drivers are compiled (I also think that Linuxserver.io builds only one driver per Unraid version if I remember correctly).
  13. But isn't this the latest Nvidia driver revision, except for the on Sunday released beta revision?
  14. Are you sure this is caused by the transcoding itself? Are you watching over WiFi or over a cable and an which device? This sounds like maybe a network related issue... Have you changed any setting since you switched from beta30 to 35? Can you try to switch over to the latest container 'plexinc/pms-docker' from your currently installed 'plexinc/pms-docker:'? EDIT: Didn't see your edit... You can also try the Jellyfin (free fork of Emby) or Emby (payd version) container.
  15. I will look into this if that is even possible in the next few days.
  16. How have you copied over the files with sftp or over smb? What have you changed in the serverconfig.xml itself? The container tries to modify a few lines and if the not found and point to the right directories the server can't start...
  17. This is a beta driver and I think @limetech won't ever build beta drivers since those are mainly for developers... From what I know about this driver is that it integrates support for the RTX 3000 series (at least for the 3070), fixes a few minor bugs adds also a new Vulkan beta driver but is also still not fully compatible with Kernel 5.9
  18. I'm unsure if Mining cards have the NVENC encoder on it... But what you can do is flash a regular BIOS... but please be aware that this could toally destroy your card...
  19. Have you enabled WriteBack? What hardware are you using? CPU, Cache drives, Array drives, Parity? I'm getting around 100ish MB/s on a 1Gbit connection from a spinning hard drive. Haven't tested FileIO over a wire, only tested it over WiFi and I get about 25MB/s.
  20. @Ryley Robinson not very much, just install the container and it should run, can you give me output of the log itself from the container? Click on the container and select 'Log' or click on the blue text on the right and side, this will also open the log. You actually don't have to run these commands yourself from the terminal since the template or better speaking Unraid does that for you and everything should be working as expected. Also please refer to the support thread here: EDIT: eventually you have to edit the config, click on the little arrow in the right upper corner of the card at the post i linked.
  21. Thanks for the pcture, never seen my plugin display two gpus but nice that this also works flawlessly.
  22. Do it like @almulder said and then install the kernel helper plugin (thats for use with unraid version 6.8.3) that will display informations about the gpu and your uuid.
  23. Oh wait are we talking about 6.8.3 or 6.9.0?
  24. I thinkni will update the driver to the latest version for unraid 6.8.3 tomorrow.
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