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Posts posted by ich777

  1. 9 hours ago, s33d1ing said:

    I set up the DoH server with Pi Hole per your guide and am able to connect to it with my phone through Intra and I see that it is blocking ads, but when I browse to I see that I am not using DoH so I just wanted to  see if it is working correctly or not.



    It say's that you don't use DoH because you don't use the DoH app ;)

    The can't detect it when you not using their app but if you are using their app than you don't get the benefit of PiHole adblocking even if youre not at home (also you know if it works if the ads are gone on your mobile device) also you can't detect easily detect DoH.


    You can also make a DNS Leak test to try if everything works correctly (also don't forget to specify only one upstream DNS server - your PiHole otherwise it will choose any server in the DNS upstream server list).


    DNS Leak Test

    • Thanks 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, bubo said:

    I have this happen frequently with my ARK server folders.  I'm not certain that ich777's container is entirely at fault though.


    I have learned by splitting folders out of the default paths that this phenomenon seems to reside with the default game install folder(s).  When I moved the config and world files for ARK to a separate external path via the docker config, those external folders stopped having their permissions changed.


    For my ARK instances, I had to log into the unRaid terminal and  use chmod to unlock the folders.

    Oh, what? What did you mean exactly can you describe the problem a little bit more?


    In my case i can edit all the files without beeing root on the appdata folder, only if a new file from the docker itself is created you must restart the docker and you can edit it again...

  3. 8 minutes ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

    I’m unable to delete the appdata folders as I don’t have permissions for them, I’m able to point the container to a different path and that works initially, so I start the container, can edit the server config file, restart the container, the permissions change again and I can no longer access the folder. 

    Stop the Docker and remove it completely, click on the console symbol in the Unraid webgui in the top right corner enter: 'cd /mnt/user/appdata' press enter, then enter: 'rm -R <yourfoldernamegoeshere>' press enter (but please be sure that it is something like: 'rm -R 7dtd' otherwise you can delete other folders to) then simply close the terminal window.


    After you do that go to the CA App and redownload the Docker.

  4. 2 hours ago, WeAreTheDynamite said:

    Hey, I had the 7dtd server up and running, tried to reset after Alpha 18 was out of beta, (was running the beta server then reverted)

    But now whenever I start the docker, it changes the permissions on the appdata folder meaning i am unable to modify the serverconfig or any other XMLs... 

    Any ideas?


    Have you deleted the whole folder in the appdata folder and also the Container?

  5. 39 minutes ago, Danny08 said:


    When more than 2 players are playing im getting these overload errors:

    [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 5736ms or 114 ticks behind


    But, why?

    Im using Spigot 1.14.4 (latest), XMS & XMX are at 4096MBs (and not even fully used, its at 2,3GBs). The Docker can use all of my 4 Core i3-8100 Cores and its nothing more on the server active.

    Please keep in mind that this error is a totally game specific question and should be asked in the game forums.

    Also this is only a warning (even on my 32Thread server with 64GB of RAM and the game on SSD's i get this error) it indicates that the cpu is pushed to hard by the minecraft server try to lower your view distance.

    Also there was a bug in the game i think *link* try a quick google search for: Minecraft server ticks behind

    This is a very cpu intensive game and likes speed over threads (5Ghz better than 12 threads)...


    If you don't get any lag just ignore the warning message, it happens mostly on my server if i go to an undiscovered area where the server must generate the terrain but if it's created and you go again to this area everything works just fine without this message.

  6. On 10/17/2019 at 6:30 PM, veizour said:

    Thank you, so much for your work, ich777!!

    I've used multiple version of our steam docker setups. Thanks!


    I was wondering if we could get Starbound (I can provide a copy of the game) and/or Alien Swarm (free) implemented?


    Thanks again, for your time and dedication to the project!

    Tried to get Alien Swarm to work but since my server has 32Threads and there is a bug in the game so that the game wouldn't work on cpu's that got 32 or more Threads i will not make a Docker for that game -Sorry...

  7. 2 minutes ago, S.P said:

    I found the solution...




    There was an issue with mit VLAN and some firewall permissions.

    I changed the network type to "bridge" than the update ran fine. After that i switched back to the VLAN.

    Fine, like i've said, the container couldn't download the zip file.


    Hope it all works now. ;)

  8. 7 minutes ago, S.P said:

    There is no bedrock-server- in the main directory


    I tried it also to do it on my server with your version that's what it should look like:



    You can also try to download the server executable on your computer and palce it in the server directory and restart the conatiner (no guarantee that it works).


    It seems that your server can't download the executable, it get's it from here: Click

    (This is the direct link to version

  9. 22 minutes ago, S.P said:

    Hello i cannot update the Minecraft server.


    The client says that the server version is outdated.


    When i stop the server, to change the game version to the newest ( and then start it again, it says:


    ---Version missmatch Installed: v1.12.0.28 - Prefered:, downloading v1.13.0.34---
    ---You probably entered a wrong version number the server zip is empty---


    How can i solve this problem?



    Your server can't download the file, that's the only thing i can say, i've downloaded it also and it works fine oob.

    I attached the log from my server.


    Please check if you got any space in the version number (in front or at the ending).

    Also please check if you got a bedrock-server- in your main directory, if you it's in there delete it and restart the container.


    @Masterism I think he has the Minecraft Bedrock Edition not the standard edition installed.

    You can also download the jar file on your windows/mac/linux machine and place it in the main directory of the docker you don't have to do it with ssh and wget.



  10. 3 hours ago, Lelo said:

    here is my server cfg - i have another password but changed it to secret in this file. does it have to be docker - and for the commands in the console i used the right password ...

    server.cfg 11.84 kB · 1 download

    First of all, please edit your post and delete the picture, it shows your password...


    Nothing seems wrong here, it should work fine from the ingame console. You connect to the server and enter the rcon password command (it has not to be docker).

    Please refer to the game forums or search for how to use rcon.

    You could also enter 'rcon_address' and type in the address of your server and then enter the password of your server if you don't connect to it in the first place.

    Also i don't know if it has something to do that you doesn't specified a token.

  11. 11 hours ago, Lelo said:

    I allways get an error in the console after checking "rcon status" after entering "rcon_password Docker" or any other set Password ... can anyone help? which settings or logs are needed? could someone provide a step by step guide?



    ] rcon status
    Unable to connect to remote server (


    ] rcon status
    Unable to connect to remote server (

    Thanks for your work!!

    Have you set the rcon password to 'Docker' in the configuration file?

    Can you post you server config file?

    I think that RCON is not set up properly...

    Also this is a game specific question and should asket on the game forums but from a quick goole search i get for example: *Click*

  12. Just now, LLS2Y52YL said:

    im a noob to those kind of things i got very little linux background, and my problem is i got no idea how to use it

    lets say a minecraft server or terraria server, i dont know how to do it honestly should i got to the command line, what stuff should i do to get it starting, do i need to edit files and stuff. that kind of questions goes through my mind 


    i may sound like an idiot but i want to learn.

    Just download the docker and everything will work oob, all other questions are game specific and should be asked in the game forums. The Dockers are designed for easy use, just read the discription carefully and you are good to go. ;)



    14 hours ago, Kudjo said:

    I'm on unraid 6.8 rc4. Did they make a change that I should be aware of?

    Worked it bevor on 6.8? Don't know if they changed something, where is your appdata folder for the game on the array or the cache disks, how are the disks formated?


    14 hours ago, Kudjo said:

    I don't know if this helps, but I noticed that when it runs altitude.sh, it temporarily creates a directory called: "altitude.sh.xxx.dir" where xxx is equal to some number. I can see it start to unpack to the freshly created directory, but then it deletes that directory. So, all I'm left with is "appdata\altitude\altitude.sh"

    That's totally normal and the usual way the game is installed.


    14 hours ago, Kudjo said:

    I did remember to delete that directory after trying to reinstall it once or twice. When I finally remembered, I deleted the directory and tried again from scratch and got the log that I posted earlier. (I'll repost it from my most recent attempt from a minute ago). 

    Did you also uninstall the image and redownload it?

  13. 10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    I have spotted one anomaly in your diagnostics that might explain your symptoms!   You have a share called 'Serien' which is set to a split level of 1  which means that any sub-folder on that share is constrained to the disk on which it is first created.   This will apply regardless of allocation method so is that the behaviour you want?

    For that share yes but that share is not affacted...

    I think i will further investigate and keep you updated if i solve the problem.

  14. 10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    How are you copying the files?    If you are not doing over the network then you may be by-passing the user share system.

    What's the difference here? I copy it from the shell to /mnt/user/... to the apropriate share.


    10 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    the diagnostics look like they were taken after a reboot - not while a copy was actually in progress - is this the case?

    Nope, no restart bevor downloading the diagnostics.



    I now set it to Most-Free and it seems to work now.

  15. Like i've said above i changed nothing.

    Thats the stock settings without anything changed.

    No exclusions or inclusions or anything.

    Nothing changed.


    Don't get me wrong i'm not new to unraid but it acts a little weired

  16. Yes, all drives are always there a completely new setup.

    When i've taken the screenshot it copied to disk1 then to disk 2 and now to disk4.

    I think this is not like it should be...

    Disk1 is 94% full and the server reminds me of every percent, i don't understand why it does this....

    At some point everything is getting really weired how it copies files to the disks.

  17. Split levels are set to default 'Automatically split any directory as required'.

    That's a fresh install of unraid and nothing was changed.

    I'm on unraid 6.7.2


    These are 4 x 6TB WD drives with cache disabled and no parity drive.

    No other array devices on this server.

  18. 1 hour ago, Kudjo said:

    I removed (and deleted the image) of the Altitude docker and when I reinstalled, I keep getting this in the log:



    Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do about it? The only other thing that changed is I am now running unraid 6.8 rc4.


    Thanks again for all you do.

    Have you deleted the directory in your appdata too?


    EDIT: I attached the full Altitude log after a fresh install.


  19. 12 minutes ago, bu2d said:

    It's running off the cache drive and all of the other dockers are working without any issues. Maybe it's something to look into. 


    It might have something to do with the auto save? 


    If I'm the only one having this problem then it's got to be my system.

    Sent you a message

  20. 11 minutes ago, bu2d said:

    I'm running into a weird problem with the Minecraft Bedrock server. I can set it up and it seems to work fine until you play for about a minute. After that you get kicked out with a screen saying the world is corrupt and to restore from a backup. If I restart the docker it works again but only for a minute. 


    If no one is in the world the server will stay on. It only crashes during gameplay. I have recreated the docker, made new worlds with different game types (survival, creative, etc..) and they all crash.


    Has anyone else had this issue?


    Are your disk alright? Eventually one is dying just a thought...


    I've played the game for about ~1h while i tested the game and everything seems to work fine... The conatiner has also 50k+ pulls and no error reported...

  21. 6 minutes ago, mhlnstdt25 said:

    It worked in unraid 6.7

    I added the following parameter for TTT. I removed the webapikey and collection_id.

    Also a collection with a lot of mods.

    -secure +gamemode terrortown +maxplayers 16 +map gm_construct -authkey {steam_web_api_key} +host_workshop_collection {collection_id} -debug

    I rolled back to 6.7. If you need more info i can (re-)upgrade to 6.8


    gmod.log 13.64 kB · 0 downloads

    Delete '-debug' from the startup parameters, that's causing the error.

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